Source code for pyklip.spectra_management

__author__ = 'jruffio'

import numpy as np
from scipy import integrate
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import as pyfits
import platform
import scipy.ndimage as ndimage
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
from scipy.optimize import minimize
import glob
import os
import csv

[docs] def find_upper_nearest(array,value): """ Find the upper nearest element to value in array. :param array: Array of value :param value: Value for which one wants the upper value. :return: (up_value, id) with up_value the closest upper value and id its index. """ diff = array-value diff[np.where(diff<0.0)] = np.nan idx = np.nanargmin(diff) return array[idx], idx
[docs] def find_lower_nearest(array,value): """ Find the lower nearest element to value in array. :param array: Array of value :param value: Value for which one wants the lower value. :return: (low_value, id) with low_value the closest lower value and id its index. """ diff = array-value diff[np.where(diff>0.0)] = np.nan idx = np.nanargmax(diff) return array[idx], idx
[docs] def find_nearest(array,value): """ Find the nearest element to value in array. :param array: Array of value :param value: Value for which one wants the closest value. :return: (closest_value, id) with closest_value the closest lower value and id its index. """ diff = np.array(array)-value # diff[np.where(diff>0.0)] = np.nan idx = np.nanargmin(np.abs(diff)) return array[idx], idx
[docs] def get_specType(object_name,SpT_file_csv = None): """ Return the spectral type for a target based on Simbad or on the table in SpT_file :param object_name: Name of the target: ie "c_Eri" :param SpT_file: Filename (.csv) of the table containing the target names and their spectral type. Can be generated from quering Simbad. If None (default), the function directly tries to query Simbad. :return: Spectral type """ # Hard-coded spectral type for some targets. Not ideal but I don't want to think about it right now. if object_name == "iot_Cen": return "A1" if object_name == "IK_Peg": return "A8" if SpT_file_csv is not None: with open(SpT_file_csv, 'r') as csvfile_TID: TID_reader = csv.reader(csvfile_TID, delimiter=';') TID_csv_as_list = list(TID_reader) TID_csv_as_nparr = np.array(TID_csv_as_list)[1:len(TID_csv_as_list),:] target_names = np.ndarray.tolist(TID_csv_as_nparr[:,0]) specTypes = np.ndarray.tolist(TID_csv_as_nparr[:,1]) try: object_name = object_name.replace(' ','_') object_name = object_name.replace('+','_') return specTypes[target_names.index(object_name)] except: object_name = object_name.replace('_','+') object_name = object_name.replace(' ','+') try: #python 2 import urllib # url = urllib.urlopen(""+object_name) url = urllib.urlopen("\ obj.cooN=off&obj.pmsel=off&obj.plxsel=off&obj.rvsel=off&obj.spsel=on&obj.mtsel=off&\ obj.sizesel=off&obj.fluxsel=off&obj.messel=off&obj.notesel=off&obj.bibsel=off&Ident="+object_name) except: # python 3 import urllib.request # url = urllib.request.urlopen("") url = urllib.request.urlopen("" +"obj.cooN=off&obj.pmsel=off&obj.plxsel=off&obj.rvsel=off&obj.spsel=on&obj.mtsel=off&" +"obj.sizesel=off&obj.fluxsel=off&obj.messel=off&obj.notesel=off&obj.bibsel=off&Ident="+object_name) text = for line in text.splitlines(): str_line = line.decode("utf8") # if line.find('Spectral type:') != -1: if 'Spectral type:' in str_line: # print(line) spec_type =str_line.split("Spectral type: ")[-1].replace("Spectral type: ","").split(" ")[0] if SpT_file_csv is not None: print("Couldn't find {0} in spectral type list. Retrieved it from Simbad.".format(object_name)) target_names.append(object_name.replace('+','_')) specTypes.append(spec_type) attrib_name=["name","specType"] with open(SpT_file_csv, 'w+') as csvfile: csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=';') table_to_csv = [attrib_name]+[(name, stype) for name, stype in zip(target_names,specTypes)] csvwriter.writerows(table_to_csv) return spec_type
