Source code for pyklip.kpp.stat.stat_utils

__author__ = 'JB'

import warnings
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from astropy.modeling import models, fitting
from pyklip.kpp.utils.mathfunc import *
from pyklip.kpp.utils.GPIimage import *

[docs] def get_image_stat_map(image, image_without_planet=None, IOWA = None, N = None, centroid = None, r_step = 2, Dr = 2, type = "SNR", image_wide = None): """ Calculate the SNR, the standard deviation or the probability (tail distribution) of a given image using concentric annuli. Args: image: The image for which one wants the statistic. image_without_planet: Same as image but where any real signal has been masked out. The code will use "image_without_planet" to calculate the standard deviation or the PDF. This can be a negatively derotated image in the context of ADI. IOWA: (IWA,OWA) inner working angle, outer working angle. It defines boundary to the zones in which the statistic is calculated. If None, kpp.utils.GPIimage.get_IOWA() is used. N: Defines the width of the ring by fixing the number of pixels of the annulus. The width of the annuli will therefore vary with sepration. centroid: (x_cen,y_cen) Define the center of the image. Default is x_cen = (nx-1)//2 ; y_cen = (ny-1)//2 r_step: (default=2pix) Distance between two consecutive annuli mean separation (in pixel). Dr: (default=2pix) Width of the annulus (in pixel). type: Indicate the type of statistic to be calculated. If "SNR" (default) simple stddev calculation and returns SNR. If "stddev" returns the pure standard deviation map. If "mean" returns a map from the radial mean. If "sum" returns a map from the radial sum. If "proba" triggers proba calculation with pdf fitting. image_wide: Don't divide the image in annuli or sectors when computing the statistic. Use the entire image directly. Return: The statistic map for image. """ if image_without_planet is None: image_without_planet = image ny,nx = image.shape if centroid is None : centroid = ((nx-1)//2 ,(ny-1)//2) if image_wide is None: image_wide = False if IOWA is None: IWA,OWA = get_IOWA(image_without_planet, centroid = centroid) else: IWA,OWA = IOWA if type == "proba": pdf_list, cdf_list, sampling_list, annulus_radii_list = get_image_PDF(image_without_planet,(IWA,OWA),N,centroid,r_step=r_step,Dr=Dr,image_wide = image_wide) pdf_radii = np.array(annulus_radii_list)[:,0] stat_map = np.zeros(image.shape) + np.nan # Build the x and y coordinates grids x_grid, y_grid = np.meshgrid(np.arange(nx)-centroid[0], np.arange(ny)-centroid[1]) # Calculate the radial distance of each pixel r_grid = abs(x_grid +y_grid*1j) image_finite = np.where(np.isfinite(image)) #Build the cdf_models from interpolation cdf_interp_list = [] for sampling,cdf_sampled in zip(sampling_list,cdf_list): cdf_interp_list.append(interp1d(sampling,cdf_sampled,kind = "linear",bounds_error = False, fill_value=1.0)) #f = interp1d(sampling,cdf_sampled,kind = "linear",bounds_error = False, fill_value=1.0) #plt.plot(np.arange(-10,10,0.1),f(np.arange(-10,10,0.1))) for k,l in zip(image_finite[0],image_finite[1]): #stdout.flush() #stdout.write("\r%d" % k) r = r_grid[k,l] if r < OWA: r_closest_id, r_closest = min(enumerate(pdf_radii), key=lambda x: abs(x[1]-r)) if (r-r_closest) < 0: r_closest_id2 = r_closest_id - 1 else: r_closest_id2 = r_closest_id + 1 if (r_closest_id2 < 0) or (r_closest_id2 > (pdf_radii.size-1)): stat_map[k,l] = 1-cdf_interp_list[r_closest_id](image[k,l]) #plt.plot(np.arange(-10,10,0.1),cdf(np.arange(-10,10,0.1))) else: r_closest2 = pdf_radii[r_closest_id2] stat_map[k,l] = 1-(cdf_interp_list[r_closest_id](image[k,l])*abs(r-r_closest2)+cdf_interp_list[r_closest_id2](image[k,l])*abs(r-r_closest))/abs(r_closest-r_closest2) else: stat_map[k,l] = 1-cdf_interp_list[pdf_radii.size-1](image[k,l]) if 