Source code for pyklip.instruments.GPI

import os
import re
import glob
import subprocess
from copy import deepcopy

import as fits
from astropy import wcs
import astropy.stats as astrostats
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage as ndimage
import scipy.stats
import random as rd

import pyklip
import pyklip.spectra_management as spec
import pyklip.fakes as fakes

import multiprocessing as mp

#different imports depending on if python2.7 or python3
import sys
from copy import copy
if sys.version_info < (3,0):
    #python 2.7 behavior
    import ConfigParser
    from pyklip.instruments.Instrument import Data
    from pyklip.instruments.utils.nair import nMathar
    import configparser as ConfigParser
    from pyklip.instruments.Instrument import Data
    from pyklip.instruments.utils.nair import nMathar

from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from pyklip.parallelized import high_pass_filter_imgs
from pyklip.fakes import gaussfit2d
from pyklip.fakes import gaussfit2dLSQ
from pyklip.fakes import PSFcubefit

from scipy.interpolate import splrep
from scipy.interpolate import splev
from pyklip.parallelized import rotate_imgs
from pyklip.kpp.stat.stat_utils import get_image_stat_map
import pyklip.klip as klip

[docs] class GPIData(Data): """ A sequence of GPI Data. Each GPIData object has the following fields and functions Args: filepaths: list of filepaths to files skipslices: a list of datacube slices to skip (supply index numbers e.g. [0,1,2,3]) highpass: if True, run a Gaussian high pass filter (default size is sigma=imgsize/10) can also be a number specifying FWHM of box in pixel units meas_satspot_flux: if True, remeasure the satellite spot fluxes (would be down after hp filter) numthreads: Number of threads to be used. Default -1 sequential sat spot flux calc. If None, numthreads = mp.cpu_count(). PSF_cube: 3D array (nl,ny,nx) with the PSF cube to be used in the flux calculation. recalc_wvs: if True, uses sat spot positions and the central wavelength to recalculate wavelength solution recalc_centers: if True, uses a least squares fit and the satellite spots to recalculate the img centers Attributes: input: Array of shape (N,y,x) for N images of shape (y,x) centers: Array of shape (N,2) for N centers in the format [x_cent, y_cent] filenums: Array of size N for the numerical index to map data to file that was passed in filenames: Array of size N for the actual filepath of the file that corresponds to the data PAs: Array of N for the parallactic angle rotation of the target (used for ADI) [in degrees] wvs: Array of N wavelengths of the images (used for SDI) [in microns]. For polarization data, defaults to "None" wcs: Array of N wcs astormetry headers for each image. IWA: a floating point scalar (not array). Specifies to inner working angle in pixels output: Array of shape (b, len(files), len(uniq_wvs), y, x) where b is the number of different KL basis cutoffs wv_indices: Array of N indicies specifying the slice of datacube this frame comes frame (accounts of skipslices) You can use this to index into the header to grab info for the respective slice spot_flux: Array of N of average satellite spot flux for each frame dn_per_contrast: Flux calibration factor in units of DN/contrast (divide by image to "calibrate" flux) Can also be thought of as the DN of the unocculted star flux_units: units of output data [DN, contrast] prihdrs: Array of N primary GPI headers (these are written by Gemini Observatory + GPI DRP Pipeline) exthdrs: Array of N extension GPI headers (these are written by GPI DRP Pipeline) bad_sat_spots: a list of up to 4 elements indicating if a sat spot is systematically bad. Indexing is based on sat spot x location. Possible values are 0,1,2,3. [0,3] would mark upper left and lower right sat spots bad Methods: readdata(): reread in the data savedata(): save a specified data in the GPI datacube format (in the 1st extension header) calibrate_output(): calibrates flux of self.output """ ########################## ###Class Initilization ### ########################## # some static variables to define the GPI instrument centralwave = {} # in microns fpm_diam = {} # in pixels flux_zeropt = {} spot_ratio = {} #w.r.t. central star spot_ratio2 = {} #second order ratios for Y and J spot_ratio_h = {} # For datasets where PPM was stuck in Hapod spot_ratio_h2 = {} # (and second order for Y/J) lenslet_scale = 1.0 # arcseconds per pixel (pixel scale) ifs_rotation = 0.0 # degrees CCW from +x axis to zenith observatory_latitude = 0.0 ## read in GPI configuration file and set these static variables package_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) configfile = os.path.join(package_directory, "GPI.ini") config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() try: #get pixel scale lenslet_scale = float(config.get("instrument", "ifs_lenslet_scale")) # arcsecond/pix #get IFS rotation ifs_rotation = float(config.get("instrument", "ifs_rotation")) #degrees #get some information specific to each band bands = ['Y', 'J', 'H', 'K1', 'K2'] for band in bands: centralwave[band] = float(config.get("instrument", "cen_wave_{0}".format(band))) fpm_diam[band] = float(config.get("instrument", "fpm_diam_{0}".format(band))) / lenslet_scale # pixels flux_zeropt[band] = float(config.get("instrument", "zero_pt_flux_{0}".format(band))) spot_ratio[band] = float(config.get("instrument", "APOD_{0}".format(band))) if (band == 'Y') | (band == 'J'): spot_ratio2[band] = float(config.get("instrument", "APOD_{0}_2".format(band))) spot_ratio_h[band] = float(config.get("instrument", "APOD_H_{0}".format(band))) spot_ratio_h2[band] = float(config.get("instrument", "APOD_H_{0}_2".format(band))) elif (band == 'K1'): spot_ratio_h[band] = float(config.get("instrument", "APOD_H_{0}".format(band))) elif (band == 'K2'): ## No lab measurement exists for Hapod/K2 combination, so falling back to APOD_K2 spot_ratio_h[band] = float(config.get("instrument", "APOD_K2".format(band))) observatory_latitude = float(config.get("observatory", "observatory_lat")) except ConfigParser.Error as e: print("Error reading GPI configuration file: {0}".format(e.message)) raise e # read in GPI coronagraphic throughput profiles profile_dir = os.path.join(package_directory, "GPI_profiles") bands = ['Y', 'J', 'H', 'K1', 'K2'] coronagraph_throughputs = {} # dictionary of tuple of arrays (separations [arcsec], throughputs) for band in bands: profile_filename = os.path.join(profile_dir, "gpi_offaxis_throughput_{0}.fits".format(band)) if os.path.exists(profile_filename): with as hdulist: seps = hdulist[1].data['Radius'] throughputs = hdulist[1].data['Throughput'] coronagraph_throughputs[band] = (seps, throughputs) else: # just set it all equal to 1 print("Couldn't find {0}. Skipping...".format(profile_filename)) coronagraph_throughputs[band] = (np.array([0, 0.5]), np.array([1, 1])) #################### ### Constructors ### #################### def __init__(self, filepaths=None, skipslices=None, highpass=False, meas_satspot_flux=False, numthreads=-1, PSF_cube=None, recalc_wvs=True, recalc_centers=True, bad_sat_spots=None, quiet=False): """ Initialization code for GPIData Note: Argument information is in the GPIData class definition docstring """ super(GPIData, self).__init__() self._output = None self.bad_sat_spots = bad_sat_spots # GPI cubes are in a right handed coordinate system. Need to flip to left handed self.flipx = True self.output_centers = None if filepaths is None: print("Creating a blank GPI data instance with all fields set to None. Did you want to do this?") self._input = None self._centers = None self._filenums = None self._filenames = None self._PAs = None self._wvs = None self._wcs = None self._IWA = None self.spot_flux = None self.dn_per_contrast = None self.prihdrs = None self.exthdrs = None self.flux_units = None self.wv_indices = None else: self.readdata(filepaths, skipslices=skipslices, highpass=highpass, meas_satspot_flux=meas_satspot_flux, numthreads=numthreads,PSF_cube=PSF_cube, recalc_wvs=recalc_wvs, recalc_centers=recalc_centers, bad_sat_spots=bad_sat_spots, quiet=quiet) ################################ ### Instance Required Fields ### ################################ @property def input(self): return self._input @input.setter def input(self, newval): self._input = newval @property def centers(self): return self._centers @centers.setter def centers(self, newval): self._centers = newval @property def filenums(self): return self._filenums @filenums.setter def filenums(self, newval): self._filenums = newval @property def filenames(self): return self._filenames @filenames.setter def filenames(self, newval): self._filenames = newval @property def PAs(self): return self._PAs @PAs.setter def PAs(self, newval): self._PAs = newval @property def wvs(self): return self._wvs @wvs.setter def wvs(self, newval): self._wvs = newval @property def wcs(self): return self._wcs @wcs.setter def wcs(self, newval): self._wcs = newval @property def IWA(self): return self._IWA @IWA.setter def IWA(self, newval): self._IWA = newval @property def output(self): return self._output @output.setter def output(self, newval): self._output = newval ############### ### Methods ### ###############
