Source code for pyklip.fakes

import os
import glob
from copy import copy

import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize
import scipy.ndimage as ndimage
import scipy.interpolate as interp
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import astropy.modeling as modeling

import pyklip.spectra_management as spec

[docs] def convert_pa_to_image_polar(pa, astr_hdr): """ Given a position angle (angle to North through East), calculate what polar angle theta (angle from +X CCW towards +Y) it corresponds to Args: pa: position angle in degrees astr_hdr: wcs astrometry header (astropy.wcs) Returns: theta: polar angle in degrees """ rot_det =[0,0] *[1,1] -[0,1] *[1,0] if rot_det < 0: rot_sgn = -1. else: rot_sgn = 1. # calculate CCW rotation from +Y to North in radians rot_YN = np.arctan2(rot_sgn *[0,1],rot_sgn *[0,0]) # now that we know where north it, # find the CCW rotation from +Y to find location of planet rot_YPA = rot_YN - rot_sgn*pa*np.pi/180. #radians # rot_YPA = rot_YN + pa*np.pi/180. #radians theta = rot_YPA * 180./np.pi + 90.0 #degrees return theta
[docs] def convert_polar_to_image_pa(theta, astr_hdr): """ Reversed engineer from covert_pa_to_image_polar by JB. Actually JB doesn't quite understand how it works... Args: theta: parallactic angle in degrees astr_hdr: wcs astrometry header (astropy.wcs) Returns: theta: polar angle in degrees """ rot_det =[0,0] *[1,1] -[0,1] *[1,0] if rot_det < 0: rot_sgn = -1. else: rot_sgn = 1. #calculate CCW rotation from +Y to North in radians rot_YN = np.arctan2(rot_sgn *[0,1],rot_sgn *[0,0]) rot_YPA = (theta-90)*np.pi/180. pa = rot_sgn*(rot_YN-rot_YPA)* 180./np.pi return pa
def _inject_gaussian_planet(frame, xpos, ypos, amplitude, fwhm=3.5, stampsize=None, field_dependent_correction=None, center=None): """ Injects a fake planet with a Gaussian PSF into a dataframe Args: frame: a 2D data frame xpos,ypos: x,y location (in pixels) where the planet should be amplitude: peak of the Gaussian PSf (in appropriate units not dictacted here) fwhm: fwhm of gaussian stampsize: integer specfying the width of the stamp box in which the planet is defined field_dependent_correction: a function of the form ``output_stamp = correction(input_stamp, input_dx, input_dy) where, input_stamp is a 2-D image of shape (y_stamp, x_stamp). input_dx and input_dy have the same shape and represent the offset of each pixel from the star (in pixel units). The function returns an output_stamp of the same shape, but corrected for any field dependent throughputs or distortions. center: (x,y) reference position (typically of a coronagraph center) that is used ONLY by the field dependent correction Returns: frame: the frame with the injected planet """ if stampsize is None: stampsize = 3 * fwhm # convert boxsize to an integer stampsize = int(np.ceil(stampsize)) # figure out sigma when given FWHM sigma = fwhm/(2.*np.sqrt(2*np.log(2))) # create a coordinate system for the PSF centered about the closest pixel to the planet y, x = np.indices([stampsize, stampsize]) y -= stampsize // 2 # center about 0 x -= stampsize // 2 # center about 0 # find nearest pixel to center coordinate around x_int = int(round(xpos)) y_int = int(round(ypos)) x += x_int y += y_int xmin = x[0][0] xmax = x[-1][-1] ymin = y[0][0] ymax = y[-1][-1] psf = amplitude * np.exp(-((x - xpos)**2. + (y - ypos)**2.) / (2. * sigma**2)) # if specified, make field dependent PSF correction if field_dependent_correction is not None: dx_psf = np.arange(xmin, xmax+1, 1) - center[0] dy_psf = np.arange(ymin, ymax+1, 1) - center[1] # convert to 2D dx_psf, dy_psf = np.meshgrid(dx_psf, dy_psf) psf = field_dependent_correction(psf, dx_psf, dy_psf) frame[ymin:ymax+1, xmin:xmax+1] += psf return frame
