Source code for pyklip.rdi

import numpy as np
import os
from sys import stdout
from import fits
import pyklip.klip as klip

[docs] class PSFLibrary(object): """ This is an PSF Library to use for reference differential imaging Attributes: master_library (np.ndarray): aligned library of PSFs. 3-D cube of dim = [N, y, x]. Where N is ALL files aligned_center (array-like): a (x,y) coordinate specifying common center the library is aligned to master_filenames (np.ndarray): array of N filenames for each frame in the library. Should match with pyklip.instruments.Data.filenames for cross-matching master_correlation (np.ndarray): N x N array of correlations between each 2 frames master_wvs (np.ndarray): N wavelengths for each frame nfiles (int): the number of files in the PSF library dataset (pyklip.instruments.Instrument.Data) correlation (np.ndarray): N_data x M array of correlations between each 2 frames where M are the selected frames and N_data is the number of files in the dataset. Along the N_data dimension, files are ordered in the same way as the dataset object isgoodpsf (np.ndarray): array of N indicating which M PSFs are good for this dataset """ def __init__(self, data, aligned_center, filenames, correlation_matrix=None, wvs=None, compute_correlation=False): """ Args: data (np.ndarray): a 3-D cube of PSF library files (dim = [N, y, x]) where N is number of files These files should have already been registered to a common center aligned_center (array-like): an (x,y) coordinate specifying the common center all files are registered to filenames (np.ndarray): a array of N filenames for each file. These should be in the same format as a pyklip.instruments.Instrument.Data.filenames array so that the two can be cross-matched correlation_matrix (np.ndarray): an N x N matrix that expresses the correlation between each two frames in library wvs (np.ndarray): array of N wavelengths that correspond to the wavelengths of the library compute_correlation (boolean): if True, compute the correlation matrix. Note that this can potentially take a long time, so you really should be doing it once and saving it """ # call init() of super class super(PSFLibrary, self).__init__() # Do some checking to make sure the data, filenames list and correlation_matrix (if it exists) # all have the same number of files. nfiles_data = np.shape(data)[0] nfiles_list = np.shape(filenames)[0] if nfiles_data != nfiles_list: raise AttributeError("The number of files in the data array and filenames list aren't the same. Something is wrong") if correlation_matrix is not None: nfiles_correlation = np.shape(correlation_matrix)[0] if nfiles_correlation != nfiles_data: raise AttributeError("The number of files in the correlation matrix and in the data array aren't the same. Something is wrong") # generate master list of files and meta data from inputs self.master_library = data self.aligned_center = aligned_center self.master_filenames = np.asarray(filenames) self.master_correlation = correlation_matrix self.correlation_mask = None self.master_wvs = wvs self.nfiles = nfiles_data # fields in the context of a specific dataset self.dataset = None self.correlation = None self.isgoodpsf = None # check if correlation matrix was passed in if correlation_matrix is None and not compute_correlation: raise AttributeError("You didn't pass in a correlation matrix, which means it needs to be computed. Are you " "sure you want to do this? (This may take a while if you have 10,000+ files)") elif compute_correlation: self._compute_correlation() def _compute_correlation(self, verbose=False, force=False, mask=None): """ Computes the correlation matrix and saves it in self.master_correlation This computes the correlation between two psfs for every pair of psfs in the library. This correlation matrix can be used for the selection of PSFs ahead of time, but as of right now it isn't super useful for saving time (e.g. when there are subsections the covariance still needs to be recomputed with all the PSFs currently being used). The mask should have 0s where you want to correlate