[docs] def readdata(self, filepaths, skipslices=None, highpass=False, meas_satspot_flux=False,numthreads = -1, PSF_cube=None, recalc_wvs=True, recalc_centers=True, bad_sat_spots=None, quiet=False): """ Method to open and read a list of GPI data Args: filespaths: a list of filepaths skipslices: a list of wavelenegth slices to skip for each datacube (supply index numbers e.g. [0,1,2,3]) highpass: if True, run a Gaussian high pass filter (default size is sigma=imgsize/10) can also be a number specifying FWHM of box in pixel units meas_satspot_flux: if True, remeasure the satellite spot fluxes (would be done after hp filter) numthreads: Number of threads to be used. Default -1 sequential sat spot flux calc. If None, numthreads = mp.cpu_count(). PSF_cube: 3D array (nl,ny,nx) with the PSF cube to be used in the flux calculation. recalc_wvs: if True, uses sat spot positions and the central wavelength to recalculate wavelength solution recalc_centers: if True, uses a least squares fit and the satellite spots to recalculate the img centers bad_sat_spots: a list of up to 4 elements indicating if a sat spot is systematically bad. Returns: Technically none. It saves things to fields of the GPIData object. See object doc string """ # check to see if user just inputted a single filename string if isinstance(filepaths, str): filepaths = [filepaths] # check that the list of files actually contains something if len(filepaths) == 0: raise ValueError("An empty filelist was passed in to GPIData") # check bad sat spots to make sure they are reasonable if bad_sat_spots is not None: for bad_sat_index in bad_sat_spots: if not 0 <= bad_sat_index < 4: raise ValueError("Sat spots can only be labelled 0 to 3") #make some lists for quick appending data = [] filenums = [] filenames = [] rot_angles = [] wvs = [] wv_indices = [] centers = [] wcs_hdrs = [] spot_fluxes = [] spot_orders = [] inttimes = [] prihdrs = [] exthdrs = [] #Create a threadpool for high pass filter pool = mp.Pool() if PSF_cube is not None: if isinstance(PSF_cube, np.ndarray): PSF_cube_arr = PSF_cube else: # Read PSF cube from memory if a string given if os.path.isabs(PSF_cube): PSF_cube_path = os.path.abspath(glob.glob(os.path.join(PSF_cube))[0]) else: base_path = os.path.dirname(filepaths[0]) PSF_cube_path = os.path.abspath(glob.glob(os.path.join(base_path,PSF_cube))[0]) hdulist = PSF_cube_arr = hdulist[1].data numwv,ny_psf,nx_psf = PSF_cube_arr.shape x_psf_grid, y_psf_grid = np.meshgrid(np.arange(nx_psf * 1.)-nx_psf//2,np.arange(ny_psf* 1.)-ny_psf//2) psfs_func_list = [] from scipy import interpolate for wv_index in range(numwv): model_psf = PSF_cube_arr[wv_index, :, :] psfs_func_list.append(interpolate.LSQBivariateSpline(x_psf_grid.ravel(),y_psf_grid.ravel(),model_psf.ravel(),x_psf_grid[0,0:nx_psf-1]+0.5,y_psf_grid[0:ny_psf-1,0]+0.5)) else: psfs_func_list = None #extract data from each file for index, filepath in enumerate(filepaths): cube, center, rotang, wv, cube_wv_indices, astr_hdrs, filt_band, fpm_band, ppm_band, spot_flux, inttime, prihdr, exthdr, spot_order = \ _gpi_process_file(filepath, skipslices=skipslices, highpass=highpass, meas_satspot_flux=meas_satspot_flux, numthreads=numthreads, psfs_func_list=psfs_func_list, bad_sat_spots=bad_sat_spots, quiet=quiet, pool = pool) # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # print(filepath) # plt.plot(spot_flux,'r') # data.append(cube) centers.append(center) spot_fluxes.append(spot_flux) spot_orders.append(spot_order) rot_angles.append(rotang) wvs.append(wv) wv_indices.append(cube_wv_indices) filenums.append(np.ones(rotang.shape[0], dtype=int) * index) wcs_hdrs.append(astr_hdrs) inttimes.append(inttime) prihdrs.append(prihdr) exthdrs.append(exthdr) #filename = np.chararray(pa.shape[0]) #filename[:] = filepath filenames.append([filepath for i in range(rotang.shape[0])]) #Close threadpool pool.close() pool.join() if len(set(spot_orders)) > 1: raise AssertionError("Using a combination of first and second order spots to reduce data cubes is not supported") #convert everything into numpy arrays #reshape arrays so that we collapse all the files together (i.e. don't care about distinguishing files) data = np.array(data) dims = data.shape data = data.reshape([dims[0] * dims[1], dims[2], dims[3]]) filenums = np.array(filenums).reshape([dims[0] * dims[1]]) filenames = np.array(filenames).reshape([dims[0] * dims[1]]) rot_angles = np.array(rot_angles).reshape([dims[0] * dims[1]]) wvs = np.array(wvs).reshape([dims[0] * dims[1]]) wv_indices = np.array(wv_indices).reshape([dims[0] * dims[1]]) wcs_hdrs = np.array(wcs_hdrs).reshape([dims[0] * dims[1]]) centers = np.array(centers).reshape([dims[0] * dims[1], 2]) spot_fluxes = np.array(spot_fluxes).reshape([dims[0] * dims[1]]) inttimes = np.array(inttimes).reshape([dims[0] * dims[1]]) # if there is more than 1 integration time, normalize all data to the first integration time if np.size(np.unique(inttimes)) > 1: inttime0 = inttime[0] # normalize integration times data = data * inttime0/inttimes[:, None, None] spot_fluxes *= inttime0/inttimes # only do the wavelength solution and center recalculation if it isn't broadband imaging if np.size(np.unique(wvs)) > 1: # recalculate wavelegnths from satellite spots if recalc_wvs: wvs = rescale_wvs(exthdrs, wvs, skipslices=skipslices, bad_sat_spots=bad_sat_spots) # recaclulate centers from satellite spots and new wavelegnth solution if recalc_centers: wvs_bycube = wvs.reshape([dims[0], dims[1]]) centers_bycube = centers.reshape([dims[0], dims[1], 2]) for i, cubewvs in enumerate(wvs_bycube): try: centers_bycube[i] = calc_center(prihdrs[i], exthdrs[i], cubewvs, skipslices=skipslices, bad_sat_spots=bad_sat_spots) except KeyError: print("Unable to recenter the data using a least squraes fit due to not enough header info for file " "{0}".format(filenames[i*dims[1]])) # contrast_scaling = np.zeros(dims[1]) # spot_fluxes_wvs = np.reshape(spot_fluxes, (dims[0], dims[1])) # for wv_i in range(dims[1]): # spot_fluxes_wv = spot_fluxes_wvs[:,wv_i] # spot_fluxes_wv_filt = astrostats.sigma_clip(spot_fluxes_wv, sig=5, iters=2) # contrast_scaling[i] = GPIData.spot_ratio[ppm_band]/np.nanmean(spot_fluxes_wv_filt) #set these as the fields for the GPIData object self._input = data self._centers = centers self._filenums = filenums self._filenames = filenames self._PAs = rot_angles self._wvs = wvs self._wcs = wcs_hdrs self._IWA = GPIData.fpm_diam[fpm_band]/2.0 self.wv_indices = wv_indices self.spot_flux = spot_fluxes self.flux_units = "DN" if filt_band == ppm_band: if spot_orders[0] == 1: self.dn_per_contrast = np.tile(np.nanmean(spot_fluxes.reshape(dims[0], dims[1]), axis=0), dims[0]) / GPIData.spot_ratio[ppm_band] if spot_orders[0] == 2: self.dn_per_contrast = np.tile(np.nanmean(spot_fluxes.reshape(dims[0], dims[1]), axis=0), dims[0]) / GPIData.spot_ratio2[ppm_band] elif ppm_band == "H": # For when GPI was stuck at PPM='H' if spot_orders[0] == 1: self.dn_per_contrast = np.tile(np.nanmean(spot_fluxes.reshape(dims[0], dims[1]), axis=0), dims[0]) / GPIData.spot_ratio_h[filt_band] if spot_orders[0] == 2: self.dn_per_contrast = np.tile(np.nanmean(spot_fluxes.reshape(dims[0], dims[1]), axis=0), dims[0]) / GPIData.spot_ratio_h2[filt_band] else: if spot_orders[0] == 1: self.dn_per_contrast = np.tile(np.nanmean(spot_fluxes.reshape(dims[0], dims[1]), axis=0), dims[0]) / GPIData.spot_ratio[ppm_band] if spot_orders[0] == 2: self.dn_per_contrast = np.tile(np.nanmean(spot_fluxes.reshape(dims[0], dims[1]), axis=0), dims[0]) / GPIData.spot_ratio2[ppm_band] print("Warning: Unsupported filt_band/ppm_band combination: {0}/{1}".format(filt_band, ppm_band)) # self.contrast_scaling = np.tile(contrast_scaling, dims[0]) self.prihdrs = prihdrs self.exthdrs = exthdrs self.coronagraph_throughput = GPIData.coronagraph_throughputs[fpm_band] # Required for automatically querying Simbad for the spectral type of the star. self.object_name = self.prihdrs[0]["OBJECT"]
