Source code for pyklip.instruments.osiris

import os, subprocess
import as fits
from astropy import wcs
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage as ndimage
from scipy.ndimage.filters import median_filter

import pyklip
from pyklip.instruments.Instrument import Data
import pyklip.klip as klip

[docs] class Ifs(Data): """ A spectral cube of Osiris IFS Data. Args: data_cube: FITS file list with 3D-cubes (Nwvs, Ny, Nx) with an osiris IFS data telluric_cube: single telluric reference FITS file with a 3D-cube (Nwvs, Ny, Nx) with an osiris IFS data. psf_cube_size: size of the psf cube to save (length along 1 dimension) coaddslices: if not None, combine (addition) slices together to reduce the size of the spectral cube. coaddslices should be an integer corresponding to the number of slices to be combined. Attributes: input: Array of shape (N,y,x) for N images of shape (y,x) centers: Array of shape (N,2) for N centers in the format [x_cent, y_cent] filenums: Array of size N for the numerical index to map data to file that was passed in filenames: Array of size N for the actual filepath of the file that corresponds to the data PAs: Array of N for the parallactic angle rotation of the target (used for ADI) [in degrees] wvs: Array of N wavelengths of the images (used for SDI) [in microns]. For polarization data, defaults to "None" IWA: a floating point scalar (not array). Specifies to inner working angle in pixels output: Array of shape (b, len(files), len(uniq_wvs), y, x) where b is the number of different KL basis cutoffs psfs: Spectral cube of size (Nwv, psfy, psfx) where psf_cube_size defines the size of psfy, psfx. psf_center: [x, y] location of the center of the PSF for a frame in self.psfs flipx: True by default. Determines whether a relfection about the x axis is necessary to rotate image North-up East left nfiles: number of datacubes nwvs: number of wavelengths """ # class initialization # Coonstructor def __init__(self, data_cube_list, telluric_cube, guess_center=None,recalculate_center_cadi=False, centers = None, psf_cube_size=21, coaddslices=None, nan_mask_boxsize=0,median_filter_boxsize = 0,badpix2nan=False,ignore_PAs=True): super(Ifs, self).__init__() self.nfiles = len(data_cube_list) # read in the data self.filenums = [] self.filenames = [] self.prihdrs = [] self.wvs = [] self.centers = [] self.OBFMXIM_list = [] self.OBFMYIM_list = [] self.PAs = [] for k,data_cube in enumerate(data_cube_list): with as hdulist: print("Reading "+data_cube) tmp_input = np.rollaxis(np.rollaxis(hdulist[0].data,2),2,1) self.nwvs = tmp_input.shape[0] try: self.input = np.concatenate((self.input,tmp_input),axis=0) # 3D cube, Nwvs, Ny, Nx except: self.input = tmp_input self.prihdrs.append(hdulist[0].header) # Move dimensions of input array to match pyklip conventions self.filenums.extend(np.ones(self.nwvs)*k) self.filenames.extend([os.path.basename(data_cube),]*self.nwvs) # centers are at dim/2 init_wv = self.prihdrs[k]["CRVAL1"]/1000. # wv for first slice in mum dwv = self.prihdrs[k]["CDELT1"]/1000. # wv interval between 2 slices in mum self.wvs.extend(np.arange(init_wv,init_wv+dwv*self.nwvs,dwv)) # Plate scale of the spectrograph if "0.02" in self.prihdrs[k]["SSCALE"]: self.platescale = 0.0203 elif "0.035" in self.prihdrs[k]["SSCALE"]: self.platescale = 0.0350 elif "0.05" in