[docs] def get_star_spectrum(wvs_or_filter_name=None,star_type = None, temperature = None,mute = None): """ Get the spectrum of a star with given spectral type interpolating the pickles database. The spectrum is normalized to unit mean. It assumes type V star. Inputs: wvs_or_filter_name: array of wavelenths in microns (or string with GPI band 'H', 'J', 'K1', 'K2', 'Y'). (When using GPI spectral band wavelength samples are linearly spaced between the first and the last wavelength of the band.) star_type: 'A5','F4',... Is ignored if temperature is defined. If star_type is longer than 2 characters it is truncated. temperature: temperature of the star. Overwrite star_type if defined. Output: (wavelengths, spectrum) where wavelengths: Sampling in mum. spectrum: is the spectrum of the star for the given band. """ if mute is None: mute = False if isinstance(wvs_or_filter_name, str): import pyklip.instruments.GPI as GPI sampling_wvs = GPI.get_gpi_wavelength_sampling(wvs_or_filter_name) else: sampling_wvs = wvs_or_filter_name sampling_wvs_unique = np.unique(sampling_wvs) if star_type is None: return sampling_wvs,None if len(star_type) > 2: star_type_selec = star_type[0:2].upper() else: star_type_selec = star_type.upper() try: int(star_type_selec[1]) except: try: star_type_selec = star_type[-3:-1] int(star_type_selec[1]) except: if not mute: print("Returning None. Couldn't parse spectral type.") return sampling_wvs,None # Sory hard-coded type... if star_type_selec == "K8": star_type_selec = "K7" pykliproot = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) filename_temp_lookup = pykliproot+os.path.sep+"pickles"+os.path.sep+"mainseq_colors.txt" filename_pickles_lookup = pykliproot+os.path.sep+"pickles"+os.path.sep+"AA_README" #a = np.genfromtxt(filename_temp_lookup, names=True, delimiter=' ', dtype=None) # The interpolation is based on the temperature of the star # If the input was not the temperature then it is taken from the mainseq_colors.txt based on the input spectral type if temperature is None: #Read pickles list dict_temp = dict() with open(filename_temp_lookup, 'r') as f: for line in f: if line.startswith('#'): pass else: splitted_line = line.split() # splitted_line[0]: spectral type F5 G0... # splitted_line[2]: Temperature in K dict_temp[splitted_line[0]] = splitted_line[2] try: target_temp = float(dict_temp[star_type_selec]) except: if not mute: print("Returning None. Couldn't find a temperature for this spectral type in pickles mainseq_colors.txt.") return sampling_wvs,None else: target_temp = temperature # "AA_README" contains the list of the temperature for which a spectrum is available # Read it here dict_filename = dict() temp_list=[] with open(filename_pickles_lookup, 'r') as f: for line in f: if line.startswith('pickles_uk_'): splitted_line = line.split() # splitted_line[0]: Filename # splitted_line[1]: spectral type F5V G0III... # splitted_line[2]: Temperature in K #Check that the last character is numeric spec_type = splitted_line[1] if splitted_line[0][len(splitted_line[0])-1].isdigit() and not (spec_type.endswith('IV') or spec_type.endswith('I')): dict_filename[float(splitted_line[2])] = splitted_line[0] temp_list.append(float(splitted_line[2])) #temp_list = np.array(dict_filename.keys()) temp_list = np.array(temp_list) # won't work for the hottest and coldest spectra. upper_temp, upper_temp_id = find_upper_nearest(temp_list,target_temp) lower_temp, lower_temp_id = find_lower_nearest(temp_list,target_temp) #print( upper_temp, upper_temp_id,lower_temp, lower_temp_id) upper_filename = dict_filename[upper_temp] lower_filename = dict_filename[lower_temp] upper_filename = pykliproot+os.path.sep+"pickles"+os.path.sep+upper_filename+".fits" lower_filename = pykliproot+os.path.sep+"pickles"+os.path.sep+lower_filename+".fits" hdulist = cube = hdulist[1].data upper_wave = [] upper_spec = [] for wave_value,spec_value in cube: upper_wave.append(wave_value) # in angstrom upper_spec.append(spec_value) delta_wave = upper_wave[1]-upper_wave[0] upper_wave = np.array(upper_wave)/10**4 # in mum if sampling_wvs is None: upper_spec = np.array(upper_spec) # flux density else: # upper_spec is a density spectrum in flux.A-1 so we need to multiply by delta_wave to integrate