0: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure(1) plt.subplot(1,3,1) plt.imshow(np.log10(stat_map),interpolation="nearest") plt.colorbar() plt.subplot(1,3,2) plt.imshow(image,interpolation="nearest") plt.subplot(1,3,3) plt.imshow(image_without_planet,interpolation="nearest") return -np.log10(stat_map) else: if type =="SNR": tmp_type = "stddev" else: tmp_type = type stat_list, annulus_radii_list = get_image_stat(image_without_planet,tmp_type,(IWA,OWA),N,centroid,r_step=r_step,Dr=Dr, image_wide=image_wide) radii = np.array(annulus_radii_list)[:,0] #print(radii,stddev_list) if not image_wide: stat_func = interp1d(radii,stat_list,kind = "linear",bounds_error = False, fill_value=np.nan) else: stat_func = lambda x: stat_list[0] #plt.figure() #plt.plot(np.linspace(0,140,200),stddev_func(np.linspace(0,140,200))) stat_map = np.zeros(image.shape) + np.nan ny,nx = image.shape # Build the x and y coordinates grids x_grid, y_grid = np.meshgrid(np.arange(nx)-centroid[0], np.arange(ny)-centroid[1]) # Calculate the radial distance of each pixel r_grid = abs(x_grid +y_grid*1j) nanpix = np.where(np.isnan(image)) stat_map = stat_func(r_grid.ravel()) stat_map.shape = r_grid.shape stat_map[nanpix] = np.nan if type == "SNR": stat_map = image/stat_map return stat_map image_finite = np.where(np.isfinite(image)) for k,l in zip(image_finite[0],image_finite[1]): #stdout.flush() #stdout.write("\r%d" % k) r = r_grid[k,l] if type == "SNR": stat_map[k,l] = image[k,l]/stddev_func(r) elif type == "stddev": stat_map[k,l] = stddev_func(r) return stat_map
[docs] def get_image_PDF(image,IOWA=None,N = 2000,centroid = None, r_step = None,Dr=None,image_wide = None): """ Calculate the PDF of a given image using annuli. Args: image: The image for which one wants the statistic. IOWA: (IWA,OWA) inner working angle, outer working angle. It defines boundary to the zones in which the statistic is calculated. If None, kpp.utils.GPIimage.get_IOWA() is used. N: Defines the width of the ring by the number of pixels it has to include. The width of the annuli will therefore vary with sepration. Default is N=3000. centroid: (x_cen,y_cen) Define the center of the image. Default is x_cen = (nx-1)//2 ; y_cen = (ny-1)//2 r_step: Distance between two consecutive annuli mean separation (in pixel). Dr: Width of the annulus (in pixel). image_wide: Don't divide the image in annuli or sectors when computing the statistic. Use the entire image directly. Not available if "pixel based: is defined, Return: pdf_list: List of PDF values for each annulus. The sampling of each PDF can be found in sampling_list. cdf_list: CDF values for each annulus. The sampling of each CDF can be found in sampling_list. sampling_list: Sampling for the PDF and the CDF. annulus_radii_list: List of ((r_min+r_max)/2.,r_min,r_max) with r_min,r_max the boundaries of an annulus. """ if image_wide is None: image_wide = False if IOWA is None: IWA,OWA = get_IOWA(image, centroid = centroid) else: IWA,OWA = IOWA ny,nx = image.shape if 0: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = 1 plt.figure(fig,figsize=(16,8)) plt.subplot(121) plt.imshow(image,interpolation="nearest") plt.colorbar() data = image[np.where(np.isfinite(image))] im_std = np.std(data) bins = np.arange(np.min(data),np.max(data),im_std/10.) im_histo = np.histogram(data, bins=bins)[0] N_bins = bins.size-1 center_bins = 0.5*(bins[0:N_bins]+bins[1:N_bins+1]) plt.subplot(122) plt.plot(center_bins,np.array(im_histo,dtype="double"),'bx-', markersize=5,linewidth=3) plt.grid(True) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_yscale('log') image_mask = np.ones((ny,nx)) image_mask[np.where(np.isnan(image))] = 0 if centroid is None : x_cen = (nx-1)//2 ; y_cen = (ny-1)//2 else: x_cen, y_cen = centroid # Build the x and y coordinates grids