[docs] def savedata(self, filepath, data, klipparams = None, filetype = None, zaxis = None, more_keywords=None, center=None, astr_hdr=None, fakePlparams = None,user_prihdr = None, user_exthdr = None, extra_exthdr_keywords = None, extra_prihdr_keywords = None): """ Save data in a GPI-like fashion. Aka, data and header are in the first extension header Note: In principle, the function only works inside klip_dataset(). In order to use it outside of klip_dataset, you need to define the following attributes: dataset.output_wcs = np.array([w.deepcopy() if w is not None else None for w in dataset.wcs]) dataset.output_centers = dataset.centers Args: filepath: path to file to output data: 2D or 3D data to save klipparams: a string of klip parameters filetype: filetype of the object (e.g. "KL Mode Cube", "PSF Subtracted Spectral Cube") zaxis: a list of values for the zaxis of the datacub (for KL mode cubes currently) more_keywords (dictionary) : a dictionary {key: value, key:value} of header keywords and values which will written into the primary header astr_hdr: wcs astrometry header center: center of the image to be saved in the header as the keywords PSFCENTX and PSFCENTY in pixels. The first pixel has coordinates (0,0) fakePlparams: fake planet params user_prihdr: User defined primary headers to be used instead user_exthdr: User defined extension headers to be used instead extra_exthdr_keywords: Fits keywords to be added to the extension header before saving the file extra_prihdr_keywords: Fits keywords to be added to the primary header before saving the file """ hdulist = fits.HDUList() if user_prihdr is None: hdulist.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(header=self.prihdrs[0])) else: hdulist.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(header=user_prihdr)) if user_exthdr is None: hdulist.append(fits.ImageHDU(header=self.exthdrs[0], data=data, name="Sci")) else: hdulist.append(fits.ImageHDU(header=user_exthdr, data=data, name="Sci")) # save all the files we used in the reduction # we'll assume you used all the input files # remove duplicates from list filenames = np.unique(self.filenames) nfiles = np.size(filenames) # The following paragraph is only valid when reading raw GPI cube. try: hdulist[0].header["DRPNFILE"] = (nfiles, "Num raw files used in pyKLIP") for i, thispath in enumerate(filenames): thispath = thispath.replace("\\", '/') splited = thispath.split("/") fname = splited[-1] matches ='S20[0-9]{6}[SE][0-9]{4}(_fixed)?', fname) filename = hdulist[0].header["FILE_{0}".format(i)] = filename + '.fits' except: pass # write out psf subtraction parameters # get pyKLIP revision number pykliproot = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) # the universal_newline argument is just so python3 returns a string instead of bytes # this will probably come to bite me later try: pyklipver = pyklip.__version__ except: pyklipver = "unknown" hdulist[0].header['PSFSUB'] = ("pyKLIP", "PSF Subtraction Algo") if user_prihdr is None: hdulist[0].header.add_history("Reduced with pyKLIP using commit {0}".format(pyklipver)) if self.creator is None: hdulist[0].header['CREATOR'] = "pyKLIP-{0}".format(pyklipver) else: hdulist[0].header['CREATOR'] = self.creator hdulist[0].header.add_history("Reduced by {0}".format(self.creator)) # store commit number for pyklip hdulist[0].header['pyklipv'] = (pyklipver, "pyKLIP version that was used") if klipparams is not None: hdulist[0].header['PSFPARAM'] = (klipparams, "KLIP parameters") hdulist[0].header.add_history("pyKLIP reduction with parameters {0}".format(klipparams)) if fakePlparams is not None: hdulist[0].header['FAKPLPAR'] = (fakePlparams, "Fake planet parameters") hdulist[0].header.add_history("pyKLIP reduction with fake planet injection parameters {0}".format(fakePlparams)) # store file type if filetype is not None: hdulist[0].header['FILETYPE'] = (filetype, "GPI File type") #write flux units/conversion hdulist[1].header['FUNIT'] = (self.flux_units, "Flux units of data") if self.flux_units.upper() == 'CONTRAST': if "spec" in filetype.lower(): # individual contrast scalings for spectral cube for wv_i in range(data.shape[0]): hdulist[1].header['DN2CON{0}'.format(wv_i)] = (self.dn_per_contrast[wv_i], "DN/Contrast for slice {0}".format(wv_i)) hdulist[0].header.add_history("Converted to contrast units using CON2DN scaling for each wv slice") else: # broadband cube so only have one scaling broadband_contrast_scaling = np.nanmean(self.dn_per_contrast) hdulist[1].header['DN2CON'] = (broadband_contrast_scaling, "Broadband DN/Contrast") hdulist[0].header.add_history("Converted to contrast units using {0} DN/Contrast".format(broadband_contrast_scaling)) # store extra keywords in header if more_keywords is not None: for hdr_key in more_keywords: hdulist[0].header[hdr_key] = more_keywords[hdr_key] # JB's code to store keywords if extra_prihdr_keywords is not None: for name,value in extra_prihdr_keywords: hdulist[0].header[name] = value if extra_exthdr_keywords is not None: for name,value in extra_exthdr_keywords: hdulist[1].header[name] = value # write z axis units if necessary if zaxis is not None and filetype is not None: #Writing a KL mode Cube if "KL Mode" in filetype: hdulist[1].header['CTYPE3'] = 'KLMODES' #write them individually for i, klmode in enumerate(zaxis): hdulist[1].header['KLMODE{0}'.format(i)] = (klmode, "KL Mode of slice {0}".format(i)) elif "spec" in filetype.lower(): hdulist[1].header['CTYPE3'] = 'WAVE' else: hdulist[1].header['CTYPE3'] = 'NONE' if np.ndim(data) == 2: if 'CTYPE3' in hdulist[1].header.keys(): hdulist[1].header['CTYPE3'] = 'NONE' if user_exthdr is None: #use the dataset astr hdr if none was passed in if astr_hdr is None: astr_hdr = self.output_wcs[0] if astr_hdr is not None: #update astro header #I don't have a better way doing this so we'll just inject all the values by hand astroheader = astr_hdr.to_header() exthdr = hdulist[1].header exthdr['PC1_1'] = astroheader['PC1_1'] exthdr['PC2_2'] = astroheader['PC2_2'] try: exthdr['PC1_2'] = astroheader['PC1_2'] exthdr['PC2_1'] = astroheader['PC2_1'] except KeyError: exthdr['PC1_2'] = 0.0 exthdr['PC2_1'] = 0.0 #remove CD values as those are confusing try: exthdr.remove('CD1_1') exthdr.remove('CD1_2') exthdr.remove('CD2_1') exthdr.remove('CD2_2') except: pass # nothing to do if they were removed already exthdr['CDELT1'] = 1 exthdr['CDELT2'] = 1 #use the dataset center if none was passed in if center is None: center = self.output_centers[0] if center is not None: hdulist[1].header.update({'PSFCENTX':center[0],'PSFCENTY':center[1]}) hdulist[1].header.update({'CRPIX1':center[0],'CRPIX2':center[1]}) hdulist[0].header.add_history("Image recentered to {0}".format(str(center))) try: hdulist.writeto(filepath, overwrite=True) except TypeError: hdulist.writeto(filepath, clobber=True) hdulist.close()
[docs] def calibrate_output(self, img, spectral=False, units="contrast"): """ Calibrates the flux of an output image. Can either be a broadband image or a spectral cube depending on if the spectral flag is set. Assumes the broadband flux calibration is just multiplication by a single scalar number whereas spectral datacubes may have a separate calibration value for each wavelength Args: img: unclaibrated image. If spectral is not set, this can either be a 2-D or 3-D broadband image where the last two dimensions are [y,x] If specetral is True, this is a 3-D spectral cube with shape [wv,y,x] spectral: if True, this is a spectral datacube. Otherwise, it is a broadband image. units: currently only support "contrast" w.r.t central star Returns: img: calibrated image of the same shape (this is the same object as the input!!!) """ if units == "contrast": if spectral: # spectral cube, each slice needs it's own calibration numwvs = img.shape[0] img /= self.dn_per_contrast[:numwvs, None, None] else: # broadband image img /= np.nanmean(self.dn_per_contrast) self.flux_units = "contrast" # assume the image is centered on the output_centers attribute if self.output_centers is not None: img_center = self.output_centers[0] th_seps, coron_th = self.coronagraph_throughput th_seps_pix = th_seps/GPIData.lenslet_scale y, x = np.indices(img.shape[-2:]) r = np.sqrt((x - img_center[0])**2 + (y - img_center[1])**2) throughput_img = np.interp(r.ravel(), th_seps_pix, coron_th, right=1).reshape(img.shape[-2:]) img = img / throughput_img return img
