Source code for pyklip.instruments.CHARIS

import os
import sys
import re
import warnings
import subprocess
import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage, signal, interpolate, optimize
import as fits
import datetime
from astropy import wcs
import astropy.time as time
import time as systime
import astropy.coordinates as coord
import astropy.units as u
import pyklip
import pyklip.klip as klip
from pyklip.instruments.Instrument import Data
import pyklip.fakes as fakes
import pyklip.instruments.utils.global_centroid as global_centroid

[docs] class CHARISData(Data): """ A sequence of CHARIS Data. Each CHARISData object has the following fields and functions Args: filepaths: list of filepaths to files skipslices: a list of datacube slices to skip (supply index numbers e.g. [0,1,2,3]) PSF_cube: 3D array (nl,ny,nx) with the PSF cube to be used in the flux calculation. update_hrs: if True, update input file headers by making sat spot measurements. If None, will only update if missing hdr info Attributes: input: Array of shape (N,y,x) for N images of shape (y,x) centers: Array of shape (N,2) for N centers in the format [x_cent, y_cent] filenums: Array of size N for the numerical index to map data to file that was passed in filenames: Array of size N for the actual filepath of the file that corresponds to the data PAs: Array of N for the parallactic angle rotation of the target (used for ADI) [in degrees] wvs: Array of N wavelengths of the images (used for SDI) [in microns]. For polarization data, defaults to "None" wcs: Array of N wcs astormetry headers for each image. IWA: a floating point scalar (not array). Specifies to inner working angle in pixels OWA: a floating point scalar (not array). Specifies to outer working angle in pixels output: Array of shape (b, len(files), len(uniq_wvs), y, x) where b is the number of different KL basis cutoffs wv_indices: Array of N indicies specifying the slice of datacube this frame comes frame (accounts of skipslices) You can use this to index into the header to grab info for the respective slice spot_flux: Array of N of average satellite spot flux for each frame dn_per_contrast: Flux calibration factor in units of DN/contrast (divide by image to "calibrate" flux) Can also be thought of as the DN of the unocculted star flux_units: units of output data [DN, contrast] prihdrs: Array of N primary headers exthdrs: Array of N extension headers bad_sat_spots: a list of up to 4 elements indicating if a sat spot is systematically bad. Indexing is based on sat spot x location. Possible values are 0,1,2,3. [0,3] would mark upper left and lower right sat spots bad Methods: readdata(): reread in the data savedata(): save a specified data in the CHARIS datacube format (in the 1st extension header) calibrate_output(): calibrates flux of self.output """ ########################## ###Class Initilization ### ########################## # some static variables to define the CHARIS instrument centralwave = {} # in microns fpm_diam = {} # in pixels flux_zeropt = {} spot_ratio = {} #w.r.t. central star # the quoted value for CHARIS lenslet scale is 16.2 mas/pixel lenslet_scale = 0.01615 # CHARIS data will be re-scaled to this uniform lenslet scale lenslet_scale_x = - lenslet_scale # lenslet scale, calibrated against HST images of M5 lenslet_scale_y = 0.01615 # lenslet scale, calibrated against HST images of M5 lenslet_scale_x_err = 0.00005 lenslet_scale_y_err = 0.00007 ifs_rotation = 0.0 # degrees CCW from +x axis to zenith ref_spot_contrast_wv = 1.55 # micron ref_spot_contrast = 0.00272 # spot/star contrast, Thayne's 2017 measurement ref_spot_contrast_error_fraction = 0.00013 / ref_spot_contrast # ref_spot_contrast_gridamp = 0.025 obs_latitude = 19 + 49./60 + 43./3600 # radians obs_longitude = -(155 + 28./60 + 50./3600) # radians #################### ### Constructors ### #################### def __init__(self, filepaths, guess_spot_index=0, guess_spot_locs=None, guess_center_loc=None, skipslices=None, PSF_cube=None, update_hdrs=None, sat_fit_method='global', IWA=None, OWA=None, platecal=False, smooth=True, photcal=False): """ Initialization code for CHARISData Note: Argument information is in the GPIData class definition docstring """ super(CHARISData, self).__init__() self._output = None self.flipx = False self.readdata(filepaths, guess_spot_index=guess_spot_index, guess_spot_locs=guess_spot_locs, guess_center_loc=guess_center_loc, skipslices=skipslices, PSF_cube=PSF_cube, update_hdrs=update_hdrs, sat_fit_method=sat_fit_method, platecal=platecal, smooth=smooth, photcal=photcal, IWA=IWA, OWA=OWA) ################################ ### Instance Required Fields ### ################################ @property def input(self): return self._input @input.setter def input(self, newval): self._input = newval @property def ivars(self): return self._ivars @ivars.setter def ivars(self, newval): self._ivars = newval @property def centers(self): return self._centers @centers.setter def centers(self, newval): self._centers = newval @property def filenums(self): return self._filenums @filenums.setter def filenums(self, newval): self._filenums = newval @property def filenames(self): return self._filenames @filenames.setter def filenames(self, newval): self._filenames = newval @property def PAs(self): return self._PAs @PAs.setter def PAs(self, newval): self._PAs = newval @property def wvs(self): return self._wvs @wvs.setter def wvs(self, newval): self._wvs = newval @property def wcs(self): return self._wcs @wcs.setter def wcs(self, newval): self._wcs = newval @property def IWA(self): return self._IWA @IWA.setter def IWA(self, newval): self._IWA = newval @property def OWA(self): return self._OWA @OWA.setter def OWA(self, newval): self._OWA = newval @property def output(self): return self._output @output.setter def output(self, newval): self._output = newval ############### ### Methods ### ###############