and NANs when you don't. """ #Get the number of files if np.size(self.master_correlation) > 1: print("WARNING: your mater_correlation matrix already has data in it") if not force: print("WARNING: If you want to overwrite the correlation matrix set the 'force' flag to True") return else: print("WARNING: overwriting master_correlation") self.master_correlation=np.zeros([self.nfiles,self.nfiles]) if verbose: print("Making correlation matrix") if mask != None: self.correlation_mask = mask #Loop the correlation matrix calculation for i in np.arange(0, self.nfiles): self.master_correlation[i,i]=1. #TODO: PARALLELIZE THIS STEP. #Cycle through every file that comes AFTER the current file for j in np.arange(i+1, self.nfiles): if verbose: # print("Correlating file "+ str(i) + " with file "+str(j) + " \r") stdout.write("\r Correlating file {0} with file {1}".format(i,j)) stdout.flush() #You might want to only correlate some of the image. if mask != None: where_to_corr = (self.master_library[i,:,:] == self.master_library[i,:,:]) & (self.master_library[j,:,:] == self.master_library[j,:,:]) & (mask == mask) else: #Ditch where either of the two arrays have NANs where_to_corr = (self.master_library[i,:,:] == self.master_library[i,:,:]) & (self.master_library[j,:,:] == self.master_library[j,:,:]) data1= self.master_library[i,:,:] data2= self.master_library[j,:,:] #I believe this bit was copied and pasted from pyklip at some point. covar_psfs=np.cov([data2[where_to_corr], data1[where_to_corr]]) covar_diag = np.diagflat(1./np.sqrt(np.diag(covar_psfs))) corr_psfs =, covar_psfs ), covar_diag) self.master_correlation[i,j]=corr_psfs[0,1] self.master_correlation[j,i]=corr_psfs[0,1] if verbose: print("Done making correlation matrix")
[docs] def save_correlation(self, filename, overwrite=False, clobber=None, format="fits"): """ Saves self.correlation to a file specified by filename Args: filename (str): filepath to store the correlation matrix overwrite (bool): if true overwrite the previous correlation matrix clobber (bool): same as overwrite, but deprecated in astropy. format (str): type of file to store the correlation matrix as. Supports numpy?/fits?/pickle? (TBD) """ if clobber is not None: print("pyklip.rdi.save_correlation: clobber was deprecated in Astropy version 2.0 and" \ "will be removed in a future version. Use argument overwrite instead)") overwrite = clobber #TODO: We should probably save more information into the header here, but what exactly it'll be is TBD if format == "fits": hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(self.master_correlation) if os.path.isfile(filename): #If the file already exists give user warning. if overwrite: hdu.writeto(filename, overwrite=overwrite) else: print("save_correlation: File already exists. Set overwrite=True to overwrite") else: hdu.writeto(filename) #But for now only fits else: print("Sorry, fits is the only filetype type currently supported for saving correlation matrices")
[docs] def prepare_library(self, dataset, badfiles=None): """ Prepare the PSF Library for an RDI reduction of a specific dataset by only taking the part of the library we need. Args: dataset (pyklip.instruments.Instrument.Data): badfiles (np.ndarray): a list of filenames corresponding to bad files we want to also exclude Returns: """ # we need to exclude bad files and files already in the dataset itself (since that'd be ADI/SDI/etc) # strip away the directories in the master_filenames master_just_filenames = np.asarray([filename.split(os.sep)[-1] for filename in self.master_filenames]) dataset_just_filenames = np.asarray([filename.split(os.sep)[-1] for filename in dataset.filenames]) # print(dataset_just_filenames) # compare with the dataset filnames (also d) in_dataset = np.in1d(master_just_filenames, dataset_just_filenames) # don't compare directly with None if badfiles is None: badfiles = np.full(np.shape(self.master_filenames), False, dtype=bool) are_bad = np.in1d(self.master_filenames, badfiles) # good ones are the ones that don't fall in either category isgood = ~in_dataset & ~badfiles good = np.where(isgood)[0] if np.size(good) == 0: raise ValueError("There are no good PSFs to use in the reference library. Are all the images in the PSF library from the science dataset?") # create a view on the good files # figure out how the ordering of dataset files are in the PSF library compared to the dataset # we want to match the dataset # filenames_of_dataset_in_lib = self.master_filenames[np.where(in_dataset)] filenames_of_dataset_in_lib = self.master_filenames[in_dataset] dataset_file_indices_in_lib = [] for filename in filenames_of_dataset_in_lib: index = np.where(filename == self.master_filenames)[0][0] dataset_file_indices_in_lib.append(index) if np.size(dataset_file_indices_in_lib) < 1: print("Dataset not found in PSF Library, library not prepared.") else: dataset_file_indices_in_lib = np.array(dataset_file_indices_in_lib) # generate a correlation matrix that's N_dataset x N_goodpsfs # the ordering of the correlation matrix also ensures that N_dataset is ordered the same as datasets self.correlation = self.master_correlation[dataset_file_indices_in_lib] # generate a list indicating which files are good self.isgoodpsf = good self.dataset = dataset
[docs] def add_new_dataset_to_library(self, dataset, collapse = False, verbose=False): """ Add all the files from a new dataset to the PSF library and add them to the correlation matrix. If a mask was used for the correlation matrix, use it here too. NOTE: This routine already assumes that the data has been centered. Args: dataset (pyklip.instruments.Instrument.Data) """ if collapse: #Collapse the dataset if verbose: stdout.write("Collapsing spectral cubes.....") stdout.flush() dataset.spectral_collapse(align_frames=False) if verbose: stdout.write("\rCollapsing spectral cubes.....Done\n") n_newfiles = dataset.input.shape[0] if verbose: print("Found {} new files".format(n_newfiles)) if verbose: stdout.write("Appending to master_library and master_filenames arrays.....") stdout.flush() #Increase the size of the data array, correlation matrix and file list self.master_correlation = np.pad(self.master_correlation,((0,n_newfiles),(0,n_newfiles)), mode='constant', constant_values=0) self.master_library = np.pad(self.master_library,((0,n_newfiles),(0,0),(0,0)), mode='constant', constant_values=0) #Add the filenames to the library self.master_filenames = np.append(self.master_filenames,dataset.filenames) #Put the new data in the master_library self.master_library[self.nfiles:self.nfiles+n_newfiles] = dataset.input if verbose: stdout.write("Appending to master_library and master_filenames arrays.....Done\n") stdout.flush() if verbose: print("Correlating {} new files with existing {} files in the library".format(n_newfiles,self.nfiles)) #Run the correlation for i in np.arange(self.nfiles+n_newfiles-1,self.nfiles-1,-1): self.master_correlation[i,i]=1. #TODO: PARALLELIZE THIS STEP #Cycle through every file that comes AFTER the current file for j in np.arange(0,i): if verbose: # print("Correlating file "+ str(i) + " with file "+str(j) + " \r") stdout.write("\r Correlating new file {0} with file {1}".format(n_newfiles - (i-self.nfiles+1),j)) stdout.flush() #You might want to only correlate some of the image. if self.correlation_mask != None: where_to_corr = (self.master_library[i,:,:] == self.master_library[i,:,:]) & (self.master_library[j,:,:] == self.master_library[j,:,:]) & (self.correlation_mask == self.correlation_mask) else: #Ditch where either of the two arrays have NANs where_to_corr = (self.master_library[i,:,:] == self.master_library[i,:,:]) & (self.master_library[j,:,:] == self.master_library[j,:,:]) data1= self.master_library[i,:,:] data2= self.master_library[j,:,:] #I believe this bit was copied and pasted from pyklip at some point. covar_psfs=np.cov([data2[where_to_corr], data1[where_to_corr]]) covar_diag = np.diagflat(1./np.sqrt(np.diag(covar_psfs))) corr_psfs =, covar_psfs ), covar_diag) self.master_correlation[i,j]=corr_psfs[0,1] self.master_correlation[j,i]=corr_psfs[0,1] self.nfiles = self.nfiles+n_newfiles if verbose: print("\nDone updating correlation matrix")