x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(nx)-x_cen, np.arange(ny)-y_cen) # Calculate the radial distance of each pixel r_grid = abs(x +y*1j) #th_grid = np.arctan2(x,y) if not image_wide: # Define the radii intervals for each annulus if Dr is None: r0 = IWA annuli_radii = [] if r_step is None: while np.sqrt(N/np.pi+r0**2) < OWA: annuli_radii.append((r0,np.sqrt(N/np.pi+r0**2))) r0 = np.sqrt(N/np.pi+r0**2) else: while np.sqrt(N/np.pi+r0**2) < OWA: annuli_radii.append((r0,np.sqrt(N/np.pi+r0**2))) r0 += r_step annuli_radii.append((r0,np.max([ny,nx]))) else: annuli_radii = [] for r in np.arange(IWA,OWA+Dr,r_step): annuli_radii.append((r-Dr/2.,r+Dr/2.)) else: annuli_radii = [(IWA,OWA)] N_annuli = len(annuli_radii) pdf_list = [] cdf_list = [] sampling_list = [] annulus_radii_list = [] if 0: rings = np.zeros((ny,nx))+np.nan for it, rminmax in enumerate(annuli_radii): r_min,r_max = rminmax #print(rminmax) where_ring = np.where((r_min< r_grid) * (r_grid < r_max) * image_mask) #print(np.size(where_ring[0])) if 0: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt image_tmp = copy(image) image_tmp[where_ring] = np.nan plt.figure(2) plt.imshow(image_tmp,interpolation="nearest") if 0: rings[where_ring] = it data = image[where_ring] cdf_model, pdf_model, sampling, im_histo, center_bins = get_cdf_model(data) pdf_list.append(pdf_model) cdf_list.append(cdf_model) sampling_list.append(sampling) annulus_radii_list.append(((r_min+r_max)/2.,r_min,r_max)) if 0: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = 1 plt.figure(fig,figsize=(8,8)) plt.subplot(np.ceil(np.sqrt(N_annuli)),np.ceil(np.sqrt(N_annuli)),it) plt.plot(sampling,pdf_model,'b-',linewidth=3) plt.plot(sampling,1.-cdf_model,'r-',linewidth=3) plt.xlabel('criterion value', fontsize=20) plt.ylabel('Probability of the value', fontsize=20) plt.grid(True) ax = plt.gca() ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=20) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=20) ax.legend(['flat cube histogram','flat cube histogram (Gaussian fit)','planets'], loc = 'upper right', fontsize=12) ax.set_yscale('log') plt.ylim((10**-7,10)) if 0: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure(2,figsize=(8,8)) plt.imshow(rings,interpolation="nearest") return pdf_list, cdf_list, sampling_list, annulus_radii_list
[docs] def get_image_stddev(image, IOWA = None, N = None, centroid = None, r_step = 2, Dr=2, image_wide = None): """ Calculate the standard deviation of a given image using annuli. Args: image: The image for which one wants the statistic. IOWA: (IWA,OWA) inner working angle, outer working angle. It defines boundary to the zones in which the statistic is calculated. If None, kpp.utils.GPIimage.get_IOWA() is used. N: Defines the width of the ring by the number of pixels it has to include. The width of the annuli will therefore vary with sepration. Default is N=3000. centroid: (x_cen,y_cen) Define the center of the image. Default is x_cen = (nx-1)//2 ; y_cen = (ny-1)//2 r_step: (default=2pix) Distance between two consecutive annuli mean separation (in pixel). Dr: (default=2pix) Width of the annulus (in pixel). image_wide: Don't divide the image in annuli or sectors when computing the statistic. Use the entire image directly. Not available if "pixel based: is defined, Return: stddev_list: standard deviation values at the center of each annulus_radii_list: List of ((r_min+r_max)/2.,r_min,r_max) with r_min,r_max the boundaries of an annulus. """ return get_image_stat(image,"stddev", IOWA = IOWA, N = N, centroid = centroid, r_step = r_step, Dr=Dr, image_wide = image_wide)