[docs] def readdata(self, filepaths, guess_spot_index=0, guess_spot_locs=None, guess_center_loc=None, skipslices=None, PSF_cube=None, update_hdrs=None, sat_fit_method='global', IWA=None, OWA=None, platecal=False, smooth=False, photcal=False): """ Method to open and read a list of CHARIS data Args: filespaths: a list of filepaths guess_spot_index: the wavelength index for which the initial guess is given guess_spot_locs: initial guess of the satellite spot pixel indices. If None, will default to rough guesses for the four satellite spots of a typical CHARIS data cube at the first wavelength slice, in [[x, y],...] format guess_center_loc: initial guess of the primary star center in [x, y] format skipslices: a list of wavelenegth slices to skip for each datacube (supply index numbers e.g. [0,1,2,3]) PSF_cube: 3D array (nl,ny,nx) with the PSF cube to be used in the flux calculation. update_hrs: If True, update input file headers with new sat spot measurements. If False, no measuremnets will be carried out and original headers will not be modified If None and sat_fit_method=='global', all cubes will be updated with new global measurement as long as there is a single cube without sat spot measurements. If None and sat_fit_method=='local', only cubes without existing sat spot measurements will be updated with new measurements. sat_fit_method: 'global' or 'local' platecal: bool, whether to calibrate the plate scales of the data, since there is no evidence for distortion in the plate scales to first order (x, y axes have different plate scales), this keyword should always be false for now. smooth: bool, whether to smooth final data slightly photcal: bool, whether to photocalibration all frames IWA: a floating point scalar (not array). Specifies to inner working angle in pixels OWA: a floating point scalar (not array). Specifies to outer working angle in pixels Returns: Technically none. It saves things to fields of the CHARISData object. See object doc string """ # check to see if user just inputted a single filename string if isinstance(filepaths, str): filepaths = [filepaths] # check that the list of files actually contains something if len(filepaths) == 0: raise ValueError("An empty filelist was passed in") if guess_spot_locs is None: # default to typical locations for 4 satellite spots in a CHARIS data cube, each location in [x, y] format guess_spot_locs = [[129, 90], [109, 129], [71, 109], [91, 70]] #make some lists for quick appending data = [] ivars = [] filenums = [] filenames = [] rot_angles = [] wvs = [] wv_indices = [] centers = [] wcs_hdrs = [] spot_fluxes = [] spot_locs = [] inttimes = [] prihdrs = [] exthdrs = [] nan_indices = [] if PSF_cube is not None: self.psfs = PSF_cube # flag to see if we modified any headers or data cubes # If distortion correction is carried out (modified data=True) modified headers and data will be saved to new # files without any changes to the original files # If only headers are modified but not the data (no distortion correction), then headers will be updated in the # original files and no new files will be saved. sat_fit_method = sat_fit_method.lower() modified_hdrs = False modified_data = np.zeros(len(filepaths), dtype=bool) # zero == False missing_sats_measurement = np.zeros(len(filepaths), dtype=bool) # zero == False astrogrid_status = None # read and organize data # sort filepaths to ensure np.unique(filenames) correspond to the same order as cubes in the dataset filepaths = sorted(filepaths) for index, filepath in enumerate(filepaths): with, lazy_load_hdus=False) as hdulist: cube = hdulist[1].data prihdr = hdulist[0].header exthdr = hdulist[1].header if len(hdulist) > 2: ivar = hdulist[2].data else: ivar = np.ones(cube.shape) w = wcs.WCS(header=prihdr, naxis=[1, 2]) astr_hdrs = [w.deepcopy() for _ in range(cube.shape[0])] # repeat astrom header for each wavelength slice # mask pixels that receive no light as nans. Include masking a 1 pix boundary around NaNs # only record nan indices here, apply mask after distortion correction and global centroid input_minfilter = ndimage.minimum_filter(cube, (0, 1, 1)) nan_indices.append(np.where(input_minfilter == 0)) # recalculate parang if necessary try: parang = float(prihdr['PARANG']) + 113.5 except: print("Warning, could not parse PARANG value of {0}. Default to 0".format(prihdr['PARANG'])) parang = 113.5 # compute weavelengths cube_wv_indices = np.arange(cube.shape[0]) thiswvs = prihdr['LAM_MIN'] * np.exp(cube_wv_indices * prihdr['DLOGLAM']) # nm thiswvs /= 1e3 # now in microns # check if there exist any cube that doesn't have existing satellite spot measurements if 'SATS0_0' not in exthdr: missing_sats_measurement[index] = True # remove undesirable slices of the datacube if necessary if skipslices is not None: cube = np.delete(cube, skipslices, axis=0) ivar = np.delete(ivar, skipslices, axis=0) thiswvs = np.delete(thiswvs, skipslices) cube_wv_indices = np.delete(cube_wv_indices, skipslices) astr_hdrs = np.delete(astr_hdrs, skipslices) data.append(cube) ivars.append(ivar) rot_angles.append(np.ones(cube.shape[0], dtype=int) * parang) wvs.append(thiswvs) wv_indices.append(cube_wv_indices) filenums.append(np.ones(cube.shape[0], dtype=int) * index) wcs_hdrs.append(astr_hdrs) try: exptime = prihdr['EXPTIME'] except KeyError: exptime = 20 inttimes.append(np.ones(cube.shape[0], dtype=int) * exptime) prihdrs.append(prihdr) exthdrs.append(exthdr) filenames.append([filepath for i in range(cube.shape[0])]) # rescale all data to a uniform lenslet scale if platecal: tot_time = 0 for index, filepath in enumerate(filepaths): try: if exthdrs[index]['PLATECAL'].lower() == 'true': print('already distortion corrected, skipping cube {}'.format(os.path.basename(filepath))) continue except: pass stime = systime.time() filename, cube, ivar, prihdr, exthdr = _distortion_correction(filepath, data[index], ivars[index], prihdrs[index], exthdrs[index], rot_angles[index][0], CHARISData.lenslet_scale, CHARISData.lenslet_scale_x, CHARISData.lenslet_scale_y, method='Bspline') tot_time += systime.time() - stime sys.stdout.write('\r distortion correcting {}... Avg time per cube: ' '{:.3f} seconds'.format(os.path.basename(filepath), tot_time / (index + 1))) sys.stdout.flush() data[index] = cube ivars[index] = ivar prihdrs[index] = prihdr exthdrs[index] = exthdr filenames[index] = [filename for _ in range(cube.shape[0])] modified_data[index] = True # after distortion correction, need new satellite spots measurement missing_sats_measurement[index] = True sys.stdout.write('\n') # measure and update headers in the next two segments # fit for satellite spots globally if enabled spot_fit_coeffs = None new_global_fit = False if sat_fit_method == 'global': if update_hdrs or (update_hdrs is None and np.any(missing_sats_measurement)): print('fitting satellite spots globally') new_global_fit = True spot_fit_coeffs, allphot = _measure_sat_spots_global(filenames, data, ivars, prihdrs, guess_center_loc=guess_center_loc, photocal=photcal, smooth_cubes=(not platecal)) # fit for satellite spots locally if enabled # read satellite spots info or update measured info depending on user input for index in range(len(data)): # not using copy here to utilize mutable numpy arrays # because modifications on an individual