[docs] def generate_psfs(self, boxrad=7, time_collapse=True): """ Generates PSF for each frame of input data. Only works on spectral mode data. Args: boxrad: the halflength of the size of the extracted PSF (in pixels) time_collapse: if True, averages PSF in time. Returns: saves PSFs to self.psfs as an array of size(N_wvs, psfy, psfx) where psfy=psfx=2*boxrad + 1 unless time_collapse=False, in which case it has shape (N_cubes, N_wvs, psfy, psfx). """ self.psfs = [] for i,frame in enumerate(self.input): # figure out which header and which wavelength slice numwaves = np.size(np.unique(self.wvs)) # hdrindex = int(i//numwaves) # slice = i % numwaves hdrindex = self.filenums[i] slice = self.wv_indices[i] # now grab the values from them by parsing the header hdr = self.exthdrs[hdrindex] spot0 = hdr['SATS{wave}_0'.format(wave=slice)].split() spot1 = hdr['SATS{wave}_1'.format(wave=slice)].split() spot2 = hdr['SATS{wave}_2'.format(wave=slice)].split() spot3 = hdr['SATS{wave}_3'.format(wave=slice)].split() # put all the sat spot info together spots = [] for j, spot in enumerate([spot0, spot1, spot2, spot3]): # ignore bad sat spots if self.bad_sat_spots is not None: if j in self.bad_sat_spots: continue spots.append([float(spot[0]), float(spot[1])]) #now make a psf spotpsf = generate_psf(frame, spots, boxrad=boxrad) self.psfs.append(spotpsf) self.psfs = np.array(self.psfs) numwvs = np.size(np.unique(self.wvs)) self.psfs = np.reshape(self.psfs, (self.psfs.shape[0]//numwvs, numwvs, self.psfs.shape[1], self.psfs.shape[2])) if time_collapse: # collapse in time dimension self.psfs = np.mean(self.psfs, axis=0)
[docs] def generate_psf_cube(self, boxw=20, threshold=0.01, tapersize=0, zero_neg=False, same_wv_only = True): """ Generates an average PSF from all frames of input data. Only works on spectral mode data. Overall cube is normalized to have the average sat spot spectrum in DN units. The spectrum is built by combining all the estimated sat spot fluxes. It can take a while as this function is not parallelized... The center of the PSF is exactly on the central pixel of the PSF. The center pixel index is always (nx/2,nx/2) assuming integer division. The output PSF cube shape doesn't depend on the underlying sat spot flux calculation. The sat spot fluxes are only used to set the spectrum of the PSF at the very end. //!\\ CAUTION 1: I think same_wv_only = False has a bug even in the rescaling of the coordinates //!\\ CAUTION 2: Currently hard coded assuming 37 spectral channels!!! This function is not compatible with skipslices. Args: boxw: the width the extracted PSF (in pixels). Should be bigger than 20 because there is an interpolation of the background by a plane which is then subtracted to remove linear biases. threshold: fractional pixel value of max pixel value below which everything gets set to 0's tapersize: if > 0, apply a hann window on the edges with size equal to this argument zero_neg: if True, set all negative values to zero instead same_wv_only: If true (default), it only combines sat spot from the same wavelength. Otherwise it rescales them to each wavelengths. CAUTION: I think same_wv_only = False has a bug even in the rescaling of the coordinates Returns: A cube of shape 37*boxw*boxw. Each slice [k,:,:] is the PSF for a given wavelength. """ n_frames,ny,nx = self.input.shape unique_wvs = np.unique(self.wvs) numwaves = np.size(np.unique(self.wvs)) # Array containing all the individual measured sat spots form the dataset # - 0th dim: The wavelength of the final PSF cube # - 1st dim: spatial x-axis # - 2nd dim: spatial y-axis # - 3rd dim: All the slices in dataset # - 4th dim: The 4 spots per slice psfs = np.zeros((numwaves,boxw,boxw,n_frames,4)) + np.nan # Loop over the wavelength of the final PSF cube for lambda_ref_id, lambda_ref in enumerate(unique_wvs): # Loop over all the all slices (cubes and wavelengths). Note that each slice has 4 sat spots. if same_wv_only: frames_iter = [(k,self.input[k,:,:]) for k in range(lambda_ref_id,n_frames,37)] else: frames_iter = enumerate(self.input) for i,frame in frames_iter: #figure out which header and which wavelength slice hdrindex = int(i)//int(numwaves) slice = i % numwaves lambda_curr = unique_wvs[slice] #now grab the values from them by parsing the header hdr = self.exthdrs[hdrindex] # Each 'SATS{wave}_i' is a tuple and corresponds to the (x,y) coordinates of the given sat spot. spot0 = hdr['SATS{wave}_0'.format(wave=slice)].split() spot1 = hdr['SATS{wave}_1'.format(wave=slice)].split() spot2 = hdr['SATS{wave}_2'.format(wave=slice)].split() spot3 = hdr['SATS{wave}_3'.format(wave=slice)].split() #put all the sat spot coordinates together spots = [] for j, spot in enumerate([spot0, spot1, spot2, spot3]): # ignore bad sat spots if self.bad_sat_spots is not None: if j in self.bad_sat_spots: continue spots.append([float(spot[0]), float(spot[1])]) #mask nans cleaned = np.copy(frame) cleaned[np.where(np.isnan(cleaned))] = 0 # Loop over the 4 spots in the current slice for loc_id, loc in enumerate(spots): #grab current satellite spot positions spotx = loc[0] spoty = loc[1] # Get the closest pixel xarr_spot = int(np.round(spotx)) yarr_spot = int(np.round(spoty)) # Extract a stamp around the sat spot stamp = cleaned[(yarr_spot-int(np.floor(boxw/2.0))):(yarr_spot+int(np.ceil(boxw/2.0))),\ (xarr_spot-int(np.floor(boxw/2.0))):(xarr_spot+int(np.ceil(boxw/2.0)))] # Define coordinates grids for the stamp stamp_x, stamp_y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(boxw, dtype=np.float32), np.arange(boxw, dtype=np.float32)) # Calculate the shift of the sat spot centroid relative to the closest pixel. dx = spotx-xarr_spot dy = spoty-yarr_spot # The goal of the following section is to remove the local background (or sky) around the sat spot. # The plane is defined by 3 constants (a,b,c) such that z = a*x+b*y+c # In order to do so we fit a 2D plane to the stamp after having masked the sat spot (centered disk) stamp_r = np.sqrt((stamp_x-dx-boxw//2)**2+(stamp_y-dy-boxw//2)**2) stamp_masked = copy(stamp) stamp_x_masked = stamp_x-dx-boxw//2 stamp_y_masked = stamp_y-dy-boxw//2 stamp_center = np.where(stamp_r<7) stamp_masked[stamp_center] = np.nan stamp_x_masked[stamp_center] = np.nan stamp_y_masked[stamp_center] = np.nan background_med = np.nanmedian(stamp_masked) stamp_masked = stamp_masked - background_med #Solve 2d linear fit to remove background xx = np.nansum(stamp_x_masked**2) yy = np.nansum(stamp_y_masked**2) xy = np.nansum(stamp_y_masked*stamp_x_masked) xz = np.nansum(stamp_masked*stamp_x_masked) yz = np.nansum(stamp_y_masked*stamp_masked) #Cramer's rule a = (xz*yy-yz*xy)/(xx*yy-xy*xy) b = (xx*yz-xy*xz)/(xx*yy-xy*xy) stamp = stamp - (a*(stamp_x-dx-boxw//2)+b*(stamp_y-dy-boxw//2) + background_med) if not same_wv_only: # The next section rescale the grid to take into account wavelength widening # For example if lambda_ref < lambda_curr the grid values need to increase because the current stamp # is bigger than the reference. # The next 2 lines convert cartesion coordinates to cylindrical. stamp_r = np.sqrt((stamp_x-dx-boxw//2)**2+(stamp_y-dy-boxw//2)**2) stamp_th = np.arctan2(stamp_y-dy-boxw//2,stamp_x-dx-boxw//2) #stamp_th = np.arctan2(stamp_x-dx-boxw/2,stamp_y-dy-boxw/2) # Rescale radius grid stamp_r /= lambda_ref/lambda_curr # Converting cylindrical back to cartesian. stamp_x = stamp_r*np.cos(stamp_th)+boxw//2 + dx stamp_y = stamp_r*np.sin(stamp_th)+boxw//2 + dy # At this point stamp_x/y is centered on the center pixel but properly scaled wrt wavelength. # Because map_coordinates wants the coordinate of the new grid relative to the old we need to shift # it in the opposite direction as before (+dx/dy instead of -dx/dy) stamp = ndimage.map_coordinates(stamp, [stamp_y+dy, stamp_x+dx]) #stamp = ndimage.map_coordinates(stamp, [stamp_y+dx, stamp_x+dy]) # apply a hann window on the edges with size equal to this argument if tapersize > 0: tapery, taperx = np.indices(stamp.shape) taperr = np.sqrt((taperx-boxw//2)**2 + (tapery-boxw//2)**2) stamp[np.where(taperr > boxw//2)] = 0 hann_window = 0.5 - 0.5 * np.cos(np.pi * (boxw//2 - taperr) / tapersize) taper_region = np.where(taperr > boxw//2 - tapersize) stamp[taper_region] *= hann_window[taper_region] # Set to zero negative values if requested if zero_neg: stamp[np.where(stamp < 0)] = 0 # Store the rescaled PSF in the big array psfs[lambda_ref_id,:,:,i,loc_id] = stamp # Collapse big array over the dimensions corresponding to: # - 3rd dim: All the slices in dataset # - 4th dim: The 4 spots per slice PSF_cube = np.nanmean(psfs,axis=(3,4)) #Build the average spectrum of the sat spots # Number of cubes in dataset N_cubes = int(self.input.shape[0])//int(numwaves) all_sat_spot_spec = np.zeros((37,N_cubes)) for k in range(N_cubes): all_sat_spot_spec[:,k] = self.spot_flux[37*k:37*(k+1)] sat_spot_spec = np.nanmean(all_sat_spot_spec,axis=1) # Include sat spot spectrum PSF_cube and apply threshold. PSF_cube /= np.sqrt(np.nansum(PSF_cube**2)) for l in range(numwaves): PSF_cube[l,:,:] *= sat_spot_spec[l]/np.nanmax(PSF_cube[l,:,:]) PSF_cube[l,:,:][np.where(abs(PSF_cube[l,:,:])/np.nanmax(abs(PSF_cube[l,:,:]))< threshold)] = 0.0 self.psfs = PSF_cube
