Source code for pyklip.covars

import numpy as np

def _matern32(x, y, sigmas, corr_len):
    Generates a Matern (nu=3/2) covariance matrix that assumes x/y has the same correlation length

    C_ij = \sigma_i \sigma_j (1 + sqrt(3) r_ij / l) exp(-sqrt(3) r_ij / l)

        x (np.array): 1-D array of x coordinates
        y (np.array): 1-D array of y coordinates
        sigmas (np.array): 1-D array of errors on each pixel
        corr_len (float): correlation length of the Matern function

        cov (np.array): 2-D covariance matrix parameterized by the Matern function
    r = np.sqrt((x[:, None] - x[None, :])**2 + (y[:, None] - y[None, :])**2)
    arg = np.sqrt(3) * r / corr_len
    cov = sigmas[:, None] * sigmas[None, :] * (1+arg) * np.exp(-arg)
    return cov

[docs] def matern32(x, y, sigmas, corr_len): """ Generates a Matern (nu=3/2) covariance matrix that assumes x/y has the same correlation length C_ij = \sigma_i \sigma_j (1 + sqrt(3) r_ij / l) exp(-sqrt(3) r_ij / l) Args: x (np.array): 1-D array of x coordinates y (np.array): 1-D array of y coordinates sigmas (np.array): 1-D array of errors on each pixel corr_len (float): correlation length of the Matern function Returns: cov (np.array): 2-D covariance matrix parameterized by the Matern function """ return _matern32(x, y, sigmas, corr_len)
def _sq_exp(x, y, sigmas, corr_len): """ Generates square exponential covariance matrix that assumes x/y has the same correlation length C_ij = \sigma_i \sigma_j exp(-r_ij^2/[2 l^2]) Args: x (np.array): 1-D array of x coordinates y (np.array): 1-D array of y coordinates sigmas (np.array): 1-D array of errors on each pixel corr_len (float): correlation length (i.e. standard deviation of Gaussian) Returns: cov (np.array): 2-D covariance matrix parameterized by the Matern function """ r = np.sqrt((x[:, None] - x[None, :])**2 + (y[:, None] - y[None, :])**2) arg = r**2 / (2 * corr_len**2) cov = sigmas[:, None] * sigmas[None, :] * np.exp(-arg) return cov
[docs] def sq_exp(x, y, sigmas, corr_len): """ Generates square exponential covariance matrix that assumes x/y has the same correlation length C_ij = \sigma_i \sigma_j exp(-r_ij^2/[2 l^2]) Args: x (np.array): 1-D array of x coordinates y (np.array): 1-D array of y coordinates sigmas (np.array): 1-D array of errors on each pixel corr_len (float): correlation length (i.e. standard deviation of Gaussian) mode (string): either "numpy", "cython", or None, specifying the implementation of the kernel. Returns: cov (np.array): 2-D covariance matrix parameterized by the Matern function """ return _sq_exp(x, y, sigmas, corr_len)
[docs] def delta(x, y, sigmas, *args): """ Generates a diagonal covariance matrix C_ij = \sigma_i \sigma_j delta_{ij} Args: x (np.array): 1-D array of x coordinates y (np.array): 1-D array of y coordinates sigmas (np.array): 1-D array of errors on each pixel """ return np.diag(sigmas**2)