self.prihdrs[k]["SSCALE"]: self.platescale = 0.0500 elif "0.1" in self.prihdrs[k]["SSCALE"]: self.platescale = 0.1009 self.PAs.extend(np.array([self.prihdrs[k]["PARANG"],]*self.nwvs)) self.OBFMXIM_list.extend(np.array([self.prihdrs[k]["OBFMXIM"],]*self.nwvs)) self.OBFMYIM_list.extend(np.array([self.prihdrs[k]["OBFMYIM"],]*self.nwvs)) if guess_center is None: self.centers.extend(np.array([[img.shape[1]/2., img.shape[0]/2.] for img in tmp_input])) else: self.centers.extend(np.array([guess_center,]*self.nwvs)) if centers is not None: self.centers = [] for x,y in centers: self.centers.extend([[x,y],]*self.nwvs) self.wvs = np.array(self.wvs) self.centers = np.array(self.centers) # # TODO set the PAs right? if ignore_PAs: self.PAs = np.zeros(self.wvs.shape) if badpix2nan: box_w = 3 smooth_input = median_filter(self.input,size=(box_w,box_w,box_w)) res_input = np.abs((self.input - smooth_input)) res_input = res_input/np.nanstd(res_input,axis=(1,2))[:,None,None] where_bad = np.where(res_input>5) self.input[where_bad] = np.nan self.input[np.where(self.input==0)] = np.nan # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # for k in range(res_input.shape[0]): # # plt.figure(1) # # plt.imshow(res_input[k,::-1,:],interpolation="nearest") # # plt.colorbar() # plt.figure(2) # plt.imshow(self.input[k,::-1,:],interpolation="nearest") # plt.colorbar() # # plt.figure(3) # # res_input[k,::-1,:][np.where(res_input[k,::-1,:]>5)] = np.nan # # plt.imshow(res_input[k,::-1,:],interpolation="nearest") # # plt.colorbar() # # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # for k in range(self.nwvs): # plt.imshow(self.input[50*k,::-1,:]) # plt.colorbar() # # read in the psf cube with as hdulist: psfs = hdulist[0].data # Nwvs, Ny, Nx # Move dimensions of input array to match pyklip conventions psfs = np.rollaxis(np.rollaxis(psfs,2),2,1) # The definition of psfs_wvs requires that no wavelengths has been skipped in the input files # But it works with keepslices self.psfs_wvs = np.arange(init_wv,init_wv+dwv*self.nwvs,dwv) # trim the cube pixelsbefore = psf_cube_size//2 pixelsafter = psf_cube_size - pixelsbefore psfs = np.pad(psfs,((0,0),(pixelsbefore,pixelsafter),(pixelsbefore,pixelsafter)),mode="constant",constant_values=0) psfs_centers = np.array([np.unravel_index(np.nanargmax(img),img.shape) for img in psfs]) # Change center index order to match y,x convention psfs_centers = [(cent[1],cent[0]) for cent in psfs_centers] psfs_centers = np.array(psfs_centers) center0 = np.median(psfs_centers,axis=0) # TODO Calculate precise centroid from pyklip.fakes import gaussfit2d psfs_centers = [] self.star_peaks = [] self.psfs = np.zeros((psfs.shape[0],psf_cube_size,psf_cube_size)) for k,im in enumerate(psfs): corrflux, fwhm, spotx, spoty = gaussfit2d(im, center0[0], center0[1], searchrad=5, guessfwhm=3, guesspeak=np.nanmax(im), refinefit=True) #spotx, spoty = center0 psfs_centers.append((spotx, spoty)) self.star_peaks.append(corrflux) # Get the closest pixel xarr_spot = int(np.round(spotx)) yarr_spot = int(np.round(spoty)) # Extract a stamp around the sat spot stamp = im[(yarr_spot-pixelsbefore):(yarr_spot+pixelsafter),\ (xarr_spot-pixelsbefore):(xarr_spot+pixelsafter)] # Define coordinates grids for the stamp stamp_x, stamp_y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(psf_cube_size, dtype=np.float32), np.arange(psf_cube_size, dtype=np.float32)) # Calculate