[docs] def inject_planet(frames, centers, inputflux, astr_hdrs, radius, pa, fwhm=3.5, thetas=None, stampsize=None, field_dependent_correction=None): """ Injects a fake planet into a dataset either using a Gaussian PSF or an input PSF Args: frames: array of (N,y,x) for N is the total number of frames centers: array of size (N,2) of [x,y] coordiantes of the image center inputflux: EITHER array of size N of the peak flux of the fake planet in each frame (will inject a Gaussian PSF) OR array of size (N,psfy,psfx) of template PSFs. The brightnesses should be scaled and the PSFs should be centered at the center of each of the template images astr_hdrs: array of size N of the WCS headers radius: separation of the planet from the star pa: position angle (in degrees) of planet fwhm: fwhm (in pixels) of gaussian thetas: ignore PA, supply own thetas (CCW angle from +x axis toward +y) array of size N stampsize: in pixels, the width of the square stamp to inject the image into. Defaults to 3*fwhm if None field_dependent_correction: a function of the form ``output_stamp = correction(input_stamp, input_dx, input_dy) where, input_stamp is a 2-D image of shape (y_stamp, x_stamp). input_dx and input_dy have the same shape and represent the offset of each pixel from the star (in pixel units). The function returns an output_stamp of the same shape, but corrected for any field dependent throughputs or distortions. Returns: saves result in input "frames" variable """ if thetas is None: thetas = np.array([convert_pa_to_image_polar(pa, astr_hdr) for astr_hdr in astr_hdrs]) if (np.size(inputflux) == 1): #input is probably a number and we want an array inputflux = np.ones(frames.shape[0]) * inputflux for frame, center, inputpsf, theta in zip(frames, centers, inputflux, thetas): #calculate the x,y location of the planet for each image #theta = covert_pa_to_image_polar(pa, astr_hdr) x_pl = radius * np.cos(theta*np.pi/180.) + center[0] y_pl = radius * np.sin(theta*np.pi/180.) + center[1] ny,nx = frame.shape #now that we found the planet location, inject it #check whether we are injecting a gaussian of a template PSF if isinstance(inputpsf, np.ndarray): # stampsize should defautl to minimum dimension of PSF if stampsize is None: stampsize = int(np.min(inputpsf.shape)) # convert boxsize to an integer stampsize = int(np.ceil(stampsize)) #shift psf so that center is aligned #calculate center of box boxsize = inputpsf.shape[0] #Using JB's array convention instead. boxcent = boxsize // 2 # create a coordinate system for the PSF centered about the closest pixel to the planet ystamp, xstamp = np.indices([stampsize, stampsize]) ystamp -= stampsize // 2 # center about 0 xstamp -= stampsize // 2 # center about 0 # find nearest pixel to center coordinate around x_int = int(round(x_pl)) y_int = int(round(y_pl)) xstamp += x_int ystamp += y_int # index bounds xmin = xstamp[0][0] xmax = xstamp[-1][-1] ymin = ystamp[0][0] ymax = ystamp[-1][-1] if xmin>= nx or ymin>= ny or xmax<= 0 or ymax<= 0: continue # find corresponding pixels in the PSF xpsf = xstamp - x_pl + boxcent ypsf = ystamp - y_pl + boxcent # Crop the edge if injection at the edge of the image if xmin < 0: ypsf = ypsf[:,-xmin::] xpsf = xpsf[:,-xmin::] xmin=0 if ymin < 0: ypsf = ypsf[-ymin::,:] xpsf = xpsf[-ymin::,:] ymin = 0 if xmax >= nx: ypsf = ypsf[:,:-(xmax-nx + 1)] xpsf = xpsf[:,:-(xmax-nx + 1)] xmax = nx - 1 if ymax >= ny: ypsf = ypsf[:-(ymax-ny + 1),:] xpsf = xpsf[:-(ymax-ny + 1),:] ymax = ny - 1 psf = ndimage.map_coordinates(inputpsf, [ypsf, xpsf], mode='constant', cval=0.0) # if specified, make field dependent PSF correction if field_dependent_correction is not None: dx_psf = np.arange(xmin, xmax+1, 1) - center[0] dy_psf = np.arange(ymin, ymax+1, 1) - center[1] # convert to 2D dx_psf, dy_psf = np.meshgrid(dx_psf, dy_psf) psf = field_dependent_correction(psf, dx_psf, dy_psf) #inject into frame frame[ymin:ymax + 1, xmin:xmax + 1] += psf else: if stampsize is None: stampsize = 3 * fwhm # convert boxsize to an integer stampsize = int(np.ceil(stampsize)) _inject_gaussian_planet(frame, x_pl, y_pl, inputpsf, fwhm=fwhm, stampsize=stampsize, field_dependent_correction=field_dependent_correction, center=center)
[docs] def generate_dataset_with_fakes(dataset, fake_position_dict, fake_flux_dict, spectrum = None, PSF_cube = None, PSF_cube_wvs = None, star_type = None, mute = False, SpT_file_csv = None, real_planets_pos = None, sep_skip_real_pl = None, pa_skip_real_pl = None,dn_per_contrast=None,star_spec = None): ''' Generate spectral datacubes with fake planets. It will do a copy of the cubes read in GPIData after having injected fake planets in them. This new set of cubes can then be reduced in the same manner as the campaign data. Doesn't work with remove slice: assumes that the dataset is made of a list of similar datacubes or images. Args: dataset: An object of type