[docs] def get_radial_psf(self,save = None): """ Return a pure radial PSF by averaging the original psf. The new PSF is invariant by rotation. A call to generate_psf_cube() is required prior to calling this function. The center pixel index is always (nx/2,nx/2) assuming integer division. Args: save: Optionally automatically save the radial psf cube as a fits file with filename: save+"-original_radial_PSF_cube.fits" Returns: rad_psf_cube: a (37,nx,nx) cube with the radial psf. """ if np.size(np.shape(self.psfs)) == 3 and np.shape(self.psfs)[0] == 37: nl,ny,nx = self.psfs.shape # We should have nx = ny sat_spot_spec = np.nanmax(self.psfs,axis=(1,2)) k_hd=4 # should be even nx_hd = k_hd*(nx-1) + 1 hd_psf = np.zeros((nl,nx_hd,nx_hd)) rad_psf_cube = np.zeros((nl,nx,nx)) #current_slice = np.zeros((nx,nx)) stamp_x, stamp_y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(nx, dtype=np.float32), np.arange(nx, dtype=np.float32)) stamp_r = np.sqrt((stamp_x - nx//2)**2+(stamp_y - nx//2)**2) stamp_x_hd, stamp_y_hd = np.meshgrid(np.arange(nx_hd, dtype=np.float32)/(nx_hd-1)*(nx-1), np.arange(nx_hd, dtype=np.float32)/(nx_hd-1)*(nx-1)) for l in range(nl): hd_psf[l,:,:] = ndimage.map_coordinates(self.psfs[l,:,:], [stamp_y_hd, stamp_x_hd]) #hd_psf[l,nx/2*k_hd,nx/2*k_hd] = 0. # center stamp_r_hd = np.sqrt((stamp_x_hd-stamp_x_hd[nx//2*k_hd,nx//2*k_hd])**2+(stamp_y_hd-stamp_y_hd[nx//2*k_hd,nx//2*k_hd])**2) dr = 1.0/k_hd Dr = 2.0/k_hd r_samp = np.arange(0,np.max(stamp_r_hd)+dr,dr) radial_val = np.zeros((nl,np.size(r_samp))) for r_id, r_it in enumerate(r_samp): selec_pix = np.where( ((r_it-Dr/2.0) < stamp_r_hd) * (stamp_r_hd < (r_it+Dr/2.0)) ) selec_y, selec_x = selec_pix radial_val[:,r_id] = np.nanmean(hd_psf[:,selec_y, selec_x],1) for l_id in np.arange(nl): f = interp1d(r_samp, radial_val[l_id,:], kind='cubic',bounds_error=False, fill_value=np.nan) rad_psf_cube[l_id,:,:] = f(stamp_r.reshape(nx*nx)).reshape(nx,nx) rad_psf_cube[l_id,:,:] *= sat_spot_spec[l_id]/np.nanmax(rad_psf_cube[l_id,:,:]) if 0: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt print(rad_psf_cube[l_id,0,0]) plt.figure(1) plt.imshow(rad_psf_cube[l_id,:,:],interpolation = 'nearest') plt.figure(2) plt.plot(np.nanmax(self.psfs,axis=(1,2))) if save is not None: self.savedata(save+"-original_radial_PSF_cube.fits", rad_psf_cube) return rad_psf_cube else: print("Wrong size of the PSFs stored in gpi dataset structure when calling get_radial_psf. Return 0") return 0
[docs] def spectral_collapse(self, collapse_channels=1, align_frames=True, aligned_center=None, numthreads=None): """ GPI wrapper of spectral_collapse(). Adds GPI values to collapse Collapses the dataset spectrally, bining the data into the desired number of output wavelengths. This bins each cube individually; it does not bin the data tempoarally. If number of wavelengths / output channels is not a whole number, some output channels will have more frames that went into the collapse Args: collapse_channels (int): number of output channels to evenly-ish collapse the dataset into. Default is 1 (broadband) align_frames (bool): if True, aligns each channel before collapse so that they are centered properly aligned_center: Array of shape (2) [x_cent, y_cent] for the centering the images to a given value if align_frames is True numthreads (bool,int): number of threads to parallelize align and scale. If None, use default which is all of them """ gpi_params = ["spot_flux", "dn_per_contrast"] super(GPIData, self).spectral_collapse(collapse_channels=collapse_channels, align_frames=align_frames, aligned_center=aligned_center, numthreads=numthreads, additional_params=gpi_params)
###################### ## Static Functions ## ###################### def _gpi_process_file(filepath, skipslices=None, highpass=False, meas_satspot_flux=False, numthreads=-1, psfs_func_list=None, bad_sat_spots=None, quiet=False, pool=None): """ Method to open and parse a GPI file Args: filepath: the file to open skipslices: a list of datacube slices to skip (supply index numbers e.g. [0,1,2,3]) highpass: if True, run a Gaussian high pass filter (default size is sigma=imgsize/10) can also be a number specifying FWHM of box in pixel units meas_satspot_flux: if True, measure sat spot fluxes. Will be down after high pass filter numthreads: Number of threads to be used. Default -1 sequential sat spot flux calc. If None, numthreads = mp.cpu_count(). psfs_func_list: List of spline fit function for the PSF_cube. bad_sat_spots: a list of which 4 sat spots are systematically bad Returns: (using z as size of 3rd dimension, z=37 for spec, z=1 for pol (collapsed to total intensity)) cube: 3D data cube from the file. Shape is (z,281,281) center: array of shape (z,2) giving each datacube slice a [xcenter,ycenter] in that order parang: array of z of the parallactic angle of the target (same value just repeated z times) wvs: array of z of the wavelength of each datacube slice. (For pol mode, wvs = [None]) astr_hdrs: array of z of the WCS header for each datacube slice filt_band: the band (Y, J, H, K1, K2) used in the IFS Filter (string) fpm_band: which coronagrpah was used (string) ppm_band: which apodizer was used (string) spot_fluxes: array of z containing average satellite spot fluxes for each image inttime: array of z of total integration time (accounting for co-adds by multipling data and sat spot fluxes by number of co-adds) prihdr: primary header of the FITS file exthdr: 1st extention header of the FITS file spot_order: which satellite spots were measured by the pipeline """ if not quiet: print("Reading File: {0}".format(filepath)) with as hdulist: #grab the data and headers cube = hdulist[1].data exthdr = hdulist[1].header prihdr = hdulist[0].header #get some instrument configuration from the primary header filt_band = prihdr['IFSFILT'].split('_')[1] fpm_band = prihdr['OCCULTER'].split('_')[1] try: ppm_band = prihdr['APODIZER'].split('_')[1] #to determine sat spot ratios except IndexError: ppm_band = filt_band # not found. defualt to filter if 'SATSORDR' in exthdr: spot_order = int(exthdr['SATSORDR']) else: spot_order = 1 # Default to first order #grab the astro header w = wcs.WCS(header=exthdr, naxis=[1,2]) #turns out WCS data can be wrong. Let's recalculate it using avparang parang = exthdr['AVPARANG'] # new IFSROTAT keyword. fall back to default if needed if 'IFSROTAT' in prihdr: this_ifs_rot = prihdr['IFSROTAT'] else: this_ifs_rot = GPIData.ifs_rotation vert_angle = -(360-parang) + this_ifs_rot - 90 vert_angle = np.radians(vert_angle) pc = np.array([[np.cos(vert_angle), np.sin(vert_angle)],[-np.sin(vert_angle), np.cos(vert_angle)]]) cdmatrix = pc * GPIData.lenslet_scale /3600.