Project 1640 PyKLIP tutorial

Usage instructions for Project 1640 are similar to those for GPI with the exception that the grid spot positions must be found before KLIP can be run. Import the P1640 instrument class instead of the GPI instrument class.

The grid spots locations only need to be found once, after which they can be read from a file. Instructions for use are found below.


P1640 Instrument class and support code to interface with PyKLIP PSF subtraction.

Author: Jonathan Aguilar

The code here defines the instrument class for Project 1640 that interacts with the rest of the PyKLIP module. The Instrument class contains the information that is needed to scale and align the datacubes, and to select the reference slicess.



  • numpy

  • scipy

  • astropy

  • python 2.7 or 3.4

  • photutils #### Recommended (required to run the cube and spot verifier tools)

  • matplotlib

Installing photutils

Instructions for installing photutils can be found here: Note that the conda instructions may not work - in that case, you can try conda install -c photutils


The general steps are:

  1. Collect datacubes

  2. Vet datacubes

  3. Fit grid spots

  4. Vet grid spots

  5. Run KLIP

A set of tools built into PyKLIP makes this easier to do.

The trickiest part is setting up the grid spot fitting and making sure it succeeds. Once that’s done, the grid spot positions can simply be read in from a file. This is described in more detail below.

TODO: Contrast curves and fake injections require unocculted cubes. Currently there is no way to hook these in. Yeah, I want it too. If you want it so bad, do it yourself.


Important This tutorial assumes you are inside the following directory:


A couple datacubes (with all but the essential information stripped from them) are available by clicking this link here or from the command line with wget Download the tarball and unpack the fits files into the tutorial/data folder with the command tar -xvf P1640_tutorial_data.tar.gz

Living On The Edge Version

If you trust me, you can do only steps “Collect the datacubes”, “Fit the gridspots”, and “Run KLIP”. This skips visual inspection of the datacubes and spot fitting.

The P1640Data class will automatically check for the presence of the spot files and, if it doesn’t find them, will attempt to do the fitting itself. You’re then trusting that the fitting succeeds. It normally does, but generally I like to fit the grid spots first, visually inspect them, and then move on to the KLIP step. If you don’t think you need to do this - or you already have done the grid spot fitting and vetting - then you can move right on to the Run KLIP step. Otherwise, proceed below to fit the grid spots.

Collect the datacubes


    import glob

Vet the datacubes

This uses the cube checker, a separate command-line tool that lets you quickly decide whether or not you should include a particular cube in your reduction.

Note: there is a new version called P1640_cube_checker_interactive that is way easier to use, replace P1640_cube_checker with this in the lines below if you want to use it. We have noticed that it can take a long time to load over ssh on Macs (for some reason this doesn’t affect Linux). A workaround is to enable ssh compression with ssh -C.

From an IPython terminal, do: (the syntax here is weird because telling python to evaluate python variables)

    import sys
    import P1640_cube_checker
    good_cubes = P1640_cube_checker.run_checker(filelist)
    %run ../ --files {" ".join(filelist)}

Alternatively, from a bash terminal, do:

    filelist=`ls data/*Occulted*fits`
    python ../ --files ${filelist}

An animation of each cube, along with observing conditions and a comparison to the other cubes in the set, will pop up and the terminal will prompt you Y/N to keep it in the “good cubes” list. These are the files that you will keep for KLIP. If you like the cube, press Y. If you don’t, press N. All the Y’s will be spit out in a copy-pasteable format at the end, and stored in memory (in this case, in the variable good_cubes). After you’ve looped through all the cubes, you’ll be prompted to quit or re-inspect the cubes. If you’re happy with your selection, go ahead and quit (Y), but if you want to revisit your choices, press N to restart the loop. You’ll have redo all of your decisions.

Fit grid spots

Note: you should only need to do this once, after which you can just read in the grid spot positions from a file.

First, re-assemble your handy list of P1640 data.

Grid spots MUST exist, and (for now) they MUST be in the normal orientation. If this isn’t true, then the code will hang.

In order to fit the spots, we need the P1640spots module:

    import sys
    import P1640spots
    # if the variables below are not set, default values will be read from P1640.ini
    # for the tutorial, let's set them explicitly
    spot_filepath = 'shared_spot_folder/'
    spot_filesuffix = '-spot'
    spot_fileext = 'csv'
    for test_file in good_cubes:
        spot_positions = P1640spots.get_single_file_spot_positions(test_file, rotated_spots=False)
        P1640spots.write_spots_to_file(test_file, spot_positions, spot_filepath,
                                      spotid=spot_filesuffix, ext=spot_fileext,  overwrite=False)

(For now, only normally-oriented gridspots can be used, but in the future you should be able to set rotated_spots=True to fit 45deg-rotated grid spots).

The default values for the spot file filenames and directories (on Dnah at AMNH) can be found in the P1640.ini config file. I tend to write a separate config file specifically for the reduction and define them again there, with a custom directory if I want. An example reduction config file will eventually be added to the repo.

Vet grid spots

We can run P1640_cube_checker in “spots” mode to check the spots. Usage is similar to before except now you need to use the --spots flag and specify the location of the spot file folder.

From IPython, there are two ways:

    import sys
    import P1640_cube_checker
    good_spots = P1640_cube_checker.run_spot_checker(good_cubes, spot_path='shared_spot_folder/')
    %run ../ --files {" ".join(good_cubes)} --spots --spot_path shared_spot_folder/

From bash, do: (note: check the value of good_cubes before you pass it, make sure it got set properly)

    good_cubes="copy names of vetted files here"
    python ../P1640_cube_checker --files ${good_cubes} --spots --spot_path shared_spot_folder

Again, you will be prompted Y/n for each cube. Y = keep it, N = throw it out. At the end, you will be told all the files for which the spot fitting FAILED and for which it succeeded. For these files, you can either try to re-run the fitting, or (more likely) remove that cube from the datacubes that get sent to PyKLIP.

When running in python mode, the variable good_spots stores the file names for which you said the spot fitting succeeeded. These are the files which you will use to run KLIP, and can be used to initialize the P1640Data object (more below).


Running KLIP on P1640 data is nearly identical to running it on GPI, with the exception that you have to be careful to only use cubes that have corresponding grid spot files. We’ll start off by assuming that the variable filelist stores a list of the files that you want to include in your reduction (i.e. they passed all the vetting stages above).

    import sys
    import pyklip.instruments.P1640 as P1640
    dataset = P1640.P1640Data(filelist, spot_directory="shared_spot_folder/")
    import pyklip.parallelized as parallelized
    parallelized.klip_dataset(dataset, outputdir="output/", fileprefix="woohoo", annuli=5, subsections=4, movement=3, numbasis=[1,20,100], calibrate_flux=False, mode="SDI")

This will run the KLIP PSF subtraction algorithm. The resulting images are stored in the dataset.output field and written as FITS files to the output directory with the file prefix you provided. The P1640 output header format is that the first header stores the KLIP parameters, and the subsequent headers store copies of the headers from the original FITS files that were combined in this analysis. One file containing a datacube is written for each KL cutoff specified.