cube are intended to be applied to data as well cube = data[index] prihdr = prihdrs[index] exthdr = exthdrs[index] thiswvs = wvs[index] cube_wv_indices = wv_indices[index] # mask pixels that receive no light as nans. Include masking a 1 pix boundary around NaNs # inverse variance frames are not masked as there is no need for now cube[nan_indices[index]] = np.nan if new_global_fit: try: astrogrid_status = prihdr['X_GRDST'] except: astrogrid_status = None # TODO: spot_flux use peak flux or aperture flux? spot_loc, spot_flux = global_centroid.get_sats_satf(spot_fit_coeffs[index], cube, thiswvs, astrogrid=astrogrid_status) for wv_ind in cube_wv_indices: for spot_num in range(len(spot_loc[wv_ind])): fitx = spot_loc[wv_ind, spot_num, 0] fity = spot_loc[wv_ind, spot_num, 1] fitflux = spot_flux[wv_ind, spot_num] if np.isnan(fitflux): fitflux = 0. _add_satspot_to_hdr(exthdr, wv_ind, spot_num, [fitx, fity], fitflux) spot_flux = np.nanmean(spot_flux, axis=1) modified_hdrs = True elif not missing_sats_measurement[index] and not update_hdrs == True: # read in sat spots from file if index == '0': print('using existing satellite spots in the headers') spot_loc, spot_flux = _read_sat_spots_from_hdr(exthdr, cube_wv_indices) elif sat_fit_method == 'local': if update_hdrs or (update_hdrs is None and missing_sats_measurement[index]): print("Finding satellite spots for cube {0}".format(index)) try: spot_loc, spot_flux, spot_fwhm = _measure_sat_spots(cube, thiswvs, guess_spot_index, guess_spot_locs, hdr=exthdr, highpass=False) except ValueError: print("Unable to locate sat spots for cube{0}. Skipping...".format(index)) continue modified_hdrs = True # we need to update input cube headers else: if update_hdrs == False: # this case could happen for data taken without turning on the astrogrid # set default value for the sake of data class structure, but has no physical meaning astrogrid_status = 'OFF' spot_loc = np.full((len(cube_wv_indices), 4, 2), cube.shape[1] // 2) spot_flux = np.zeros(len(cube_wv_indices)) else: raise ValueError('satellite spots fitting method:{} is not a valid option'.format(sat_fit_method)) # simple mean for center for now center = np.mean(spot_loc, axis=1) centers.append(center) spot_fluxes.append(spot_flux) spot_locs.append(spot_loc) if astrogrid_status == 'OFF' and update_hdrs == False: print('no satellite spots found in current headers and no satellite spots measurement requested') # convert everything into numpy arrays # reshape arrays so that we collapse all the files together (i.e. don't care about distinguishing files) # wv_indices are never referenced from this point on so they're commented out currently data = np.array(data) dims = data.shape data = data.reshape([dims[0] * dims[1], dims[2], dims[3]]) ivars = np.array(ivars).reshape([dims[0] * dims[1], dims[2], dims[3]]) filenums = np.array(filenums).reshape([dims[0] * dims[1]]) filenames = np.array(filenames).reshape([dims[0] * dims[1]]) rot_angles = (np.array(rot_angles).reshape([dims[0] * dims[1]])) wvs = np.array(wvs).reshape([dims[0] * dims[1]]) # wvs now has shape (N*nwv) # wv_indices = np.array(wv_indices).reshape([dims[0] * dims[1]]) wcs_hdrs = np.array(wcs_hdrs).reshape([dims[0] * dims[1]]) centers = np.array(centers).reshape([dims[0] * dims[1], 2]) spot_fluxes = np.array(spot_fluxes).reshape([dims[0] * dims[1]]) spot_locs = np.array(spot_locs).reshape([dims[0] * dims[1], spot_locs[0].shape[1], 2]) inttimes = np.array(inttimes).reshape([dims[0] * dims[1]]) # if there is more than 1 integration time, normalize all data to the first integration time # TODO: This is in conflict with photcal? Since photcal normalizes everything by spot flux, integration time # would be reflected in spot flux. if np.size(np.unique(inttimes)) > 1: inttime0 = inttimes[0] # normalize integration times data = data * inttime0/inttimes[:, None, None] spot_fluxes *= inttime0/inttimes #set these as the fields for the CHARISData object self._input = data self._ivars = ivars self._centers = centers self._filenums = filenums self._filenames = filenames self._PAs = rot_angles self._wvs = wvs self._wcs = wcs_hdrs self._IWA = 5 self.prihdrs = prihdrs self.exthdrs = exthdrs self.spot_fluxes = spot_fluxes self.spot_locs = spot_locs if IWA != None: self._IWA = IWA if OWA != None: self._OWA = OWA # Required for automatically querying Simbad for the spectral type of the star. try: self.object_name = self.prihdrs[0]["OBJECT"] except KeyError: self.object_name = "None" # if cube has been distortion corrected or otherwise modified, save to new file if np.any(modified_data): self.save_platecal_cubes(modified_data, dims) if update_hdrs or (update_hdrs is None and modified_hdrs): print("Updating original headers with sat spot measurements.") self.update_input_cubes() # Smooth and calibrate flux here # TODO: the next two conditions are temporary measures, will need to properly implement smoothing and # spectrophotometric calibration # TODO: implement this smoothing simultaneously with distortion correction, and check again if the effect of # smoothing is significant and how it compares to non-simultaneous smoothing. # The spectrophotometric calibration here only works when global centroid measurement is explicitly carried out # and not just read from headers (since we need the allphot array from the measurement), again, this needs to # be fixed by having a proper spectrophotometric calibration procedure. def _smooth(im, ivar, sig=1, spline_filter=False): """ Private function _smooth smooths an image accounting for the inverse variance. It optionally spline filters the result to save time in later calls to ndimage.map_coordinates. Parameters ---------- im : ndarray 2D image to smooth ivar : ndarray 2D inverse variance, shape should match im sig : float (optional) standard deviation of Gaussian smoothing kernel Default 1 spline_filter: boolean (optional) Spline filter the result? Default False. Returns ------- imsmooth : ndarray smoothed image of the same size as im """ if not isinstance(im, np.ndarray) or not isinstance(ivar, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("image and ivar passed to _smooth must be ndarrays") if im.shape != ivar.shape or len(im.shape) != 2: raise ValueError("image and ivar must be 2D ndarrays of the same shape") nx = int(sig * 4 + 1) * 2 + 1 x = np.arange(nx) - nx // 2 x, y = np.meshgrid(x, x) window = np.exp(-(x ** 2 + y ** 2) / (2 * sig ** 2)) imsmooth = signal.convolve2d(im * ivar, window, mode='same') imsmooth /= signal.convolve2d(ivar, window, mode='same') + 1e-35 imsmooth *= im != 0 if spline_filter: imsmooth = ndimage.spline_filter(imsmooth) return imsmooth if smooth: print('slightly smoothing all frames...') for i, (img, ivar, wv) in enumerate(zip(data, ivars, wvs)): # data[i] = (wv ** 2) * _smooth(img, ivar, sig=0.5) / photcal[i] data[i] = klip.nan_gaussian_filter(img, sigma=0.5, ivar=ivar) if photcal: print('photocalibrating all frames...') try: allphot = np.array(allphot) except: warnings.warn('Cannot access allphot values, defaulting to only scaling fluxes by lambda^2...') allphot = np.full((dims[0], dims[1]), 1.) allphot = allphot.reshape((dims[0] * dims[1])) for i, (img, wv) in enumerate(zip(data, wvs)): data[i] *= (wv ** 2) / allphot[i] # TODO: Bad format to set the input attribute here again when all attributes are set in a centralized segment # previously. This should be a temporary measure to deal with smoothed and photo calibrated data, for now # it has to be placed here because we don't want the smoothing and calibration to reflect on the saved # 'CRSA*_platecal.fits' cubes, as we want those to be only plate scale calibrated and nothing else. self._input = data
[docs] def update_input_cubes(self): """ Updates the input spectral data cubes with the current headers. This is useful to permanately save the measured sat spot locations to disk. """ for filename, hdr in zip(np.unique(self.filenames), self.exthdrs): # insert a comment to mark a new section of info saved in the headers add_comment = True for comment_line in hdr['comment']: if 'Processed Data' in comment_line: add_comment = False if add_comment: try: hdr.insert('sats0_0', ('comment', '*'*60)) hdr.insert('sats0_0', ('comment', '*'*22 + ' Processed Data ' + '*'*22)) hdr.insert('sats0_0', ('comment', '*'*60)) except: pass with, mode='update') as hdulist: hdulist[1].header = hdr hdulist.flush()
[docs] def save_platecal_cubes(self, modified_data, dims): modified_indices = np.argwhere(modified_data) save_data = np.copy(np.reshape(self._input, dims)) # restore nan as 0s to be consistent with non-calibrated data and global centroid also cannot treat nans save_data[np.isnan(save_data)] = 0. save_ivars = self.ivars.reshape(dims) save_filenames = np.unique(self.filenames) for index in modified_indices: hdulist = fits.HDUList() hdulist.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(header=self.prihdrs[index[0]], data=None)) hdulist.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(header=self.exthdrs[index[0]], data=save_data[index[0]])) hdulist.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(data=save_ivars[index[0]])) hdulist.writeto(save_filenames[index[0]], overwrite=True) hdulist.close()
[docs] def savedata(self, filepath, data, klipparams = None, filetype = None, zaxis = None, more_keywords=None, center=None, astr_hdr=None, fakePlparams = None,user_prihdr = None, user_exthdr = None, extra_exthdr_keywords = None, extra_prihdr_keywords = None): """ Save data and header in the first extension header Note: In principle, the function only works inside klip_dataset(). In order to use it outside of klip_dataset, you need to define the following attributes: dataset.output_wcs = np.array([w.deepcopy() if w is not None else None for w in dataset.wcs]) dataset.output_centers = dataset.centers Args: filepath: path to file to output data: 2D or 3D data to save klipparams: a string of klip parameters filetype: filetype of the object (e.g. "KL Mode Cube", "PSF Subtracted Spectral Cube") zaxis: a list of values for the zaxis of the datacub (for KL mode cubes currently) more_keywords (dictionary) : a dictionary {key: value, key:value} of header keywords and values which will written into the primary header astr_hdr: wcs astrometry header center: center of the image to be saved in the header as the keywords PSFCENTX and PSFCENTY in pixels. The first pixel has coordinates (0,0) fakePlparams: fake planet params user_prihdr: User defined primary headers to be used instead user_exthdr: User defined extension headers to be used instead extra_exthdr_keywords: Fits keywords to be added to the extension header before saving the file extra_prihdr_keywords: Fits keywords to be added to the primary header before saving the file """ hdulist = fits.HDUList() if user_prihdr is None: hdulist.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(header=self.prihdrs[0])) else: hdulist.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(header=user_prihdr)) if user_exthdr is None: hdulist.append(fits.ImageHDU(header=self.exthdrs[0], data=data, name="Sci")) else: hdulist.append(fits.ImageHDU(header=user_exthdr, data=data, name="Sci")) # save all the files we used in the reduction # we'll assume you used all the input files # remove duplicates from list filenames = np.unique(self.filenames) nfiles = np.size(filenames) # The following paragraph is only valid when reading raw GPI cube. try: hdulist[0].header["DRPNFILE"] = (nfiles, "Num raw files used in pyKLIP") for i, thispath in enumerate(filenames): thispath = thispath.replace("\\", '/') splited = thispath.split("/") fname = splited[-1] matches ='S20[0-9]{6}[SE][0-9]{4}(_fixed)?', fname) filename = hdulist[0].header["FILE_{0}".format(i)] = filename + '.fits' except: pass # write out psf subtraction parameters # get pyKLIP revision number pykliproot = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) # the universal_newline argument is just so python3 returns a string instead of bytes # this will probably come to bite me later try: pyklipver = pyklip.__version__ except: pyklipver = "unknown" hdulist[0].header['PSFSUB'] = ("pyKLIP", "PSF Subtraction Algo") if user_prihdr is None: hdulist[0].header.add_history("Reduced with pyKLIP using commit {0}".format(pyklipver)) if self.creator is None: hdulist[0].header['CREATOR'] = "pyKLIP-{0}".format(pyklipver) else: hdulist[0].header['CREATOR'] = self.creator hdulist[0].header.add_history("Reduced by {0}".format(self.creator)) # store commit number for pyklip hdulist[0].header['pyklipv'] = (pyklipver, "pyKLIP version that was used") if klipparams is not None: hdulist[0].header['PSFPARAM'] = (klipparams, "KLIP parameters") hdulist[0].header.add_history("pyKLIP reduction with parameters {0}".format(klipparams)) if fakePlparams is not None: hdulist[0].header['FAKPLPAR'] = (fakePlparams, "Fake planet parameters") hdulist[0].header.add_history("pyKLIP reduction with fake planet injection parameters {0}".format(fakePlparams)) # store file type if filetype is not None: hdulist[0].header['FILETYPE'] = (filetype, "CHARIS File type") # store extra keywords in header if more_keywords is not None: for hdr_key in more_keywords: hdulist[0].header[hdr_key] = more_keywords[hdr_key] # JB's