[0,0] = cdmatrix[0,0][0,1] = cdmatrix[0,1][1,0] = cdmatrix[1,0][1,1] = cdmatrix[1,1] # rotation angle for pyklip pyklip_rotang = -(parang) + (90 - this_ifs_rot) # pretty sure just the negative of vert_angle, but need to check # get number of co-adds coadds = exthdr['COADDS0'] #for spectral mode we need to treat each wavelegnth slice separately (unprocessed data) if exthdr['CTYPE3'].strip() == 'WAVE': channels = exthdr['NAXIS3'] wvs = exthdr['CRVAL3'] + exthdr['CD3_3'] * np.arange(channels) #get wavelength solution wv_indices = np.arange(channels, dtype=int) center = [] spot_fluxes = [] spots_xloc = [] spots_yloc = [] # Try to retrieve the spot fluxes from DN2CON# in the case where we are reading an already processed cube. if 'DN2CON0' in exthdr.keys(): for i in range(channels): if spot_order == 1: # Use first order spot ratios if ppm_band == filt_band: spot_fluxes.append(float(exthdr['DN2CON{0}'.format(i)])*GPIData.spot_ratio[ppm_band]) elif ppm_band == "H": spot_fluxes.append(float(exthdr['DN2CON{0}'.format(i)])*GPIData.spot_ratio_h[filt_band]) else: # guess that sat spots roughly independent of wavelength spot_fluxes.append(float(exthdr['DN2CON{0}'.format(i)])*GPIData.spot_ratio[ppm_band]) print("Warning: Unsupported filt_band/ppm_band combination: {0}/{1}".format(filt_band, ppm_band)) elif spot_order == 2: # Use second order spot ratios if ppm_band == filt_band: spot_fluxes.append(float(exthdr['DN2CON{0}'.format(i)])*GPIData.spot_ratio2[ppm_band]) elif ppm_band == "H": spot_fluxes.append(float(exthdr['DN2CON{0}'.format(i)])*GPIData.spot_ratio_h2[filt_band]) else: # guess that sat spots roughly independent of wavelength spot_fluxes.append(float(exthdr['DN2CON{0}'.format(i)])*GPIData.spot_ratio[ppm_band]) print("Warning: Unsupported filt_band/ppm_band combination: {0}/{1}".format(filt_band, ppm_band)) else: for i in range(channels): #grab sat spot fluxes if they're there try: spot0flux = float(exthdr['SATF{wave}_0'.format(wave=i)]) spot1flux = float(exthdr['SATF{wave}_1'.format(wave=i)]) spot2flux = float(exthdr['SATF{wave}_2'.format(wave=i)]) spot3flux = float(exthdr['SATF{wave}_3'.format(wave=i)]) except KeyError: spot0flux = 1 spot1flux = 1 spot2flux = 1 spot3flux = 1 this_frame_spot_fluxes = [spot0flux, spot1flux, spot2flux, spot3flux] # delete bad data if bad_sat_spots is not None: bad_sat_spots.sort(reverse=True) # delete fom highest index first to not mess up indexing for bad_sat_index in bad_sat_spots: del(this_frame_spot_fluxes[bad_sat_index]) spot_fluxes.append(np.nanmean(this_frame_spot_fluxes)) #calculate centers from satellite spots for i in range(channels): #grab satellite spot positions spot0 = exthdr['SATS{wave}_0'.format(wave=i)].split() spot1 = exthdr['SATS{wave}_1'.format(wave=i)].split() spot2 = exthdr['SATS{wave}_2'.format(wave=i)].split() spot3 = exthdr['SATS{wave}_3'.format(wave=i)].split() centx = np.nanmean([float(spot0[0]), float(spot1[0]), float(spot2[0]), float(spot3[0])]) centy = np.nanmean([float(spot0[1]), float(spot1[1]), float(spot2[1]), float(spot3[1])]) center.append([centx, centy]) # for the rest, compile the list of sat spot data, ignoring bad sat spots this_frame_spot_x_locs = [float(spot0[0]), float(spot1[0]), float(spot2[0]), float(spot3[0])] this_frame_spot_y_locs = [float(spot0[1]), float(spot1[1]), float(spot2[1]), float(spot3[1])] this_frame_spot_indices = [0, 1, 2, 3] # delete bad data if bad_sat_spots is not None: bad_sat_spots.sort(reverse=True) # delete fom highest index first to not mess up indexing for bad_sat_index in bad_sat_spots: del(this_frame_spot_x_locs[bad_sat_index]) del(this_frame_spot_y_locs[bad_sat_index]) del(this_frame_spot_indices[bad_sat_index]) spots_xloc.append(this_frame_spot_x_locs) spots_yloc.append(this_frame_spot_y_locs) # if the data is a pyklip reduced spectral cube, PSFCENTX/Y should be used to define the center of the image if "PSFSUB" in prihdr: if prihdr["PSFSUB"].strip() == "pyKLIP": center = [[exthdr['PSFCENTX'], exthdr['PSFCENTY']],]*len(center) rotang = np.repeat(pyklip_rotang, channels) #populate PA for each wavelength slice (the same) inttime = np.repeat(exthdr['ITIME0'] / 1.e6, channels) astr_hdrs = [w.deepcopy() for i in range(channels)] #repeat astrom header for each wavelength slice #for pol mode, we consider only total intensity but want to keep the same array shape to make processing easier elif exthdr['CTYPE3'].strip() == 'STOKES': wvs = [1.0] wv_indices = np.array([0]) cube = np.sum(cube, axis=0) #sum to total intensity cube = cube.reshape([1, cube.shape[0], cube.shape[1]]) #maintain 3d-ness center = [[exthdr['PSFCENTX'], exthdr['PSFCENTY']]] rotang = pyklip_rotang*np.ones(1) inttime = np.repeat(exthdr['ITIME0'] / 1.e6, 1) astr_hdrs = np.repeat(w, 1) try: polspot_fluxes = [] for i in [0,1]: spot0flux = float(exthdr['SATF{wave}_0'.format(wave=i)]) spot1flux = float(exthdr['SATF{wave}_1'.format(wave=i)]) spot2flux = float(exthdr['SATF{wave}_2'.format(wave=i)]) spot3flux = float(exthdr['SATF{wave}_3'.format(wave=i)]) polspot_fluxes.append(np.nanmean([spot0flux, spot1flux, spot2flux, spot3flux])) spot_fluxes = [np.sum(polspot_fluxes)] except KeyError: spot_fluxes = [1] else:# exthdr['CTYPE3'].strip() == 'KLMODES': try: # If datacube if 'NAXIS3' in exthdr.keys(): channels = exthdr['NAXIS3'] # If single slice else: cube = cube.reshape([1, cube.shape[0], cube.shape[1]]) #maintain 3d-ness channels = 1 wvs = [0,]*channels wv_indices = [0,]*channels spot_fluxes = [0,]*channels center = [[exthdr['PSFCENTX'], exthdr['PSFCENTY']],]*channels spots_xloc = [0,]*channels spots_yloc = [0,]*channels rotang = np.repeat(pyklip_rotang, channels) #populate PA for each wavelength slice (the same) inttime = np.repeat(exthdr['ITIME0'] / 1.e6, channels) astr_hdrs = [w.deepcopy() for i in range(channels)] #repeat astrom header for each wavelength slice except: raise AttributeError("Unrecognized GPI Mode: %{mode}".format(mode=exthdr['CTYPE3'])) # normalize data to be for a single co-add (e.g. add co-adds together) if coadds > 1: # multiply each frame and sat spot fluxes by number of coadds cube *= float(coadds) spot_fluxes = [x * float(coadds) for x in spot_fluxes] # also multiply integration time by coadds inttime *= float(coadds) #remove undesirable slices of the datacube if necessary if skipslices is not None: cube = np.delete(cube, skipslices, axis=0) center = np.delete(center, skipslices, axis=0) rotang = np.delete(rotang, skipslices) wvs = np.delete(wvs, skipslices) wv_indices = np.delete(wv_indices, skipslices) astr_hdrs = np.delete(astr_hdrs, skipslices) spot_fluxes = np.delete(spot_fluxes, skipslices) spots_xloc = np.delete(spots_xloc, skipslices) spots_yloc = np.delete(spots_yloc, skipslices) inttime = np.delete(inttime, skipslices) #high pass and remeasure the satellite spot fluxes if necessary highpassed = False if isinstance(highpass, bool): if highpass: cube = high_pass_filter_imgs(cube, pool = pool) highpassed = True else: # should be a number if isinstance(highpass, (float, int)): highpass = float(highpass) fourier_sigma_size = (cube.shape[1]/(highpass)) / (2*np.sqrt(2*np.log(2))) cube = high_pass_filter_imgs(cube, filtersize=fourier_sigma_size, pool = pool) highpassed = True # remeasure satellite spot fluxes if meas_satspot_flux: # only do for spec mode, because I don't have the pol mode photometry tool implemented here if exthdr['CTYPE3'].strip() == 'WAVE': spot_fluxes = [] wv_unique = np.unique(wvs) if numthreads == -1: # default sat spot measuring code for slice, spots_xs, spots_ys, wv, wv_index in zip(cube, spots_xloc, spots_yloc, wvs, wv_indices): new_spotfluxes = measure_sat_spot_fluxes(slice, spots_xs, spots_ys,psfs_func_list=psfs_func_list,wave_index=wv_index) if np.sum(np.isfinite(new_spotfluxes)) == 0: print("Infite satellite spot fluxes", (slice, spots_xs, spots_ys)) spot_fluxes.append(np.nanmean(new_spotfluxes)) else: # JB: On going test.. if numthreads is None: numthreads = mp.cpu_count() if pool is None: tpool = mp.Pool(processes=numthreads, maxtasksperchild=50) else: tpool=pool tpool_outputs = [tpool.apply_async(measure_sat_spot_fluxes, args=(slice, spots_xs, spots_ys,psfs_func_list,wv_indices)) for id,(slice, spots_xs, spots_ys, wv, wv_index) in enumerate(zip(cube, spots_xloc, spots_yloc, wvs, wv_indices))] for out in tpool_outputs: out.wait() new_spotfluxes = out.get() spot_fluxes.append(np.nanmean(new_spotfluxes)) if pool is None: tpool.close() #print(spot_fluxes) return cube, center, rotang, wvs, wv_indices, astr_hdrs, filt_band, fpm_band, ppm_band, spot_fluxes, inttime, prihdr, exthdr, spot_order