the shift of the sat spot centroid relative to the closest pixel. dx = spotx-xarr_spot dy = spoty-yarr_spot # The goal of the following section is to remove the local background (or sky) around the sat spot. # The plane is defined by 3 constants (a,b,c) such that z = a*x+b*y+c # In order to do so we fit a 2D plane to the stamp after having masked the sat spot (centered disk) stamp_r = np.sqrt((stamp_x-dx-psf_cube_size//2)**2+(stamp_y-dy-psf_cube_size//2)**2) from copy import copy stamp_masked = copy(stamp) stamp_x_masked = stamp_x-dx stamp_y_masked = stamp_y-dy stamp_center = np.where(stamp_r<7) stamp_masked[stamp_center] = np.nan stamp_x_masked[stamp_center] = np.nan stamp_y_masked[stamp_center] = np.nan background_med = np.nanmedian(stamp_masked) stamp_masked = stamp_masked - background_med #Solve 2d linear fit to remove background xx = np.nansum(stamp_x_masked**2) yy = np.nansum(stamp_y_masked**2) xy = np.nansum(stamp_y_masked*stamp_x_masked) xz = np.nansum(stamp_masked*stamp_x_masked) yz = np.nansum(stamp_y_masked*stamp_masked) #Cramer's rule a = (xz*yy-yz*xy)/(xx*yy-xy*xy) b = (xx*yz-xy*xz)/(xx*yy-xy*xy) stamp = stamp - (a*(stamp_x-dx)+b*(stamp_y-dy) + background_med) stamp = ndimage.map_coordinates(stamp, [stamp_y+dy, stamp_x+dx]) self.psfs[k,:,:] = stamp # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plt.figure(1) # plt.imshow(np.nanmean(psfs,axis=0)) # plt.figure(2) # plt.imshow(np.nanmean(self.psfs,axis=0)) # # Spectrum of the telluric star self.star_peaks = np.array(self.star_peaks) # TODO include brightness of the telluric star self.dn_per_contrast = np.array([self.star_peaks[np.where(self.psfs_wvs==wv)[0]] for wv in self.wvs]) # we don't need to flip x for North Up East left self.flipx = False # I have no idea self.IWA = 0.0 # Infinity... self.OWA = 10000 self._output = None if coaddslices is not None: # N_chunks = self.psfs.shape[0]//coaddslices N_chunks = self.nwvs//coaddslices self.psfs = np.array([np.nanmean(self.psfs[k*coaddslices:(k+1)*coaddslices,:,:],axis=0) for k in range(N_chunks)]) self.psfs_wvs = np.array([np.nanmean(self.psfs_wvs[k*coaddslices:(k+1)*coaddslices]) for k in range(N_chunks)]) new_wvs = [] new_filenums = [] new_centers = [] new_PAs = [] new_OBFMXIM = [] new_OBFMYIM = [] new_filenames = [] new_dn_per_contrast = [] # new_wcs = [] for k in range(self.nfiles): tmp_input = copy(self.input[k*self.nwvs:(k+1)*self.nwvs,:,:]) tmp_input = np.array([np.nanmean(tmp_input[l*coaddslices:(l+1)*coaddslices,:,:],axis=0) for l in range(N_chunks)]) try: new_input = np.concatenate((new_input,tmp_input),axis=0) # 3D cube, Nwvs, Ny, Nx except: new_input = tmp_input new_nwvs = tmp_input.shape[0] new_wvs.extend(np.array([np.nanmean(self.wvs[k*self.nwvs:(k+1)*self.nwvs][l*coaddslices:(l+1)*coaddslices]) for l in range(N_chunks)])) new_filenums.extend(np.array([self.filenums[k*self.nwvs:(k+1)*self.nwvs][l*coaddslices] for l in range(N_chunks)])) new_centers.extend([np.nanmean(self.centers[k*self.nwvs:(k+1)*self.nwvs,:][l*coaddslices:(l+1)*coaddslices,:],axis=0) for l in range(N_chunks)]) new_PAs.extend([self.PAs[k*self.nwvs:(k+1)*self.nwvs][l*coaddslices] for l in range(N_chunks)]) new_OBFMXIM.extend([self.OBFMXIM_list[k*self.nwvs:(k+1)*self.nwvs][l*coaddslices] for l in