and get a flux. upper_spec = np.array(upper_spec)*delta_wave hdulist = cube = hdulist[1].data lower_wave = [] lower_spec = [] for wave_value,spec_value in cube: lower_wave.append(wave_value) # in angstrom lower_spec.append(spec_value) lower_wave = np.array(lower_wave)/10**4 # in mum if sampling_wvs is None: lower_spec = np.array(lower_spec) # flux density else: # lower_spec is a density spectrum in flux.A-1 so we need to multiply by delta_wave to integrate and get a flux. lower_spec = np.array(lower_spec)*delta_wave if sampling_wvs is None: # verify that all pickles library models are sampled at the same wavelengths # this is necessary to perform matrix operations to obtain spec_pip if (upper_wave.shape[0] != lower_wave.shape[0]) or not np.allclose(upper_wave, lower_wave): raise ValueError('Pickles model spectra not sampled at the same wavelengths') spec_pip = ((target_temp - lower_temp) * upper_spec + (upper_temp - target_temp) * lower_spec) / \ (upper_temp - lower_temp) return lower_wave, spec_pip else: sampling_wvs_unique0 = np.insert(sampling_wvs_unique[:-1],0,sampling_wvs_unique[0]) sampling_wvs_unique1 = np.insert(sampling_wvs_unique[1::],-1,sampling_wvs_unique[-1]) upper_spec_unique = np.array([np.mean(upper_spec[np.where((upper_wave>wv0)*(upper_wave<wv1))]) for wv0,wv1 in zip(sampling_wvs_unique0,sampling_wvs_unique1)]) lower_spec_unique = np.array([np.mean(lower_spec[np.where((lower_wave>wv0)*(lower_wave<wv1))]) for wv0,wv1 in zip(sampling_wvs_unique0,sampling_wvs_unique1)]) # Sometimes the wavelength sampling is weird and the strategy above yields nans in the spectra. # When this happens we don't average out the spectra and takes the nearest available sample for k in range(np.size(upper_spec_unique)): if np.isnan(upper_spec_unique[k]): upper_spec_unique[k]= upper_spec[find_nearest(upper_wave,sampling_wvs_unique[k])[1]] for k in range(np.size(lower_spec_unique)): if np.isnan(lower_spec_unique[k]): lower_spec_unique[k]= lower_spec[find_nearest(lower_wave,sampling_wvs_unique[k])[1]] spec_pip_unique = ((target_temp-lower_temp)*upper_spec_unique+(upper_temp-target_temp)*lower_spec_unique)/(upper_temp-lower_temp) f = interp1d(sampling_wvs_unique, spec_pip_unique) spec_pip = f(sampling_wvs) return (sampling_wvs,spec_pip/np.nanmean(spec_pip))
[docs] def get_planet_spectrum(spectrum,wavelength,ori_wvs=None): """ Get the normalized spectrum of a planet for a GPI spectral band or any wavelengths array. Spectra are extraced from .flx files from Mark Marley et al's models. Args: spectrum: Path of the .flx file containing the spectrum. wavelength: array of wavelenths in microns (or string with GPI band 'H', 'J', 'K1', 'K2', 'Y'). (When using GPI spectral band wavelength samples are linearly spaced between the first and the last wavelength of the band.) Return: wavelengths: is the gpi sampling of the considered band in micrometer. spectrum: is the spectrum of the planet for the given band or wavelength array and normalized to unit mean. """ if isinstance(spectrum, str): spec_data = [] with open(spectrum, 'r') as f: for line in f: splitted_line = line.split() # splitted_line[0]: index # splitted_line[1]: wavelength (mum) # splitted_line[2]: T_brt # splitted_line[2]: flux in units of erg cm-2 sec-1 Hz-1 at the top of the planet's atmosphere try: spec_data.append([float(splitted_line[0]),float(splitted_line[1]),float(splitted_line[2]),float(splitted_line[3])]) except: break spec_data = np.array(spec_data) N_samp = spec_data.shape[0] wave = spec_data[:,1] spec = spec_data[:,3] # Interpolate the spectrum on GPI sampling and convert F_nu to F_lambda spec = spec/wave**2 else: wave = ori_wvs spec = spectrum # todo: check that it matches the actual sampling if isinstance(wavelength, str): import pyklip.instruments.GPI as GPI sampling_pip = GPI.get_gpi_wavelength_sampling(wavelength) else: sampling_pip = wavelength f = interp1d(wave, spec) # Interpolate the spectrum on GPI sampling and convert F_nu to F_lambda spec_pip = f(sampling_pip)/(sampling_pip**2) if 0: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt print((sampling_pip,spec_pip/np.nanmean(spec_pip))) plt.figure(2) wave_range = np.where((wave<sampling_pip[-1]) & (wave>sampling_pip[0])) plt.plot(wave[wave_range],spec[wave_range]/np.nanmean(spec[wave_range]),'r') plt.plot(sampling_pip,spec_pip/np.nanmean(spec_pip),'b.') return (sampling_pip,spec_pip/np.nanmean(spec_pip))