[docs] def subtract_satspots(slice, slice_id, spots_xloc_thisslice, spots_yloc_thisslice, center_thisslice,psfs_func_list): """ Subtract the satellite spots in a GPI image. Inputs: slice: 2d image slice_id: index of the image from the GPI cube. Used to select the correct PSF from psfs_func_list. spots_xloc_thisslice: list of x position of the sat spots spots_yloc_thisslice: list of y position of the sat spots center_thisslice: (x0,y0) image center psfs_func_list: List of spline fit function for the PSF_cube. Can be computed as follow: numwv,ny_psf,nx_psf = PSF_cube.shape x_psf_grid, y_psf_grid = np.meshgrid(np.arange(nx_psf * 1.)-nx_psf//2,np.arange(ny_psf* 1.)-ny_psf//2) psfs_func_list = [] from scipy import interpolate for wv_index in range(numwv): model_psf = PSF_cube[wv_index, :, :] psfs_func_list.append(interpolate.LSQBivariateSpline(x_psf_grid.ravel(),y_psf_grid.ravel(),model_psf.ravel(), x_psf_grid[0,0:nx_psf-1]+0.5,y_psf_grid[0:ny_psf-1,0]+0.5)) Output: sat spot subtracted image. """ for loc_id, (spotx,spoty) in enumerate(zip(spots_xloc_thisslice,spots_yloc_thisslice)): searchrad=10 from pyklip.fitpsf import quick_psf_fit ny_psf,nx_psf = 21,21 local_PSF = psfs_func_list[slice_id](np.arange(nx_psf * 1.)-nx_psf//2,np.arange(ny_psf* 1.)-ny_psf//2).transpose() newspotx,newspoty,_ = quick_psf_fit(slice,local_PSF, spotx,spoty, nx_psf-4) if np.isnan(newspotx)or np.isnan(newspoty): continue if np.sqrt((newspotx-spotx)**2+(newspoty-spoty)**2) > 2: newspotx = spotx newspoty = spoty returned_flux,res_stamp = PSFcubefit(slice, newspotx,newspoty, searchrad=searchrad,psfs_func_list=psfs_func_list, wave_index=slice_id,residuals=True,rmbackground=True,add_background2residual=True) x0 = int(np.round(newspotx)) y0 = int(np.round(newspoty)) if res_stamp is not None: slice[y0-searchrad:y0+searchrad+1, x0-searchrad:x0+searchrad+1] = res_stamp #Remove secondary sat spot spotx2 = (spotx - center_thisslice[0])*2+center_thisslice[0] spoty2 = (spoty - center_thisslice[1])*2+center_thisslice[1] newspotx2,newspoty2,_ = quick_psf_fit(slice,local_PSF, spotx2,spoty2, nx_psf-4) if np.isnan(newspotx2)or np.isnan(newspoty2): continue if np.sqrt((newspotx2-spotx2)**2+(newspoty2-spoty2)**2) > 2 : newspotx2 = spotx2 newspoty2 = spoty2 try: returned_flux,res_stamp = PSFcubefit(slice, newspotx2,newspoty2, searchrad=searchrad,psfs_func_list=psfs_func_list, wave_index=slice_id,residuals=True,rmbackground=True,add_background2residual=True) except: pass print(newspotx2 == np.nan) print(newspotx2,newspoty2) # exit() x0 = int(np.round(newspotx2)) y0 = int(np.round(newspoty2)) if res_stamp is not None: slice[y0-searchrad:y0+searchrad+1, x0-searchrad:x0+searchrad+1] = res_stamp return slice
[docs] def measure_sat_spot_fluxes(img, spots_x, spots_y,psfs_func_list=None,wave_index=None, residuals = False): """ Measure satellite spot peak fluxes using a Gaussian matched filter Args: img: 2D frame with 4 sat spots spots_x: list of 4 satellite spot x coordinates spots_y: list of 4 satellite spot y coordinates psfs_func_list: List of spline fit function for the PSF_cube. If None (default) a gaussian fit is used. wave_index: Index of the current wavelength. In [0,36] for GPI. Only used when psfs_func_list is not None. residuals: If True (Default = False) then calculate the residuals of the sat spot fit (gaussian or PSF cube). Returns: spots_f: list of 4 satellite spot fluxes """ spots_f = [] residual_map_list=[] for spotx, spoty in zip(spots_x, spots_y): # flux, fwhm, xfit, yfit = gaussfit2d(img, spotx, spoty, refinefit=False) if psfs_func_list is None: if residuals: flux,residual_map = gaussfit2dLSQ(img, spotx, spoty,residuals=residuals) residual_map_list.append(residual_map) else: flux = gaussfit2dLSQ(img, spotx, spoty,residuals=residuals) else: if residuals: flux,residual_map = PSFcubefit(img, spotx, spoty,psfs_func_list=psfs_func_list,wave_index=wave_index,residuals=residuals) residual_map_list.append(residual_map) else: flux = PSFcubefit(img, spotx, spoty,psfs_func_list=psfs_func_list,wave_index=wave_index,residuals=residuals) fwhm = 3 if flux == np.inf: flux = np.nan if (fwhm < 1) | (fwhm > 10): # most definitely bogus measurements flux = np.nan spots_f.append(flux) if residuals: return spots_f,residual_map_list else: return spots_f
[docs] def recalculate_sat_spot_fluxes(dataset, skipslices=None, numthreads=-1, PSF_cube=None, residuals = False): """ Recalculate the satellite spots fluxes. Args: dataset: GPIData object. skipslices: a list of datacube slices to skip (supply index numbers e.g. [0,1,2,3]) WARNING! SKIPSLICES features hasn't been tested with this function. numthreads: Number of threads to be used. Default -1 sequential sat spot flux calc. If None, numthreads = mp.cpu_count(). PSF_cube: 3D array (nl,ny,nx) with the PSF cube to be used in the flux calculation. residuals: If True (Default = False) then calculate the residuals of the sat spot fit (gaussian or PSF cube). Returns: spot_fluxes: The list of sat spot fluxes. Can be used to redefine dataset.spot_flux. """ if PSF_cube is not None: numwv,ny_psf,nx_psf = PSF_cube.shape x_psf_grid, y_psf_grid = np.meshgrid(np.arange(nx_psf * 1.)-nx_psf//2,np.arange(ny_psf* 1.)-ny_psf//2) psfs_func_list = [] from scipy import interpolate for wv_index in range(numwv): model_psf = PSF_cube[wv_index, :, :] psfs_func_list.append(interpolate.LSQBivariateSpline(x_psf_grid.ravel(),y_psf_grid.ravel(),model_psf.ravel(),x_psf_grid[0,0:nx_psf-1]+0.5,y_psf_grid[0:ny_psf-1,0]+0.5)) else: psfs_func_list = None N_cubes = len(dataset.exthdrs) wv_unique = np.unique(dataset.wvs) nl = np.size(wv_unique) spot_fluxes = [] residuals_map_list = [] for cube_id,(prihdr,exthdr) in enumerate(zip(dataset.prihdrs,dataset.exthdrs)): #for spectral mode we need to treat each wavelegnth slice separately if exthdr['CTYPE3'].strip() == 'WAVE': channels = exthdr['NAXIS3'] spots_xloc = [] spots_yloc = [] cube = [] #calculate centers from satellite spots for i in range(channels): slice_id = nl*cube_id + i if skipslices is not None: if not (slice_id in skipslices): cube.append(dataset.input[slice_id]) #grab satellite spot positions spot0 = exthdr['SATS{wave}_0'.format(wave=i)].split() spot1 = exthdr['SATS{wave}_1'.format(wave=i)].split() spot2 = exthdr['SATS{wave}_2'.format(wave=i)].split() spot3 = exthdr['SATS{wave}_3'.format(wave=i)].split() spots_xloc.append([float(spot0[0]), float(spot1[0]), float(spot2[0]), float(spot3[0])]) spots_yloc.append([float(spot0[1]), float(spot1[1]), float(spot2[1]), float(spot3[1])]) else: cube.append(dataset.input[slice_id]) #grab satellite spot positions spot0 = exthdr['SATS{wave}_0'.format(wave=i)].split() spot1 = exthdr['SATS{wave}_1'.format(wave=i)].split() spot2 = exthdr['SATS{wave}_2'.format(wave=i)].split() spot3 = exthdr['SATS{wave}_3'.format(wave=i)].split() spots_xloc.append([float(spot0[0]), float(spot1[0]), float(spot2[0]), float(spot3[0])]) spots_yloc.append([float(spot0[1]), float(spot1[1]), float(spot2[1]), float(spot3[1])]) if numthreads == -1: # default sat spot measuring code for slice, spots_xs, spots_ys, wv in zip(cube, spots_xloc, spots_yloc, dataset.wvs): meas_sat_spot_out = measure_sat_spot_fluxes(slice, spots_xs, spots_ys,psfs_func_list=psfs_func_list,wave_index=np.where(wv_unique == wv)[0],residuals=residuals) if residuals: new_spotfluxes,residuals_map = meas_sat_spot_out residuals_map_list.extend(residuals_map) else: new_spotfluxes = meas_sat_spot_out if np.sum(np.isfinite(new_spotfluxes)) == 0: print("Infite satellite spot fluxes", (slice, spots_xs, spots_ys)) spot_fluxes.append(np.nanmean(new_spotfluxes)) else: # JB: On going test.. if numthreads is None: numthreads = mp.cpu_count() tpool = mp.Pool(processes=numthreads, maxtasksperchild=50) tpool_outputs = [tpool.apply_async(measure_sat_spot_fluxes, args=(slice, spots_xs, spots_ys,psfs_func_list,np.where(wv_unique == wv)[0],residuals)) for id,(slice, spots_xs, spots_ys,wv) in enumerate(zip(cube, spots_xloc, spots_yloc,dataset.wvs))] for out in tpool_outputs: out.wait() if residuals: new_spotfluxes,residuals_map = out.get() residuals_map_list.extend(residuals_map) else: new_spotfluxes = out.get() spot_fluxes.append(np.nanmean(new_spotfluxes)) tpool.close() if residuals: return np.array(spot_fluxes),residuals_map_list else: return np.array(spot_fluxes)
[docs] def generate_psf(frame, locations, boxrad=5, medianboxsize=30): """ Generates a GPI PSF for the frame based on the satellite spots Args: frame: 2d frame of data location: array of (N,2) containing [x,y] coordinates of all N satellite spots boxrad: half length of box to use to pull out PSF medianboxsize: size in pixels of box for median filter Returns: genpsf: 2d frame of size (2*boxrad+1, 2*boxrad+1) with average PSF of satellite spots """ genpsf = [] #mask nans cleaned = np.copy(frame) cleaned[np.where(np.isnan(cleaned))] = 0 #highpass filter to remove background #mask source for median filter # masked = np.copy(cleaned) # for loc in locations: # spotx = np.round(loc[0]) # spoty = np.round(loc[1]) # masked[spotx-boxrad:spotx+boxrad+1, spoty-boxrad:spoty+boxrad+1] = scipy.stats.nanmedian( # masked.reshape(masked.shape[0]*masked.shape[1])) #subtract out median filtered image #cleaned -= ndimage.median_filter(masked, size=(medianboxsize,medianboxsize)) for loc in locations: #grab satellite spot positions spotx = loc[0] spoty = loc[1] #interpolate image to grab satellite psf with it centered #add .1 to make sure we get 2*boxrad+1 but can't add +1 due to floating point precision (might cause us to #create arrays of size 2*boxrad+2) x,y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(spotx-boxrad, spotx+boxrad+0.1, 1), np.arange(spoty-boxrad, spoty+boxrad+0.1, 1)) spotpsf = ndimage.map_coordinates(cleaned, [y,x]) # if applicable, do a background subtraction if boxrad >= 7: y_img, x_img = np.indices(frame.shape, dtype=float) r_img = np.sqrt((x_img - spotx)**2 + (y_img - spoty)**2) noise_annulus = np.where((r_img > 9) & (r_img <= 12)) background_mean = np.nanmean(cleaned[noise_annulus]) spotpsf -= background_mean genpsf.append(spotpsf) genpsf = np.array(genpsf) genpsf = np.mean(genpsf, axis=0) #average the different psfs together return genpsf