code to store keywords if extra_prihdr_keywords is not None: for name,value in extra_prihdr_keywords: hdulist[0].header[name] = value if extra_exthdr_keywords is not None: for name,value in extra_exthdr_keywords: hdulist[1].header[name] = value # write z axis units if necessary if zaxis is not None: #Writing a KL mode Cube if "KL Mode" in filetype: hdulist[1].header['CTYPE3'] = 'KLMODES' #write them individually for i, klmode in enumerate(zaxis): hdulist[1].header['KLMODE{0}'.format(i)] = (klmode, "KL Mode of slice {0}".format(i)) elif "spec" in filetype.lower(): hdulist[1].header['CTYPE3'] = 'WAVE' else: hdulist[1].header['CTYPE3'] = 'NONE' if np.ndim(data) == 2: if 'CTYPE3' in hdulist[1].header.keys(): hdulist[1].header['CTYPE3'] = 'NONE' if user_exthdr is None: #use the dataset astr hdr if none was passed in if astr_hdr is None: astr_hdr = self.output_wcs[0] if astr_hdr is not None: #update astro header #I don't have a better way doing this so we'll just inject all the values by hand astroheader = astr_hdr.to_header() exthdr = hdulist[1].header exthdr['PC1_1'] = astroheader['PC1_1'] exthdr['PC2_2'] = astroheader['PC2_2'] try: exthdr['PC1_2'] = astroheader['PC1_2'] exthdr['PC2_1'] = astroheader['PC2_1'] except KeyError: exthdr['PC1_2'] = 0.0 exthdr['PC2_1'] = 0.0 #remove CD values as those are confusing try: exthdr.remove('CD1_1') exthdr.remove('CD1_2') exthdr.remove('CD2_1') exthdr.remove('CD2_2') except: pass # nothing to do if they were removed already exthdr['CDELT1'] = 1 exthdr['CDELT2'] = 1 #use the dataset center if none was passed in if center is None: center = self.output_centers[0] if center is not None: hdulist[1].header.update({'PSFCENTX':center[0],'PSFCENTY':center[1]}) hdulist[1].header.update({'CRPIX1':center[0],'CRPIX2':center[1]}) hdulist[0].header.add_history("Image recentered to {0}".format(str(center))) try: hdulist.writeto(filepath, overwrite=True) except TypeError: hdulist.writeto(filepath, clobber=True) hdulist.close()
[docs] def calibrate_output(self, img, spectral=False, units="contrast"): """ Calibrates the flux of an output image. Can either be a broadband image or a spectral cube depending on if the spectral flag is set. Assumes the broadband flux calibration is just multiplication by a single scalar number whereas spectral datacubes may have a separate calibration value for each wavelength Args: img: unclaibrated image. If spectral is not set, this can either be a 2-D or 3-D broadband image where the last two dimensions are [y,x] If specetral is True, this is a 3-D spectral cube with shape [wv,y,x] spectral: if True, this is a spectral datacube. Otherwise, it is a broadband image. units: currently only support "contrast" w.r.t central star Returns: img: calibrated image of the same shape (this is the same object as the input!!!) """ return img
[docs] def generate_psfs(self, boxrad=7, spots_collapse='mean', mask_locs=None, mask_rad=15, mask_ref_ind=0, bg_sub='global'): """ Generates PSF for each frame of input data. Only works on spectral mode data. Args: boxrad: the halflength of the size of the extracted PSF (in pixels) spots_collapse: the method to collapse the psfs in this frame, currently supports: 'mean', 'median' mask_locs: ndarray, array of approximate [x, y] pixel locations where bright companions are located. To be masked out when calculating background noise level. Shape (2,) or (n, 2), where n is the number of bright sources that needs to be masked. mask_rad: scalar, radius of the mask in pixels. mask_ref_ind: the cube index (range: 0-ncube) in the filelist for which mask_locs are specified, used to account for its movement in the FOV due to field rotation. bg_sub: the method for background estimate, 'global', 'local', or None. 'global' method is the default method. It estimates the background level at the spot using an annulus around the central star. It is less prone to variances on small scales, and generally better for background that is relatively symmetric azimuthally. 'local' method estimates the background using a small annulus around the spot. It is prone to speckle variations near the spot, and should be used when the background level is asymmetric. Returns: saves PSFs of all frames to self.uncollapsed_psfs. saves time collapsed PSFs to self.psfs as an array of size(nwv,psfy,psfx) where psfy=psfx=2*boxrad + 1 """ self.psfs = [] # check mask_locs input format and convert it to shape (n, 2) as a convention if mask_locs is not None: mask_locs = np.array(mask_locs) if len(mask_locs.shape) == 1: mask_locs = np.array([mask_locs]) if len(mask_locs.shape) != 2 or mask_locs.shape[1] != 2: raise ValueError('mask_locs must have shape (2,) or (n, 2), specifying the [x, y] pixel locations to mask') numwvs = np.size(np.unique(self.wvs)) for i, frame in enumerate(self.input): this_spot_locs = self.spot_locs[i] # shape (4, 2) if mask_locs is not None: # calculate mask location at this frame taking into account field rotation centroid = np.mean(this_spot_locs, axis=0) PA_ref = self.PAs[mask_ref_ind * numwvs] PA_frame = self.PAs[i] # parang is measured clockwise from zenith, thus PA_diff is clockwise from PA_ref to PA_thiscube PA_diff = np.radians(PA_frame - PA_ref) mask_seps = np.sqrt((mask_locs[:, 0] - centroid[0])**2 + (mask_locs[:, 1] - centroid[1])**2) # minus PA_diff below because np.arctan2 measures angles from x-axis in counter-clockwise direction mask_phis = np.arctan2(mask_locs[:, 1] - centroid[1], mask_locs[:, 0] - centroid[0]) - PA_diff # negative np.sin for x-axis and np.cos for y axis because PA is measured north to east mask_locs_frame = np.array([-mask_seps * np.sin(mask_phis) + centroid[0], mask_seps * np.cos(mask_phis) + centroid[1]]).transpose() # shape (nmask, 2) else: mask_locs_frame = None #now make a psf spotpsf = generate_psf(frame, this_spot_locs, boxrad=boxrad, spots_collapse=spots_collapse, bg_sub=bg_sub, mask_locs=mask_locs_frame, mask_rad=mask_rad) self.psfs.append(spotpsf) self.psfs = np.array(self.psfs) self.uncollapsed_psfs = self.psfs # collapse in time dimension self.psfs = np.reshape(self.psfs, (self.psfs.shape[0]//numwvs, numwvs, self.psfs.shape[1], self.psfs.shape[2])) self.psfs = np.mean(self.psfs, axis=0)