range(N_chunks)]) new_OBFMYIM.extend([self.OBFMYIM_list[k*self.nwvs:(k+1)*self.nwvs][l*coaddslices] for l in range(N_chunks)]) new_filenames.extend([self.filenames[k*self.nwvs:(k+1)*self.nwvs][l*coaddslices] for l in range(N_chunks)]) new_dn_per_contrast.extend([np.nanmean(self.dn_per_contrast[k*self.nwvs:(k+1)*self.nwvs][l*coaddslices:(l+1)*coaddslices]) for l in range(N_chunks)]) # new_wcs.extend([self.wcs[k*self.nwvs:(k+1)*self.nwvs][l*coaddslices] for l in range(N_chunks)]) self.input = new_input self.wvs = np.array(new_wvs) self.nwvs = new_nwvs self.filenums = np.array(new_filenums) self.centers = np.array(new_centers) self.PAs = np.array(new_PAs) self.OBFMXIM_list = np.array(new_OBFMXIM) self.OBFMYIM_list = np.array(new_OBFMYIM) self.filenames = new_filenames self.dn_per_contrast = np.array(new_dn_per_contrast) # self.wcs = new_wcs self.dn_per_contrast = np.squeeze(self.dn_per_contrast) # # TODO: need to check how it works (cf GPI) # self.wcs = np.array([None for _ in range(self.nfiles * self.nwvs)]) # Creating WCS info for OSIRIS self.wcs = [] for vert_angle in self.PAs: w = wcs.WCS() vert_angle = np.radians(vert_angle) pc = np.array([[(-1)*np.cos(vert_angle), (-1)*-np.sin(vert_angle)],[np.sin(vert_angle), np.cos(vert_angle)]]) cdmatrix = pc * self.platescale /3600. = cdmatrix self.wcs.append(w) self.wcs = np.array(self.wcs) # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # for k in range(self.nwvs): # plt.imshow(self.input[k,::-1,:]) # plt.colorbar() # if median_filter_boxsize != 0: self.input = median_filter(self.input,size=(1,median_filter_boxsize,median_filter_boxsize)) self.psfs = median_filter(self.psfs,size=(1,median_filter_boxsize,median_filter_boxsize)) if nan_mask_boxsize != 0: # zeros are nans, and anything adjacient to a pixel less than zero is 0. input_nans = np.where(np.isnan(self.input)) self.input[input_nans] = 0 input_minfilter = ndimage.minimum_filter(self.input, (0, nan_mask_boxsize, nan_mask_boxsize)) self.input[np.where(input_minfilter <= 0)] = np.nan self.input[:,0:nan_mask_boxsize//2,:] = np.nan self.input[:,-nan_mask_boxsize//2+1::,:] = np.nan self.input[:,:,0:nan_mask_boxsize//2] = np.nan self.input[:,:,-nan_mask_boxsize//2+1::] = np.nan # for wv_index in range(self.psfs.shape[0]): # model_psf = self.psfs[wv_index, :, :] # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plt.imshow(model_psf) # # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # for k in range(self.nwvs): # plt.imshow(self.input[10*k,::-1,:]) # plt.colorbar() # # Required for automatically querying Simbad for the spectral type of the star. self.object_name = "HR8799"#self.prihdr["OBJECT"] if recalculate_center_cadi: for k in range(self.nfiles): tmp_input = copy(self.input[k*self.nwvs:(k+1)*self.nwvs,:,:]) if guess_center is None: xcen0,ycen0 = tmp_input.shape[2]/2., tmp_input.shape[1]/2. else: xcen0,ycen0 = guess_center range_list = [100,20,4,1] samples = 10 for it,width in enumerate(range_list): x_list,y_list = np.linspace(xcen0-width/2.,xcen0+width/2.,samples),np.linspace(ycen0-width/2.,ycen0+width/2.,samples) # print(x_list,y_list) xcen_grid,ycen_grid = np.meshgrid(x_list,y_list) cost_func = np.zeros(xcen_grid.shape) cost_func.shape = [np.size(cost_func)] import multiprocessing as mp import itertools self.N_threads = mp.cpu_count() pool = mp.Pool(processes=self.N_threads) #multitask