[docs] def get_image_stat(image,type, IOWA = None, N = None, centroid = None, r_step = 2, Dr=2, image_wide = None): """ Calculate the standard deviation or the mean of a given image using annuli. Args: image: The image or cubes for which one wants the statistic. type: "stddev" or "mean" or "sum" IOWA: (IWA,OWA) inner working angle, outer working angle. It defines boundary to the zones in which the statistic is calculated. If None, kpp.utils.GPIimage.get_IOWA() is used. N: Defines the width of the ring by the number of pixels it has to include. The width of the annuli will therefore vary with sepration. Default is N=3000. centroid: (x_cen,y_cen) Define the center of the image. Default is x_cen = (nx-1)//2 ; y_cen = (ny-1)//2 r_step: Distance between two consecutive annuli mean separation. Not available if "pixel based" is defined, Dr: If not None defines the width of the ring as Dr. N is then ignored if Dth is defined. image_wide: Don't divide the image in annuli or sectors when computing the statistic. Use the entire image directly. Not available if "pixel based: is defined, Return: stddev_list: standard deviation values at the center of each annulus_radii_list: List of ((r_min+r_max)/2.,r_min,r_max) with r_min,r_max the boundaries of an annulus. """ if image_wide is None: image_wide = False if IOWA is None: IWA,OWA,inner_mask,outer_mask = get_occ(image, centroid = centroid) else: IWA,OWA = IOWA ny,nx = image.shape image_mask = np.ones((ny,nx)) image_mask[np.where(np.isnan(image))] = 0 if centroid is None : x_cen = (nx-1)//2 ; y_cen = (ny-1)//2 else: x_cen, y_cen = centroid # Build the x and y coordinates grids x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(nx)-x_cen, np.arange(ny)-y_cen) # Calculate the radial distance of each pixel r_grid = abs(x +y*1j) #th_grid = np.arctan2(x,y) if not image_wide: # Define the radii intervals for each annulus if Dr is None: r0 = IWA annuli_radii = [] if r_step is None: while np.sqrt(N/np.pi+r0**2) < OWA: annuli_radii.append((r0,np.sqrt(N/np.pi+r0**2))) r0 = np.sqrt(N/np.pi+r0**2) else: while np.sqrt(N/np.pi+r0**2) < OWA: annuli_radii.append((r0,np.sqrt(N/np.pi+r0**2))) r0 += r_step annuli_radii.append((r0,np.max([ny,nx]))) else: annuli_radii = [] for r in np.arange(IWA,OWA+Dr,r_step): annuli_radii.append((r-Dr/2.,r+Dr/2.)) else: annuli_radii = [(IWA,OWA)] #N_annuli = len(annuli_radii) stat_list = [] annulus_radii_list = [] for it, rminmax in enumerate(annuli_radii): r_min,r_max = rminmax where_ring = np.where((r_min< r_grid) * (r_grid < r_max) * image_mask) data = image[where_ring] if type == "stddev": stat = np.nanstd(data) elif type == "mean": stat = np.nanmean(data) elif type == "sum": stat = np.nansum(data) stat_list.append(stat) annulus_radii_list.append(((r_min+r_max)/2.,r_min,r_max)) return stat_list, annulus_radii_list
[docs] def get_cdf_model(data,interupt_plot = False,pure_gauss=False): """ Calculate a model CDF for some data. /!\ This function is for some reason still a work in progress. JB could never decide what the best option was. But it should work even if the code is a mess. Args: data: arrays of samples from a random variable interupt_plot: Plot the histogram and model fit. It pure_gauss: Assume gaussian statistic. Do not fit exponential tails. Return: (cdf_model,new_sampling,im_histo, center_bins) with: cdf_model: The cdf model = np.cumsum(pdf_model) pdf_model: The pdf model sampling: sampling of pdf/cdf_model im_histo: histogram from original data center_bins: bin centers for im_histo """ pdf_model,sampling,im_histo,center_bins = get_pdf_model(data,interupt_plot=interupt_plot,pure_gauss=pure_gauss) return np.cumsum(pdf_model),pdf_model,sampling,im_histo,center_bins