[docs] def rescale_wvs(exthdrs, wvs, refwv=None, skipslices=None, bad_sat_spots=None): """ Hack to try to fix wavelength scaling issue. This will calculate the scaling between channels, and adjust the wavelength solution such that the scaling comes out linear in scaling vs wavelength. Finicky - requires that all images in the dataset have the same number of wavelength channels Args: exthdrs: a list of extension headers, from a pyklip.instrument dataset wvs: a list of wvs (can repeat. This function will only look at the first cube's wavelenghts) refwv (optional): integer index of the channel to normalize the scaling skipslices: list of skipped wavelength slices (needs to be consistent with the ones skipped by wv) Returns: scaled_wvs: Nlambda*Nexthdrs array of wavelengths that produce a linear plot of wavelength vs scaling """ #wvs_mean = wvs.reshape(len(exthdrs), len(wvs)/len(exthdrs)).mean(axis=0) if refwv is None: refwv = np.size(np.unique(wvs)) // 2 wv_indicies = range(0, exthdrs[0]['NAXIS3']) if skipslices is not None: wv_indicies = np.delete(wv_indicies, skipslices) sats = np.array([[[h['SATS{0}_{1}'.format(i,j)].split() for i in wv_indicies] for j in range(0,4)] for h in exthdrs], dtype=np.float) sats = sats.mean(axis=0) pairs = [(0,3), (1,2)] separations = np.mean([0.5*np.sqrt(np.diff(sats[p,:,0], axis=0)[0]**2 + np.diff(sats[p,:,1], axis=0)[0]**2) for p in pairs], axis=0) # average over each pair, the first axis scaling_factors = separations/separations[refwv] scaled_wvs = scaling_factors*wvs[refwv] return np.tile(scaled_wvs, len(exthdrs))
[docs] def calc_center_least_squares(xpos, ypos, wvs, orderx, ordery, displacement): """ calcualte the center position, linear least squares fit to 4 parameters Args: xpos: array of length n of x positions of satellite spots ypos: array of length n of y positions of satellite spots wvs: the wavelength of each pair of positoins orderx: the x order (can be -1 or 1 in this case. -1 is under the center, 1 is above the center) ordery: the y order (e.g. pos0 is at pox=-1, posy=1). displacment: the displacement from zenith Returns: four fit parameters (xcenter, ycenter, adrx, adry). xcenters = xcenter + ardx * displacement """ pos_x = np.matrix(xpos).T pos_y = np.matrix(ypos).T #create the B matrix for the transform. See email from James on how to make this Bx = np.append(np.matrix(np.ones(np.size(pos_x))).T, np.matrix(orderx*wvs).T,1) Bx = np.append(Bx,np.matrix(-ordery*wvs).T, 1) Bx = np.append(Bx, np.matrix(displacement).T , 1) Bx = np.append(Bx, np.matrix(np.zeros(np.size(pos_x))).T, 1) Bx = np.append(Bx, np.matrix(np.zeros(np.size(pos_x))).T, 1) By = np.append(np.matrix(np.zeros(np.size(pos_y))).T, np.matrix(ordery*wvs).T, 1) By = np.append(By, np.matrix(orderx*wvs).T, 1) By = np.append(By, np.matrix(np.zeros(np.size(pos_y))).T, 1) By = np.append(By, np.matrix(displacement).T , 1) By = np.append(By, np.matrix(np.ones(np.size(pos_y))).T, 1) B = np.append(Bx,By,0) #the measured inputs X = np.append(pos_x, pos_y, 0) #fit outputs Q = (B.T*B).I * B.T* X xcenter = float(Q[0]) ycenter = float(Q[5]) shift1 = float(Q[1]) shift2 = float(Q[2]) adrx = float(Q[3]) adry = float(Q[4]) return xcenter, ycenter, adrx, adry
[docs] def calc_center(prihdr, exthdr, wvs, ignoreslices=None, skipslices=None, bad_sat_spots=None): """ calcualte the center position of a spectral data cube Args: prihdr: primary GPI header exthdr: extention GPI header wvs: wvs of the datacube ignoreslices: slices to ignore in the fit. A list of wavelength slice indicies to ignore if none, ignores slices 0,1, len-2, len-1 (first and last two) skipslices: slices that were already skipped in processing bad_sat_stots: of the 4 sat spots, which are bad and should be ignored. Indexed 0-3 based on x coordinate Returns: centx, centy: star center """ maxwvs = exthdr['NAXIS3'] if ignoreslices is None: ignoreslices = np.array([0,1,maxwvs-2,maxwvs-1]) ignoreslices %= np.size(wvs) utstart = prihdr['UTSTART'] utstart = float(utstart[0:2]) + float(utstart[3:5])/60.+float(utstart[6:])/3600. #covert to decimal #Grab info for ADR correction #try to get environment parameters but sometimes we need to default #Get HA HA = prihdr['HA'] HA_sgn = HA[0] if HA_sgn == '+': HA_sgn = 1 else: HA_sgn = -1 HA = float(HA[0:3]) + HA_sgn*float(HA[4:6])/60. + HA_sgn*float(HA[7:])/3600. HA *= 15*np.pi/180. # rad #Get Temp Temp = prihdr['TAMBIENT'] + 273.15 #Kelvin #Get pressure Pressure = prihdr['PRESSUR2'] #Pascal #Get declination from header and convert to radians dec = exthdr['CRVAL2'] * np.pi/ 180. #rad #Calculate angle from zenith, need this for ADR corrections zenith = np.arccos(np.sin(GPIData.observatory_latitude)*np.sin(dec) + np.cos(GPIData.observatory_latitude)*np.cos(dec)*np.cos(HA)) spots_posx = [] spots_posy = [] order_x = [] order_y = [] displacement = [] spot_wvs = [] spots_wvs_index = [] #calculate reference wavelegnth refwv = np.mean(wvs) n0 = nMathar(refwv, Pressure, Temp) #reference index of refrraction #get centers from header values inputted by GPI pipeline #mask = bin(int(pcenthdr['SATSMASK'],16)) #assume all spot locations are placed in header #iterate over headers in cube i = 0 for wv in wvs: thisfour = [] n = nMathar(wv, Pressure, Temp) #index of refraction # increiment loop index if we need to skip if skipslices is not None: while i in skipslices: i += 1 # sanity check in case we get stuck in an infinite loop (hopefully won't) if i >= maxwvs: print("oops.. infinite loop in skipping wavelenghts") break for j in range(4): if bad_sat_spots is not None: if j in bad_sat_spots: continue hdr_str = "sats{0}_{1}".format(i, j) cents = exthdr[hdr_str] args = cents.split() #append this data to the list #calcuate deltaZ effect of ADR displacement.append( (n-n0)/n0 * np.tan(zenith)) #deltaZ calculation spots_posx.append(float(args[0])) spots_posy.append(float(args[1])) spot_wvs.append(wv) spots_wvs_index.append(i) #this better account for all cases or this for loop is messed up if j == 0: order_x.append(-1) order_y.append(1) elif j == 1: order_x.append(-1) order_y.append(-1) elif j == 2: order_x.append(1) order_y.append(1) elif j ==3: order_x.append(1) order_y.append(-1) i += 1 spots_posx = np.array(spots_posx) spots_posy = np.array(spots_posy) order_x = np.array(order_x) order_y = np.array(order_y) displacement = np.array(displacement) spot_wvs = np.array(spot_wvs) spots_wvs_index = np.array(spots_wvs_index) good = np.where(~np.in1d(spots_wvs_index, ignoreslices)) x0, y0, adrx, adry = calc_center_least_squares(spots_posx[good], spots_posy[good], spot_wvs[good], order_x[good], order_y[good], displacement[good]) centers_x = x0 + adrx*displacement centers_y = y0 + adry*displacement centers = np.array([centers_x, centers_y]) # centers are duplicated 4 times (for each sat spot) and the dimensions are flipped. need to remove this... if bad_sat_spots is None: num_sat_spots = 4 else: num_sat_spots = 4 - np.size(bad_sat_spots) centers = np.swapaxes(centers, 0, 1) centers = centers.reshape([centers.shape[0]//num_sat_spots, num_sat_spots, 2]) centers = centers[:,0,:] return centers
[docs] def get_gpi_wavelength_sampling(filter_name): """ Return GPI wavelength sampling for a given band. Args: filter_name: 'H', 'J', 'K1', 'K2', 'Y'. Wavelength samples are linearly spaced between the first and the last wavelength of the band. Returns: wavelengths: is the gpi sampling of the considered band in micrometer. """ # First and last wavelength of each band band_sampling = {'Z' : (0.9444, 1.1448, 37), 'Y' : (0.9444, 1.1448, 37), 'J' : (1.1108, 1.353, 37), 'H' : (1.4904, 1.8016, 37), 'K1' : (1.8818, 2.1994, 37), 'K2' : (2.1034, 2.4004, 37)} w_start, w_end, N_sample = band_sampling[filter_name] sampling_pip = np.linspace(w_start,w_end,N_sample,endpoint=True) return sampling_pip
[docs] def as2pix(sep_as): return np.array(sep_as)/GPIData.lenslet_scale
[docs] def pix2as(sep_pix): return np.array(sep_pix)*GPIData.lenslet_scale