this outputs_list =, zip(xcen_grid.ravel(), ycen_grid.ravel(), itertools.repeat(tmp_input), itertools.repeat(self.wvs[k*self.nwvs:(k+1)*self.nwvs]))) for l,out in enumerate(outputs_list): cost_func[l] = out pool.close() xcen0 = xcen_grid.ravel()[np.argmin(cost_func)] ycen0 = ycen_grid.ravel()[np.argmin(cost_func)] # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # cost_func.shape = (samples,samples) # plt.figure(1) # plt.subplot(2,1,1) # plt.imshow(xcen_grid[::-1,:],interpolation="nearest") # plt.colorbar() # plt.subplot(2,1,2) # plt.imshow(ycen_grid[::-1,:],interpolation="nearest") # plt.colorbar() # plt.figure(2) # plt.imshow(cost_func[::-1,:],interpolation="nearest") # plt.figure(3) # plt.plot(self.wvs[k*self.nwvs:(k+1)*self.nwvs]) # # print(k,xcen0,ycen0) self.centers[k*self.nwvs:(k+1)*self.nwvs,:] = np.array([(xcen0,ycen0),]*tmp_input.shape[0]) # else: # # from scipy.optimize import leastsq # # LSQ_func = lambda para: casdi_residual(para[0],para[1],self.input,self.wvs,nan2zero=True) # # new_cent = leastsq(LSQ_func,(img.shape[1]/2.-sep_planet/ 0.02, img.shape[0]/2.)) # from scipy.optimize import minimize # LSQ_func = lambda para: np.nanvar(casdi_residual(para[0],para[1],self.input,self.wvs,nan2zero=False)) # new_cent = minimize(LSQ_func,(img.shape[1]/2.-sep_planet/ 0.02, img.shape[0]/2.),method="nelder-mead",options={'disp':True}) # # casdi_residual(cent[0],cent[1],self.input,self.wvs) # print("old",(img.shape[1]/2.-sep_planet/ 0.02, img.shape[0]/2.)) # print("new_cent",new_cent.x) # exit() ################################ ### Instance Required Fields ### ################################ @property def input(self): return self._input @input.setter def input(self, newval): self._input = newval @property def centers(self): return self._centers @centers.setter def centers(self, newval): self._centers = newval @property def filenums(self): return self._filenums @filenums.setter def filenums(self, newval): self._filenums = newval @property def filenames(self): return self._filenames @filenames.setter def filenames(self, newval): self._filenames = newval @property def PAs(self): return self._PAs @PAs.setter def PAs(self, newval): self._PAs = newval @property def wvs(self): return self._wvs @wvs.setter def wvs(self, newval): self._wvs = newval @property def wcs(self): return self._wcs @wcs.setter def wcs(self, newval): self._wcs = newval @property def IWA(self): return self._IWA @IWA.setter def IWA(self, newval): self._IWA = newval @property def output(self): return self._output @output.setter def output(self, newval): self._output = newval ############### ### Methods ### ###############
[docs] def readdata(self, filepaths): """ Reads in the data from the files in the filelist and writes them to fields """ pass
[docs] def savedata(self, filepath, data,center=None, klipparams=None, filetype="", zaxis=None , more_keywords=None): """ Save OSIRIS Data. Note: In principle, the function only works inside klip_dataset(). In order to use it outside of klip_dataset, you need to define the following attribute: dataset.output_centers = dataset.centers Args: filepath: path to file to output data: 2D or 3D data to save center: center of the image to be saved in the header as the keywords PSFCENTX and PSFCENTY in pixels. The first pixel has coordinates (0,0) klipparams: a string of klip parameters filetype: filetype of the object (e.g. "KL Mode Cube", "PSF Subtracted Spectral Cube") zaxis: a list of values for the zaxis of the datacub (for KL mode cubes currently) more_keywords (dictionary) : a dictionary {key: value, key:value} of header keywords and values which will written into the primary header """ hdulist = fits.HDUList() hdulist.