[docs] def generate_host_star_psfs(self, boxrad=7): """ Generates PSF of the unocculted host star for each frame of input data. Only works on spectral mode data. Args: boxrad: the halflength of the size of the extracted PSF (in pixels) Returns: saves PSFs to self.host_star_psfs as an array of size(N,psfy,psfx) where psfy=psfx=2*boxrad + 1 """ self.host_star_psfs = [] for i, frame in enumerate(self.input): this_spot_locs = self.spot_locs[i] # now grab the values from them by parsing the header spot0 = this_spot_locs[0] spot1 = this_spot_locs[1] spot2 = this_spot_locs[2] spot3 = this_spot_locs[3] # get the central star centroid spots = np.array([spot0, spot1, spot2, spot3]) # shape (4, 2) star_loc =np.mean(spots, axis=0) # [x, y] location of central star #now make a psf starpsf = generate_psf(frame, [star_loc], boxrad=boxrad, bg_sub=None) self.host_star_psfs.append(starpsf) self.host_star_psfs = np.array(self.host_star_psfs) # collapse in time dimension numwvs = np.size(np.unique(self.wvs)) self.host_star_psfs = np.reshape(self.host_star_psfs, (self.host_star_psfs.shape[0]//numwvs, numwvs, self.host_star_psfs.shape[1], self.host_star_psfs.shape[2])) self.host_star_psfs = np.mean(self.host_star_psfs, axis=0)
[docs] def measure_spot_over_star_ratio(self, opaque_indices=[], boxrad=7, spots_collapse='mean'): ''' Obtain satellite spot flux to primary star flux ratio from unsaturated frames Args: opaque_ind: array of indices of wavelength slices that are opaque and should be interpolated in flux ratio fit spots_collapse: the method to collapse the psfs in this frame, currently supports: 'mean', 'median' Returns: array of spot flux / star flux values for all wavelengths ''' wvs = np.unique(self.wvs) # generate self.psfs with shape (nwv, 2*boxrad+1, 2*boxrad+1), median/averaged over 4 spots # and averaged over exposures self.generate_psfs(boxrad=boxrad, spots_collapse=spots_collapse) # generate self.host_star psfs with shape (nwv, 2*boxrad+1, 2*boxrad+1), averaged over exposures self.generate_host_star_psfs(boxrad=boxrad) # aperture photometry spectrum star_aper_spectrum = np.sum(self.host_star_psfs, axis=(1, 2)) # shape (nwv,) spot_aper_spectrum = np.sum(self.psfs, axis=(1, 2)) # shape (nwv,) flux_ratio = spot_aper_spectrum / star_aper_spectrum # lsq fit for flux_ratio = const1*grdamp^2/lambda^2 + const2, in the form of y=x*coeff y = np.delete(flux_ratio, opaque_indices) x = np.vstack([1. / (np.delete(wvs, opaque_indices) ** 2), np.ones(len(wvs) - len(opaque_indices))]).T coeff = np.linalg.lstsq(x, y, rcond=None)[0] x_full = np.vstack([1. / (wvs ** 2), np.ones(len(wvs))]).T spot_to_star_fit_ratio =, coeff) return spot_to_star_fit_ratio
def _distortion_correction(filename, cube, ivar, prihdr, exthdr, rotation, lenslet_scale, xscale, yscale, method='Bspline'): ''' Rescale cube and ivar to a uniform lenslet scale, update extension header indicating distortion correction status, return a new filename along with distortion corrected cube, ivar, and updated extension header. This function currently rescales y-axis to match x, i.e., abs(lenslet_scale) = abs(xscale), which is reflected in the static variables of the data class as well. If changing this default, the implementation of distortion must also be modified accordingly. All proceeding operations will be done on the distortion corrected data, which will be saved to the new filenames. Args: filename: filename for the cube cube: data cube, should not have any nan pixels at this point ivar: inverse variance cube for the corresponding data cube prihdr: primary header of the data cube exthdr: extension header of the data cube rotation: angle between yaxis and celestial north, in degrees lenslet_scale: uniform scale the data will be correct to (by default is equal to abs(xscale)) xscale: measured x-axis lenslet scale for uncorrected CHARIS data yscale: measured y-axis lenslet scale for uncorrected CHARIS data Returns: filename: an updated path to save the distortion corrected file cube: distortion corrected cube ivar: distortion corrected inverse variance exthdr: updated header with keyword "PLATE_CAL" indicating distortion correction status ''' if not isinstance(cube, np.ndarray) or not isinstance(ivar, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("cube and ivar must be ndarrays") if cube.shape != ivar.shape: raise ValueError("cube and ivar must be ndarrays of the same shape") cube_cal = np.copy(cube) ivar_cal = np.copy(ivar) # make a mask for pixel locations that receive no light in all wavelengths mask = np.any(cube, axis=0) != 0 # rescale data and inverse variance to a uniform lenslet scale (and simultaneously apply smoothing if specified) if method.lower() == 'bspline': # gain = np.mean(cube) def _make_Bspline_mesh(y, x): ''' Calculate the values of the cubic B-spline interpolating function (How&Andrews 1978), evaluated at (y, x) Args: y: a grid of y indices x: a grid of x indices Returns: spline_mesh: a grid of spline interpolating function values ''' y = np.abs(y) x = np.abs(x) spline_mesh = np.zeros(y.shape) spline_mesh[y < 1] = 0.5 * y[y < 1] ** 3 - y[y < 1] ** 2 + 4. / 6. spline_mesh[(y > 1) & (y < 2)] = - y[(y > 1) & (y < 2)] ** 3 / 6. + y[(y > 1) & (y < 2)] ** 2 \ - 2. * y[(y > 1) & (y < 2)] + 8. / 6. spline_mesh[x < 1] *= 0.5 * x[x < 1] ** 3 - x[x < 1] ** 2 + 4. / 6. spline_mesh[(x > 1) & (x < 2)] *= - x[(x > 1) & (x < 2)] ** 3 / 6. + x[(x > 1) & (x < 2)] ** 2 \ - 2. * x[(x > 1) & (x < 2)] + 8. / 6. return spline_mesh def _make_highres_spline_mesh(y, x, a=-0.5): ''' Calculate the values of the high resolution cubic spline interpolating function, evaluated at y,x All coordinates where x!=0 are set to 0, since we are scaling yscale to xscale, therefore, all x separations are integers and evaluates to 0, except at 0 separation where it evaluates to 1. Args: y: a grid of y indices x: a grid of x indices a: free parameter for high resolution cubic spline Returns: spline_mesh: a grid of spline interpolating function values ''' y = np.abs(y) spline_mesh = np.zeros(y.shape) spline_mesh[y == 0.] = 1. spline_mesh[y < 1] = (a + 2) * y[y < 1] ** 3 - (a + 3) * y[y < 1] ** 2 + 1 spline_mesh[(y > 1) & (y < 2)] = a * y[(y > 1) & (y < 2)] ** 3 - 5 * a * y[(y > 1) & (y < 2)] ** 2 \ + 8 * a * y[(y > 1) & (y < 2)] - 4 * a spline_mesh[x != 0.] = 0. #TODO: this essentially eliminates smoothing in x direction, # figure out how to correct this, perhaps f and g should not be multiplicative? return spline_mesh def _make_gaussian_mesh(y, x, sigma=0.5): ''' Calculate the values of a 2d gaussian, evaluated at [y, x] Args: dy: a grid of y dx: a grid of x sigma: standard deviation for gaussian function Returns: gaussian_mesh: a grid of gaussian function values ''' gaussian_mesh = np.exp(-(x ** 2 + y ** 2) / (2 * sigma ** 2)) return gaussian_mesh x = np.arange(cube.shape[1]) - cube.shape[1] // 2 x, y = np.meshgrid(x, x) # meshgrid of integers # crop out a smaller square to interpolate, since the outer edge pixels receive no photons