[docs] def calibrate_star_spectrum(template_spectrum, template_wvs, filter_name, magnitude, wvs): ''' Scale the Pickles stellar spectrum of a star to the observed apparent magnitude and returns the stellar spectrum in physical units sampled at the specified wavelengths. Currently only supports 2MASS filters and magnitudes. TODO: implement a way to take magnitude error input and propogate the error to the final spectrum Args: template_spectrum: 1D array, model spectrum of the star with arbitrary units template_wvs: 1D array, wavelengths at which the template_spectrum is smapled, in units of microns filter_name: string, 2MASS filter, 'J', 'H', or 'Ks' magnitude: scalar, observed apparent magnitude of the star mag_error: scalar or 1D array with 2 elements, error(s) of the magnitude, not yet implemented wvs: 1D array, the wvs at which to sample the scaled spectrum, in units of angstroms Returns: scaled_spectrum: 1D array, scaled stellar spectrum sampled at wvs ''' # TODO: observed magnitude error is currently not taken into account, think about how to propagate this to the # extracted planet spectrum # constants associated with 2MASS filters_2MASS_upper = np.array(['J', 'H', 'KS', 'K']) # allow user to use 'K' for 'Ks' band filters_2MASS = np.array(['J', 'H', 'Ks']) zero_point_fluxes_2MASS = [3.143e-10, 1.144e-10, 4.306e-11] # 2MASS zero point fluxes, erg/cm2/s/Angstrom pykliproot = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # check if input is valid filter_name = filter_name.upper() if filter_name not in filters_2MASS_upper: raise ValueError('{} is not recognized as a 2MASS filter'.format(filter_name)) if filter_name == 'K': filter_name = 'KS' # assign the corresponding zero point flux and filter name with the proper captilization # 'K' should already be converted to 'Ks' at this point, so filter_index should always be <= 2 filter_index = np.where(filters_2MASS_upper == filter_name)[0][0] zero_point_flux = zero_point_fluxes_2MASS[filter_index] filter_name = filters_2MASS[filter_index] # load transmission, integrate zero_point_flux to get the total zero point flux of the passband transmission_filepath = os.path.join(pykliproot, 'filters', '2MASS_{}.dat'.format(filter_name)) transmission = np.loadtxt(transmission_filepath) # wavelengths are in units of angstroms for these files zero_point_flux = zero_point_flux * integrate.simps(transmission[:, 1], transmission[:, 0]) # re-sample the stellar model spectrum at the wavelengths of the given filter transmission template_wvs = template_wvs * 1e4 # convert to angstroms start_ind = np.where(template_wvs <= transmission[0, 0])[0][-1] stop_ind = np.where(template_wvs >= transmission[-1, 0])[0][0] + 1 thisfilter_template_wvs = template_wvs[start_ind:stop_ind] thisfilter_template_spectrum = template_spectrum[start_ind:stop_ind] # Pickles stellar model samples much more finely (~factor of 10) than transmission, and includes all wavelengths # sampled in the filter transmission, so this interpolation wouldn't actually interpolate but rather simply # re-sample the existing model spectrum onto a courser grid f = interp1d(thisfilter_template_wvs, thisfilter_template_spectrum, kind='cubic') thisfilter_template_spectrum_resampled = f(transmission[:, 0]) # integrate to get total flux within the filter in arbitrary units tot_flux = integrate.simps(thisfilter_template_spectrum_resampled * transmission[:, 1], transmission[:, 0]) # scale to physical units scale_factor = np.power(10, -magnitude/2.5) * zero_point_flux / tot_flux scaled_spectrum = template_spectrum * scale_factor # integrate flux over each output wavelength bin, then divide by each bin width to get the flux density f = interp1d(template_wvs, scaled_spectrum, kind='cubic') bin_widths = np.diff(wvs) bin_widths = np.append(bin_widths, bin_widths[-1]) bin_integrated_scaled_spectrum = [] for bin_center, bin_width in zip(wvs, bin_widths): # define bin boundaries as integration region bin_left = bin_center - bin_width / 2. bin_right = bin_center + bin_width / 2. # find the interpolated flux density at the bin boundaries left_value = f(bin_left) right_value = f(bin_right) # cut out the bin segment from the spectrum bin_wvs = template_wvs[(template_wvs >= bin_left) & (template_wvs <= bin_right)] bin_spectrum = scaled_spectrum[(template_wvs >= bin_left) & (template_wvs <= bin_right)] # adding the boundary values if they're not already sampled if bin_wvs[0] != bin_left: bin_wvs = np.insert(bin_wvs, 0, bin_left) bin_spectrum = np.insert(bin_spectrum, 0, left_value) if bin_wvs[-1] != bin_right: bin_wvs = np.append(bin_wvs, bin_right) bin_spectrum = np.append(bin_spectrum, right_value) # integrate bin and devide by bin width to get the flux density of the bin bin_flux_density = integrate.simps(bin_spectrum, bin_wvs) / bin_width bin_integrated_scaled_spectrum.append(bin_flux_density) bin_integrated_scaled_spectrum = np.array(bin_integrated_scaled_spectrum) # units erg/cm2/s/Angstrom return bin_integrated_scaled_spectrum
[docs] def LSQ_scale_model_PSF(PSF_template,planet_image,a): return np.nansum((planet_image-a*PSF_template)**2,axis = (0,1))#/y_model
[docs] def extract_planet_spectrum(cube_para, position, PSF_cube_para, method = None,filter = None, mute = True): if isinstance(cube_para, basestring): hdulist = cube = hdulist[1].data exthdr = hdulist[1].header prihdr = hdulist[0].header hdulist.close() try: filter = prihdr['IFSFILT'].split('_')[1] except: if not mute: print("Couldn't find IFSFILT keyword in headers.") else: cube = cube_para if isinstance(PSF_cube_para, basestring): hdulist = PSF_cube = hdulist[1].data exthdr = hdulist[1].header prihdr = hdulist[0].header hdulist.close() sat_spot_spec = np.nanmax(PSF_cube,axis=(1,2)) for l_id in range(PSF_cube.shape[0]): PSF_cube[l_id,:,:] /= sat_spot_spec[l_id] else: PSF_cube = PSF_cube_para row_cen,col_cen = extract_planet_centroid(cube, position, PSF_cube) nl,ny,nx = cube.shape row_id = np.round(row_cen) col_id = np.round(col_cen) #row_id,col_id = position nl_PSF,ny_PSF,nx_PSF = PSF_cube.shape row_m = np.floor(ny_PSF/2.0) row_p = np.ceil(ny_PSF/2.0) col_m = np.floor(nx_PSF/2.0) col_p = np.ceil(nx_PSF/2.0) cube_stamp = cube[:,np.max([0,(row_id-row_m)]):np.min([ny-1,(row_id+row_p)]), np.max([0,(col_id-col_m)]):np.min([nx-1,(col_id+col_p)])] nl_stamp, ny_stamp,nx_stamp = cube_stamp.shape stamp_x_grid, stamp_y_grid = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0,nx_stamp,1),np.arange(0,ny_stamp,1)) r_stamp = np.sqrt((stamp_x_grid-(col_cen-(col_id-col_m)))**2 +(stamp_y_grid-(row_cen-(row_id-row_m)))**2) #stamp_mask = np.ones((stamp_nrow,stamp_ncol)) #stamp_mask[np.where(r_stamp < 4.0)] = np.nan stamp_mask_small = np.ones((ny_stamp,nx_stamp)) stamp_mask_small[np.where(r_stamp > 2.)] = np.nan stamp_cube_small_mask = np.tile(stamp_mask_small[None,:,:],(nl,1,1)) # if 0: # plt.figure(6) # plt.subplot(2,2,1) # plt.imshow(stamp_mask_small,interpolation="nearest") # plt.subplot(2,2,2) # plt.imshow(cube_stamp[10,:,:]*stamp_mask_small,interpolation="nearest") # if method is None or method == "max": spectrum = np.nanmax(cube_stamp*stamp_cube_small_mask,axis=(1,2)) elif method == "aperture": spectrum = np.nansum(cube_stamp*stamp_cube_small_mask,axis=(1,2)) elif method == "fit": spectrum = np.zeros((nl,)) for k in range(nl): PSF_cube_slice = PSF_cube[k,:,:]/np.nanmax(PSF_cube[k,:,:]) cube_stamp_slice = cube_stamp[k,:,:] param0 = np.nanmax(cube_stamp_slice) LSQ_func = lambda para: LSQ_scale_model_PSF(PSF_cube_slice,cube_stamp_slice,para) spectrum_fit[k] = minimize(LSQ_func,param0).x #, method="Nelder-Mead" # if 0: # plt.figure(1) # plt.subplot(2,2,1) # plt.imshow(cube_stamp_slice,interpolation="nearest") # plt.subplot(2,2,2) # plt.imshow(cube_stamp_slice*stamp_mask_small,interpolation="nearest") # if 0: print(spectrum) # plt.figure(3) # plt.plot(get_gpi_wavelength_sampling(filter), spectrum) # return get_gpi_wavelength_sampling(filter), spectrum