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(data=data,header=self.prihdrs[0])) # save all the files we used in the reduction # we'll assume you used all the input files # remove duplicates from list filenames = np.unique(self.filenames) nfiles = np.size(filenames) hdulist[0].header["DRPNFILE"] = (nfiles, "Num raw files used in pyKLIP") for i, filename in enumerate(filenames): hdulist[0].header["FILE_{0}".format(i)] = filename + '.fits' # write out psf subtraction parameters # get pyKLIP revision number pykliproot = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) # the universal_newline argument is just so python3 returns a string instead of bytes # this will probably come to bite me later try: pyklipver = pyklip.__version__ except: pyklipver = "unknown" hdulist[0].header['PSFSUB'] = ("pyKLIP", "PSF Subtraction Algo") hdulist[0].header.add_history("Reduced with pyKLIP using commit {0}".format(pyklipver)) hdulist[0].header['CREATOR'] = "pyKLIP-{0}".format(pyklipver) # store commit number for pyklip hdulist[0].header['pyklipv'] = (pyklipver, "pyKLIP version that was used") if klipparams is not None: hdulist[0].header['PSFPARAM'] = (klipparams, "KLIP parameters") hdulist[0].header.add_history("pyKLIP reduction with parameters {0}".format(klipparams)) # write z axis units if necessary if zaxis is not None: # Writing a KL mode Cube if "KL Mode" in filetype: hdulist[0].header['CTYPE3'] = 'KLMODES' # write them individually for i, klmode in enumerate(zaxis): hdulist[0].header['KLMODE{0}'.format(i)] = (klmode, "KL Mode of slice {0}".format(i)) hdulist[0].header['CUNIT3'] = "N/A" hdulist[0].header['CRVAL3'] = 1 hdulist[0].header['CRPIX3'] = 1. hdulist[0].header['CD3_3'] = 1. #use the dataset center if none was passed in center = self.output_centers[0] if center is not None: hdulist[0].header.update({'PSFCENTX': center[0], 'PSFCENTY': center[1]}) hdulist[0].header.update({'CRPIX1': center[0], 'CRPIX2': center[1]}) hdulist[0].header.add_history("Image recentered to {0}".format(str(center))) try: hdulist.writeto(filepath, overwrite=True) except TypeError: hdulist.writeto(filepath, clobber=True) hdulist.close()
[docs] def calibrate_output(self, img, spectral=False, units="contrast"): """ Calibrates the flux of an output image. Can either be a broadband image or a spectral cube depending on if the spectral flag is set. Assumes the broadband flux calibration is just multiplication by a single scalar number whereas spectral datacubes may have a separate calibration value for each wavelength Args: img: unclaibrated image. If spectral is not set, this can either be a 2-D or 3-D broadband image where the last two dimensions are [y,x] If specetral is True, this is a 3-D spectral cube with shape [wv,y,x] spectral: if True, this is a spectral datacube. Otherwise, it is a broadband image. units: currently only support "contrast" w.r.t central star Return: img: calibrated image of the same shape (this is the same object as the input!!!) """ if units == "contrast": if spectral: # spectral cube, each slice needs it's own calibration numwvs = img.shape[0] img /= self.dn_per_contrast[:numwvs, None, None] else: # broadband image img /= np.nanmean(self.dn_per_contrast) self.flux_units = "contrast" return img