x = x[10:-10, 10:-10] y = y[10:-10, 10:-10] x_scaling = 1. # rescale y axis to xscale y_scaling = 1. * lenslet_scale / yscale # lenslet_scale defined to be xscale x_interp = x * x_scaling + cube.shape[1] // 2 # meshgrid of floats y_interp = y * y_scaling + cube.shape[1] // 2 # meshgrid of floats x += cube.shape[1] // 2 y += cube.shape[1] // 2 dx = x_interp - x dy = y_interp - y if np.any(dy > 1): warnings.warn('There exist shifts larger than 1 pixel, interpolation may be suboptimal...') # for each element in a 5*5 filter, calculate a meshgrid of filtered values for all data points corresponding # to that filter element. Summing these 25 meshgrids and normalizing is the convolution. D_interp = np.zeros((cube.shape[0], x.shape[0], x.shape[1])) # interpolated and smoothed data W_interp = np.zeros(D_interp.shape) # interpolated and smoothed inverse variance frames Norm = np.zeros(D_interp.shape) sigma = 0.5 for i in range(-2, 3): # rows for j in range(-2, 3): # columns Fij = _make_Bspline_mesh(-dy + i, -dx + j) Fij = np.tile(Fij, (cube.shape[0], 1, 1)) Gij = _make_gaussian_mesh(-dy + i, -dx + j, sigma) Gij = np.tile(Gij, (cube.shape[0], 1, 1)) Nij = Fij * Gij Wij = ivar[:, y + i, x + j] * Nij Dij = cube[:, y + i, x + j] * Wij D_interp += Dij W_interp += Wij Norm += Nij D_interp /= W_interp + 1e-35 W_interp /= Norm + 1e-35 cube_cal[:, 10:-10, 10:-10] = D_interp ivar_cal[:, 10:-10, 10:-10] = W_interp # cube_cal[:, 98:103, 98:103] = D_interp # ivar_cal[:, 98:103, 98:103] = W_interp cube_cal *= mask ivar_cal *= mask # print the signal gain # print('signal gain in distortion correction: {}'.format(np.mean(cube_cal) / gain)) else: x = 1. * np.arange(cube.shape[1]) - cube.shape[1] // 2 x, y = np.meshgrid(x, x) x_scaling = 1. y_scaling = lenslet_scale / yscale x = x * x_scaling + cube.shape[1] // 2 y = y * y_scaling + cube.shape[1] // 2 for i in range(cube.shape[0]): cube_cal[i] = ndimage.map_coordinates(cube[i], [y, x]) ivar_cal[i] = ndimage.map_coordinates(ivar[i], [y, x]) # update all relevant header information yscale = np.sign(yscale) * np.abs(lenslet_scale) tot_rot = np.radians(-rotation) plate_cal_key = 'PLATECAL' plate_cal_str = 'True' prihdr.set(plate_cal_key, value=plate_cal_str, comment='distortion correction') exthdr.set(plate_cal_key, value=plate_cal_str, comment='distortion correction') prihdr['CD1_1'] = xscale / (3.6e3) * np.cos(tot_rot) prihdr['CD2_1'] = xscale / (3.6e3) * np.sin(tot_rot) prihdr['CD1_2'] = yscale / (3.6e3) * (- np.sin(tot_rot)) prihdr['CD2_2'] = yscale / (3.6e3) * np.cos(tot_rot) exthdr['CD1_1'] = xscale / (3.6e3) * np.cos(tot_rot) exthdr['CD2_1'] = xscale / (3.6e3) * np.sin(tot_rot) exthdr['CD1_2'] = yscale / (3.6e3) * (- np.sin(tot_rot)) exthdr['CD2_2'] = yscale / (3.6e3) * np.cos(tot_rot) prihdr['XPIXSCAL'] = xscale / (3.6e3) prihdr['YPIXSCAL'] = yscale / (3.6e3) exthdr['XPIXSCAL'] = xscale / (3.6e3) exthdr['YPIXSCAL'] = yscale / (3.6e3) prihdr['TOT_ROT'] = np.degrees(tot_rot) exthdr['TOT_ROT'] = np.degrees(tot_rot) filename = re.sub('.fits', '_platecal.fits', filename) return filename, cube_cal, ivar_cal, prihdr, exthdr def _read_sat_spots_from_hdr(hdr, wv_indices): """ Read in the sat spot locations and fluxes from a header. We are looking for SATS0_0 for spot 0 in first slice. x/y position stored as string 'x y' We are looking for SATF0_0 for spot 0 flux in first slice. Stored as float """ spot_locs = [] spot_fluxes = [] try: if hdr['X_GRDST'] == 'Xdiag' or hdr['X_GRDST'] == 'Ydiag' or hdr['X_GRDST'] == 'X' or hdr['X_GRDST'] == 'Y': number_of_spots = 2 else: number_of_spots = 4 except: number_of_spots = 4 for i in wv_indices: thiswv_spot_locs = [] thiswv_spot_fluxes = [] for spot_num in range(number_of_spots): loc_str = hdr['SATS{0}_{1}'.format(i, spot_num)] loc = loc_str.split() loc = [float(loc[0]), float(loc[1])] flux = hdr['SATF{0}_{1}'.format(i, spot_num)] thiswv_spot_fluxes.append(flux) thiswv_spot_locs.append(loc) spot_locs.append(thiswv_spot_locs) spot_fluxes.append(np.nanmean(thiswv_spot_fluxes)) return np.array(spot_locs), np.array(spot_fluxes) def _measure_sat_spots(cube, wvs, guess_spot_index, guess_spot_locs, highpass=True, hdr=None): """ Find sat spots in a datacube. TODO: return sat spot psf cube also If a header is passed, it will write the sat spot fluxes and locations to the header Args: cube: a single data cube wvs: array of wavelength values for this data cube, different from "wvs" in CHARISData class, this wvs here has shape (nwv,) """ # use dictionary to store list of locs/fluxes for each slice spot_locs = {} spot_fluxes = {} spot_fwhms = {} # start with guess center start_frame = cube[guess_spot_index] if highpass: start_frame = klip.high_pass_filter(start_frame, 10) start_spot_locs = [] start_spot_fluxes = [] start_spot_fwhms = [] for spot_num, guess_spot_loc in enumerate(guess_spot_locs): xguess, yguess = guess_spot_loc fitargs = fakes.airyfit2d(start_frame, xguess, yguess, searchrad=7) #fitargs = fakes.gaussfit2d(start_frame, xguess, yguess, searchrad=4) fitflux, fitfwhm, fitx, fity = fitargs start_spot_locs.append([fitx, fity]) start_spot_fluxes.append(fitflux) start_spot_fwhms.append(fitfwhm) _add_satspot_to_hdr(hdr, guess_spot_index, spot_num, [fitx, fity], fitflux) spot_locs[guess_spot_index] = start_spot_locs spot_fluxes[guess_spot_index] = np.nanmean(start_spot_fluxes) spot_fwhms[guess_spot_index] = np.nanmean(start_spot_fwhms) # set this reference center to use for finding the spots at other wavelengths ref_wv = wvs[guess_spot_index] ref_center = np.mean(start_spot_locs, axis=0) ref_spot_locs_deltas = np.array(start_spot_locs) - ref_center[None, :] # offset from center for i, (frame, wv) in enumerate(zip(cube, wvs)): # we already did the inital index if i == guess_spot_index: continue if highpass: frame = klip.high_pass_filter(frame, 10) # guess where the sat spots are based on the wavelength wv_scaling = wv/ref_wv # shorter wavelengths closer in thiswv_guess_spot_locs = ref_spot_locs_deltas * wv_scaling + ref_center # fit each sat spot now thiswv_spot_locs = [] thiswv_spot_fluxes = [] thiswv_spot_fwhms = [] for spot_num, guess_spot_loc in enumerate(thiswv_guess_spot_locs): xguess, yguess = guess_spot_loc fitargs = fakes.airyfit2d(frame, xguess, yguess, searchrad=7) #fitargs = fakes.gaussfit2d(frame, xguess, yguess, searchrad=4) fitflux, fitfwhm, fitx, fity = fitargs thiswv_spot_locs.append([fitx, fity]) thiswv_spot_fluxes.append(fitflux) thiswv_spot_fwhms.append(fitfwhm) _add_satspot_to_hdr(hdr, i, spot_num, [fitx, fity], fitflux) spot_locs[i] = thiswv_spot_locs spot_fluxes[i] = np.nanmean(thiswv_spot_fluxes) spot_fwhms[i] = np.nanmean(thiswv_spot_fwhms) # turn