[docs] def get_pdf_model(data,interupt_plot = False,pure_gauss = False): """ Calculate a model PDF for some data. /!\ This function is for some reason still a work in progress. JB could never decide what the best option was. But it should work even if the code is a mess. Args: data: arrays of samples from a random variable interupt_plot: Plot the histogram and model fit. It pure_gauss: Assume gaussian statistic. Do not fit exponential tails. Return: (pdf_model,new_sampling,im_histo, center_bins) with: pdf_model: The pdf model new_sampling: sampling of pdf_model im_histo: histogram from original data center_bins: bin centers for im_histo """ im_std = np.std(data) #print(im_std) bins = np.arange(np.min(data),np.max(data),im_std/5.) im_histo = np.histogram(data, bins=bins)[0] N_bins = bins.size-1 center_bins = 0.5*(bins[0:N_bins]+bins[1:N_bins+1]) g_init = models.Gaussian1D(amplitude=np.max(im_histo), mean=0.0, stddev=im_std) fit_g = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter() warnings.simplefilter('ignore') g = fit_g(g_init, center_bins, im_histo)#, weights=1/im_histo) g.stddev = abs(g.stddev) right_side_noZeros = np.where((center_bins > (g.mean+2*g.stddev))*(im_histo != 0)) N_right_bins_noZeros = len(right_side_noZeros[0]) left_side_noZeros = np.where((center_bins < (g.mean-2*g.stddev))*(im_histo != 0)) N_left_bins_noZeros = len(left_side_noZeros[0]) right_side = np.where((center_bins > (g.mean+2*g.stddev))) left_side = np.where((center_bins < (g.mean-2*g.stddev))) if not pure_gauss: if N_right_bins_noZeros < 5: where_pos_zero = np.where((im_histo == 0) * (center_bins > g.mean)) if len(where_pos_zero[0]) != 0: right_side_noZeros = (range(where_pos_zero[0][0]-5,where_pos_zero[0][0]),) right_side = (range(where_pos_zero[0][0]-5,center_bins.size),) else: right_side_noZeros = (range(center_bins.size-5,center_bins.size),) right_side = right_side_noZeros N_right_bins_noZeros = 5 if N_left_bins_noZeros < 5: where_neg_zero = np.where((im_histo == 0) * (center_bins < g.mean)) if len(where_neg_zero[0]) != 0: left_side_noZeros = (range(where_neg_zero[0][len(where_neg_zero[0])-1]+1,where_neg_zero[0][len(where_neg_zero[0])-1]+6),) left_side = (range(0,where_neg_zero[0][len(where_neg_zero[0])-1]+6),) else: left_side_noZeros = (range(0,5),) left_side = left_side_noZeros N_left_bins_noZeros = 5 #print(left_side,right_side) #print(im_histo[left_side],im_histo[right_side]) #print(right_side_noZeros,left_side_noZeros) #print(im_histo[right_side_noZeros],im_histo[left_side_noZeros]) #print(N_right_bins_noZeros,N_left_bins_noZeros) if N_right_bins_noZeros >= 2: alpha0 = (np.log(im_histo[right_side_noZeros[0][N_right_bins_noZeros-1]])-np.log(im_histo[right_side_noZeros[0][0]]))/(center_bins[right_side_noZeros[0][0]]-center_bins[right_side_noZeros[0][N_right_bins_noZeros-1]]) m_alpha0 = -np.log(im_histo[right_side_noZeros[0][0]])-alpha0*center_bins[right_side_noZeros[0][0]] param0_rightExp = (m_alpha0,alpha0) LSQ_func = lambda para: LSQ_model_exp((bins[0:bins.size-1])[right_side], im_histo[right_side],para[0],para[1]) param_fit_rightExp = leastsq(LSQ_func,param0_rightExp) else: param_fit_rightExp = None #print(param0_rightExp,param_fit_rightExp) if N_left_bins_noZeros >= 2: alpha0 = (np.log(im_histo[left_side_noZeros[0][N_left_bins_noZeros-1]])-np.log(im_histo[left_side_noZeros[0][0]]))/(center_bins[left_side_noZeros[0][0]]-center_bins[left_side_noZeros[0][N_left_bins_noZeros-1]]) m_alpha0 = -np.log(im_histo[left_side_noZeros[0][0]])-alpha0*center_bins[left_side_noZeros[0][0]] param0_leftExp = (m_alpha0,alpha0) LSQ_func = lambda para: LSQ_model_exp((bins[0:bins.size-1])[left_side], im_histo[left_side],para[0],para[1]) param_fit_leftExp = leastsq(LSQ_func,param0_leftExp) else: param_fit_leftExp = None #print(param0_leftExp,param_fit_leftExp) new_sampling = np.arange(2*np.min(data),4*np.max(data),im_std/100.) if pure_gauss: pdf_model = g(new_sampling) pdf_model_exp = new_sampling*0 else: pdf_model_gaussian = interp1d(center_bins,np.array(im_histo,dtype="double"),kind = "cubic",bounds_error = False, fill_value=0.0)(new_sampling) if not pure_gauss: right_side2 = np.where((new_sampling >= g.mean)) left_side2 = np.where((new_sampling < g.mean)) #print(g.mean+0.0,g.stddev+0.0) pdf_model_exp = np.zeros(new_sampling.size) weights = np.zeros(new_sampling.size) if param_fit_rightExp is not None: pdf_model_exp[right_side2] = model_exp(new_sampling[right_side2],*param_fit_rightExp[0]) weights[right_side2] = np.tanh((new_sampling[right_side2]-(g.mean+2*g.stddev))/(0.1*g.stddev)) else: weights[right_side2] = -1. if param_fit_leftExp is not None: pdf_model_exp[left_side2] = model_exp(new_sampling[left_side2],*param_fit_leftExp[0]) weights[left_side2] = np.tanh(-(new_sampling[left_side2]-(g.mean-2*g.stddev))/(0.1*g.stddev)) else: weights[left_side2] = -1. weights = 0.5*(weights+1.0) #weights[np.where(weights > 1-10^-3)] = 1 pdf_model = weights*pdf_model_exp + (1-weights)*pdf_model_gaussian #pdf_model[np.where(weights > 1-10^-5)] = pdf_model_exp[np.where(pdf_model > 1-10^-5)] if 0: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = 2 plt.figure(fig,figsize=(8,8)) plt.plot(new_sampling, weights, "r") #plt.plot(new_sampling, (1-weights), "--r") #plt.plot(new_sampling, pdf_model_exp, "g") #plt.plot(new_sampling, pdf_model_gaussian, "b") #plt.plot(new_sampling, pdf_model, "c") #/np.sum(pdf_model) #plt.plot(new_sampling, 1-np.cumsum(pdf_model/np.sum(pdf_model)), "--.") ax = plt.gca() #ax.set_yscale('log') plt.grid(True) #plt.ylim((10**-15,100000)) #plt.xlim((1*np.min(data),2*np.max(data))) if interupt_plot: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import rcParams rcParams.update({'font.size': 20}) fig = 2 plt.close(2) plt.figure(fig,figsize=(16,8)) plt.subplot(121) plt.plot(new_sampling,pdf_model,'r-',linewidth=5) plt.plot(center_bins,g(center_bins),'c--',linewidth=3) plt.plot(new_sampling,pdf_model_exp,'g--',linewidth=3) plt.plot(center_bins,np.array(im_histo,dtype="double"),'b.', markersize=10,linewidth=3) #plt.plot(new_sampling,np.cumsum(pdf_model),'g.') plt.xlabel('Metric value') plt.ylabel('Number per bin') plt.xlim((2*np.min(data),2*np.max(data))) plt.grid(True) plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='x', scilimits=(0,0)) ax = plt.gca() ax.tick_params(axis='x') ax.tick_params(axis='y') ax.legend(['PDF Model Fit','Central Gaussian Fit','Tails Exponential Fit','Histogram'], loc = 'lower left', fontsize=15) ax.set_yscale('log') plt.ylim((10**-1,10000)) pdf_model /= np.sum(pdf_model) if interupt_plot: from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import host_subplot import mpl_toolkits.axisartist as AA host = host_subplot(122, axes_class=AA.Axes) par1 = host.twinx() p1, = host.plot(new_sampling,pdf_model/(new_sampling[1]-new_sampling[0]),'r-',linewidth=5) host.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=20) host.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=20) host.set_ylim((10**-3,10**2)) host.set_yscale('log') p2, = par1.plot(new_sampling,1-np.cumsum(pdf_model),'g-',linewidth=5) par1.set_ylabel("False positive rate") par1.set_yscale('log') par1.set_ylim((10**-4,10.)) host.axis["left"].label.set_color(p1.get_color()) par1.axis["right"].label.set_color(p2.get_color()) plt.xlabel('Metric value') plt.ylabel('Probability density') plt.xlim((2*np.min(data),2*np.max(data))) plt.grid(True) plt.legend(['PDF model','Tail distribution'], loc = 'lower left', fontsize=15) plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='x', scilimits=(0,0)) return pdf_model,new_sampling,np.array(im_histo,dtype="double"), center_bins
[docs] def get_cube_stddev(cube,IOWA,N = 2000,centroid = None, r_step = None,Dr=None): # Not tested nl,ny,nx = cube.shape stddev_table = [] annulus_radii_table = [] for k in range(nl): stddev_list, annulus_radii_list = get_image_stddev(cube[k,:,:],IOWA,N = N,centroid = centroid, r_step = r_step,Dr=Dr) stddev_table.append(stddev_list) annulus_radii_table.append(annulus_radii_list) return stddev_table,annulus_radii_table