[docs] def casdi_residual_star(params): """ Convert `f([1,2])` to `f(1,2)` call. It allows one to call casdi_residual() with a tuple of parameters. """ return np.nanvar(casdi_residual(*params))
[docs] def casdi_residual(xcen,ycen,input,wvs,nan2zero = False): input_scaled = np.zeros(input.shape) ref_wv = np.mean(wvs) for k,wv in enumerate(wvs): input_scaled[k,:,:] = klip.align_and_scale(input[k,:,:],(xcen,ycen),(xcen,ycen),ref_wv/wv) # input_sub = np.zeros(input.shape) # lib_size = np.max([np.size(wvs)/10,10]) # for k,wv in enumerate(wvs): # # print(k,np.size(wvs)) # input_sub[k,:,:] = input_scaled[k,:,:] - np.nanmedian(input_scaled[np.max([0,k-lib_size]):np.min([np.size(wvs),k+lib_size]),:,:],axis=0) import warnings with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") input_sub = input_scaled - np.nanmedian(input_scaled,axis=0)[None,:,:] if nan2zero: input_sub[np.where(np.isnan(input_sub))] = 0 # for k,wv in enumerate(wvs): # input_sub[k,:,:] = klip.align_and_scale(input_sub[k,:,:],(xcen,ycen),(xcen,ycen),wv/ref_wv) # print(xcen,ycen,np.nansum(input_sub**2),np.nanvar(input_sub.ravel())) # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plt.figure(1) # plt.imshow(np.nanmedian(input,axis=0)) # print(np.nanvar(np.nanmedian(input,axis=0).ravel())) # plt.colorbar() # plt.figure(2) # plt.imshow(np.nanmedian(input_scaled,axis=0)) # print(np.nanvar(np.nanmedian(input_scaled,axis=0).ravel())) # plt.colorbar() # plt.figure(3) # plt.imshow(np.nanmedian(input_sub,axis=0)) # print(np.nanvar(np.nanmedian(input_sub,axis=0).ravel())) # plt.colorbar() # return input_sub.ravel()
[docs] def determine_mosaic_offsets_from_header(prihdr_list): OBFMXIM_list = [] OBFMYIM_list = [] parang_list = [] vd_InstAngl_list = [] for k,prihdr in enumerate(prihdr_list): OBFMXIM_list.append(float(prihdr["OBFMXIM"])) OBFMYIM_list.append(float(prihdr["OBFMYIM"])) parang_list.append(float(prihdr["PARANG"])) vd_InstAngl_list.append(float(prihdr["INSTANGL"])) vd_C0 = OBFMXIM_list vd_C1 = OBFMYIM_list md_Coords = np.array([vd_C0,vd_C1]) vd_InstAngl = np.array(vd_InstAngl_list) if "0.02" in prihdr["SSCALE"]: d_Scale = 0.0203 elif "0.035" in prihdr["SSCALE"]: d_Scale = 0.0350 elif "0.05" in prihdr["SSCALE"]: d_Scale = 0.0500 elif "0.1" in prihdr["SSCALE"]: d_Scale = 0.1009 else: d_Scale = 0.0203 vd_CoordsNX = (md_Coords[0,0] - md_Coords[0,:]) * (35.6 * (0.0397/d_Scale)) vd_CoordsNY = (md_Coords[1,0] - md_Coords[1,:]) * (35.6 * (0.0397/d_Scale)) vd_InstAngl = np.deg2rad(vd_InstAngl) md_Offsets = np.array([vd_CoordsNX * np.cos(vd_InstAngl) + vd_CoordsNY * np.sin(vd_InstAngl), (-1.)*vd_CoordsNX * np.sin(vd_InstAngl) + vd_CoordsNY * np.cos(vd_InstAngl)]) delta_x = -(md_Offsets[1,:]-md_Offsets[1,0]) delta_y = -(md_Offsets[0,:]-md_Offsets[0,0]) return delta_x,delta_y