them into numpy arrays locs = [] fluxes = [] fwhms = [] for i in range(cube.shape[0]): locs.append(spot_locs[i]) fluxes.append(spot_fluxes[i]) fwhms.append(spot_fwhms[i]) return np.array(locs), np.array(fluxes), np.array(fwhms) def _measure_sat_spots_global(filenames, cubes, ivars, prihdrs, photocal=False, guess_center_loc=None, smooth_cubes=True): ''' Main function of this module to fit for the locations of the four satellite spots Args: TODO: check if fids in can be replaced by simply np.arange(len(cubes)) filenames: list of filenames for every frame of all cubes, shape (ncube, nwv) cubes: list of input data cubes to be measured ivars: inverse variance frames corresponding to cubes photocal: boolean, whether to scale each wavelength to the same photometric scale guess_center_loc: a user provided guess center Returns: p: fitted coefficients for all data cubes phot: photocalibration scale factor ''' # TODO: spotflux use peak flux or aperture flux? filepaths = np.unique(filenames) centroid_params, x, y, mask = global_centroid.fitcen_parallel(filepaths, cubes, ivars, prihdrs, smooth_coef=True, guess_center_loc=guess_center_loc, smooth_cubes=smooth_cubes) xsol, ysol = global_centroid.fitallrelcen(cubes, ivars, r1=15, r2=45, smooth=smooth_cubes) p = centroid_params.copy() if mask is not None: mask = np.where(mask) p[:, 2] += xsol - x + np.median((x - xsol)[mask]) p[:, 5] += ysol - y + np.median((y - ysol)[mask]) if photocal: # TODO: implement a proper spectral photo-calibration somewhere in the reduction sequence phot = global_centroid.specphotcal(filepaths, cubes, prihdrs, p) else: phot = 1. return p, phot def _add_satspot_to_hdr(hdr, wv_ind, spot_num, pos, flux): """ Write a single meausred satellite spot to the header """ # make sure indicies are integers wv_ind = int(wv_ind) spot_num = int(spot_num) # define keys pos_key = 'SATS{0}_{1}'.format(wv_ind, spot_num) flux_key = 'SATF{0}_{1}'.format(wv_ind, spot_num) # store x/y postion as a string pos_string = "{x:7.3f} {y:7.3f}".format(x=pos[0], y=pos[1]) # write positions hdr.set(pos_key, value=pos_string, comment="Location of sat. spot {1} of slice {0}".format(wv_ind, spot_num)) # write flux hdr.set(flux_key, value=flux, comment="Peak flux of sat. spot {1} of slice {0}".format(wv_ind, spot_num))
[docs] def generate_psf(frame, locations, boxrad=5, spots_collapse='mean', bg_sub=None, mask_locs=None, mask_rad=15): """ Generates a GPI PSF for the frame based on the satellite spots TODO: normalize psfs? GPI module normalizes these to DN units in the generate_PSF_cube() function. Args: frame: 2d frame of data locations: array of (N,2) containing [x,y] coordinates of all N satellite spots boxrad: half length of box to use to pull out PSF spots_collapse: the method to collapse the psfs in this frame, currently supports: 'mean', 'median' bg_sub: str or None, method used to perform background subtraction mask_locs: ndarray, array of approximate [x, y] pixel locations where bright companions are located. To be masked out when calculating background noise level. Shape (2,) or (n, 2), where n is the number of bright sources that needs to be masked. mask_rad: scalar, radius of the mask in pixels. Returns: genpsf: 2d frame of size (2*boxrad+1, 2*boxrad+1) with average PSF of satellite spots """ genpsf = [] # check mask_locs input format and convert it to shape (n, 2) as a convention if mask_locs is not None: mask_locs = np.array(mask_locs) if len(mask_locs.shape) == 1: mask_locs = np.array([mask_locs]) if len(mask_locs.shape) != 2 or mask_locs.shape[1] != 2: raise ValueError('mask_locs must have shape (2,) or (n, 2), specifying the [x, y] pixel locations to mask') #mask nans cleaned = np.copy(frame) cleaned[np.isnan(cleaned)] = 0 locations = np.array(locations) centroid = np.mean(locations, axis=0) # [x, y] centroid of host star if len(locations.shape) != 2 or locations.shape[1] != 2: raise ValueError('locations must be an array of shape (N, 2) indicating satellite spot locations, where N is' 'the number of satellite spots') # define an annulus to estimate background level background_levels = np.zeros(len(locations)) if bg_sub is not None: y_img, x_img = np.indices(frame.shape, dtype=float) if bg_sub.lower() == 'global': r_img = np.sqrt((x_img - centroid[0])**2 + (y_img - centroid[1])**2) spot_sep_ref = np.sqrt((locations[0][0] - centroid[0])**2 + (locations[0][1] - centroid[1])**2) noise_annulus = (r_img >= spot_sep_ref - 3) & (r_img <= spot_sep_ref + 3) for loc in locations: spotx = loc[0] spoty = loc[1] r_spot = np.sqrt((x_img - spotx)**2 + (y_img - spoty)**2) noise_annulus *= (r_spot > 15) if mask_locs is not None: for mask_loc in mask_locs: sourcex = mask_loc[0] sourcey = mask_loc[1] r_source = np.sqrt((x_img - sourcex)**2 + (y_img - sourcey)**2) noise_annulus *= (r_source > mask_rad) background_levels[:] = np.nanmean(cleaned[noise_annulus]) elif bg_sub.lower() == 'local': for i, loc in enumerate(locations): spotx = loc[0] spoty = loc[1] r_img = np.sqrt((x_img - spotx)**2 + (y_img - spoty)**2) noise_annulus = (r_img > 9) & (r_img <= 12) if mask_locs is not None: for mask_loc in mask_locs: sourcex = mask_loc[0] sourcey = mask_loc[1] r_source = np.sqrt((x_img - sourcex)**2 + (y_img - sourcey)**2) noise_annulus *= (r_source > mask_rad) background_levels[i] = np.nanmean(cleaned[noise_annulus]) else: raise ValueError('background subtraction method: {} is not a valid input'.format(bg_sub)) if np.any(np.isnan(background_levels)): warnings.warn('Nan values encountered in satellite spot background estimates, ' 'background set to 0 instead...') background_levels[np.isnan(background_levels)] = 0. for i, loc in enumerate(locations): #grab satellite spot positions spotx = loc[0] spoty = loc[1] #interpolate image to grab satellite psf with it centered #add .1 to make sure we get 2*boxrad+1 but can't add +1 due to floating point precision (might cause us to #create arrays of size 2*boxrad+2) x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(spotx - boxrad, spotx + boxrad + 0.1, 1), np.arange(spoty - boxrad, spoty + boxrad + 0.1, 1)) spotpsf = ndimage.map_coordinates(cleaned, [y, x]) spotpsf -= background_levels[i] genpsf.append(spotpsf) genpsf = np.array(genpsf) if spots_collapse.lower() == 'median': genpsf = np.median(genpsf, axis=0) elif spots_collapse.lower() == 'mean': genpsf = np.mean(genpsf, axis=0) #average the different psfs together else: warnings.warn('{} collapse for the different satellite psfs is not supported, using median collapse instead...') genpsf = np.median(genpsf, axis=0) return genpsf