[docs] def determine_mosaic_offsets_from_speckles(input_list): ncubes,nz,ny,nx = input_list.shape flat_inputs = np.nansum(input_list,axis=1) flat_inputs[np.where(flat_inputs==0)] = np.nan flat_inputs = flat_inputs/np.nanstd(flat_inputs,axis=(1,2))[:,None,None] print(flat_inputs.shape) print(ncubes,nz,ny,nx ) # exit() # a = np.zeros((11,11)) # b = np.zeros((11,11)) # a[5:7,5:7] = 1 # b[6:8,6:8] = 1 # # from image_registration.image_registration import chi2_shift # xoff,yoff,exoff,eyoff = chi2_shift(a,a,np.ones((11,11)),return_error=True,upsample_factor='auto') # print("coucou") # print(xoff,yoff,exoff,eyoff) # exit() # # dx_map = np.zeros((ncubes,ncubes)) # dy_map = np.zeros((ncubes,ncubes)) # edx_map = np.zeros((ncubes,ncubes)) # edy_map = np.zeros((ncubes,ncubes)) # noise = np.ones((ny,nx)) # from image_registration.image_registration import chi2_shift # for k in np.arange(0,ncubes): # for l in np.arange(0,ncubes): # dx_map[k,l],dy_map[k,l],edx_map[k,l],edy_map[k,l] = chi2_shift(flat_inputs[k],flat_inputs[l],noise,return_error=True,upsample_factor='auto') # # # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plt.subplot(2,2,1) # plt.imshow(dx_map,interpolation="nearest") # plt.colorbar() # plt.subplot(2,2,2) # plt.imshow(dy_map,interpolation="nearest") # plt.colorbar() # plt.subplot(2,2,3) # plt.imshow(edx_map,interpolation="nearest") # plt.colorbar() # plt.subplot(2,2,4) # plt.imshow(edy_map,interpolation="nearest") # plt.colorbar() # delta_x = [0] delta_y = [0] delta_x2 = [0] delta_y2 = [0] from image_registration.image_registration import chi2_shift from image_registration.image_registration.fft_tools import shift for k in np.arange(1,ncubes): im1 = flat_inputs[0] im2 = flat_inputs[k] noise = np.ones(im2.shape) xoff,yoff,exoff,eyoff = chi2_shift(im1,im2,noise/10.,return_error=True,upsample_factor='auto') # print("bonjour") # print(xoff,yoff,exoff,eyoff) # print(xoff-0.5,yoff-0.5,exoff,eyoff) # exit() delta_x.append(xoff) delta_y.append(yoff) im1 = flat_inputs[k-1] im2 = flat_inputs[k] noise = np.ones(im2.shape) xoff2,yoff2,exoff,eyoff = chi2_shift(im1,im2,noise,return_error=True,upsample_factor='auto') # print(xoff2+delta_x2[-1],yoff2+delta_y2[-1],xoff2,yoff2,exoff,eyoff) delta_x2.append(xoff2+delta_x2[-1]) delta_y2.append(yoff2+delta_y2[-1]) # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plt.subplot(2,3,1) # plt.imshow(flat_inputs[0],interpolation="nearest") # plt.colorbar() # plt.subplot(2,3,2) # plt.imshow(flat_inputs[k],interpolation="nearest") # plt.colorbar() # plt.subplot(2,3,3) # plt.imshow(flat_inputs[k-1],interpolation="nearest") # plt.colorbar() # plt.subplot(2,3,4) # res = flat_inputs[0]-shift.shiftnd(flat_inputs[k],(-yoff+0.5,-xoff+0.5)) # print(np.sqrt(np.nansum(res**2))) # plt.imshow(res,interpolation="nearest") # plt.colorbar() # plt.subplot(2,3,6) # res = flat_inputs[k-1]-shift.shiftnd(flat_inputs[k],(-yoff2+0.5,-xoff2+0.5)) # print(np.sqrt(np.nansum(res**2))) # plt.imshow(res,interpolation="nearest") # plt.colorbar() # # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plt.figure(10) # for k in range(ncubes): # plt.subplot(2,ncubes,k+1) # plt.imshow(flat_inputs[k,::-1,:],interpolation="nearest") # plt.subplot(2,ncubes,ncubes+k+1) # plt.imshow(flat_inputs[0,::-1,:]-shift.shiftnd(flat_inputs[k,::-1,:],(-delta_y[k],-delta_x[k])),interpolation="nearest") # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plt.subplot(1,2,1) # plt.plot(delta_x,"r") # plt.plot(delta_x2,"b") # plt.subplot(1,2,2) # plt.plot(delta_y,"r") # plt.plot(delta_y2,"b") # return delta_x,delta_y,delta_x2,delta_y2