GPIData. The fakes are injected directly into dataset so you should make a copy of dataset prior to running this function. In order for the function to query simbad for the spectral type of the star, the attribute object_name needs to be defined in dataset. fake_position_dict: Dictionary defining the way the fake planets are positionned - fake_position_dict["mode"]="sector": Put a planet in each klip sector. Can actually generate several datasets in which the planets will be shifted in separation and position angle with respect to one another. It can be usefull for fake based contrast curve calculation. Several parameters needs to be defined. - fake_position_dict["annuli"]: Number of annulis in the image - fake_position_dict["subsections"]: Number of angular sections in the image - fake_position_dict["sep_shift"]: separation shift from the center of the sectors - fake_position_dict["pa_shift"]: position angle shift from the center of the sectors - fake_position_dict["mode"]="custom": Put planets at given (separation, position angle). The following parameter needs to be defined - fake_position_dict["pa_sep_list"]: List of tuple [(r1,pa1),(r2,pa2),...] with each tuple giving the separation and position angle of each planet to be injected. - fake_position_dict["mode"]="ROC": Generate fake for ROC curves calculation. Use hard-coded parameters. fake_flux_dict: Dictionary defining the way in which the flux of the fake is defined. - fake_flux_dict["mode"]="contrast": Defines the contrast value of the fakes. - fake_flux_dict["contrast"]: Contrast of the fake planets - fake_flux_dict["mode"]="SNR": Defines the brightness of the fakes relatively to the satellite spots. - fake_flux_dict["SNR"]: SNR wished for the fake planets. - fake_flux_dict["sep_arr"]: Separation sampling of the contrast curve in pixels. - fake_flux_dict["contrast_arr"]: 5 sigma contrast curve (planet to star ratio). PSF_cube: the psf of the image. A numpy array with shape (wv, y, x) PSF_cube_wvs: the wavelegnths that correspond to the input psfs spectrum: spectrum name (string) or array - "host_star_spec": The spectrum from the star or the satellite spots is directly used. It is derived from the inverse of the calibrate_output() output. - "constant": Use a constant spectrum np.ones(nl). - other strings: name of the spectrum file in #pykliproot#/spectra/*/ with pykliproot the directory in which pyklip is installed. It that case it should be a spectrum from Mark Marley or one following the same convention. Spectrum will be corrected for transmission. - ndarray: 1D array with a user defined spectrum. Spectrum will be corrected for transmission. star_type: Spectral type of the current star. If None, Simbad is queried. mute: If True prevent printed log outputs. suffix: Suffix to be added at the end of the filenames. SpT_file_csv: Filename of the table (.csv) contaning the spectral type of the stars. real_planets_pos: list of position of real point sources in the dataset that should be avoided when injecting fakes. [(sep1,pa1),(sep2,pa2),...] with the separation in pixels and the position angle in degrees. sep_skip_real_pl: Limit in seperation of how close a fake can be injected of a known GOI. pa_skip_real_pl: Limit in position angle of how close a fake can be injected of a known GOI. dn_per_contrast: array of the same size as spectrum giving the conversion between the peak flux of a planet in data number and its contrast. star_spec: 1D array stellar spectrum sampling dataset.wvs. Otherwise uses a pickles spectrum in which the temperature in interpolated from the spectral type. ''' if sep_skip_real_pl is None: sep_skip_real_pl = 20 if pa_skip_real_pl is None: pa_skip_real_pl = 90 try: star_name = dataset.object_name.replace(" ","_") except: star_name = "noname" nl, ny, nx = dataset.input.shape if dn_per_contrast is None: dn_per_contrast = 1./dataset.calibrate_output(np.ones((nl,1,1)),spectral=True).squeeze() # Make sure the total flux of each PSF is unity for all wavelengths # So the peak value won't be unity. # print("np.sum(PSF_cube)",np.sum(PSF_cube)) PSF_cube = PSF_cube/np.nansum(PSF_cube,axis=(1,2))[:,None,None] # print("np.sum(PSF_cube)",np.sum(PSF_cube)) # Get the conversion factor from peak spectrum to aperture based spectrum aper_over_peak_ratio = 1/np.nanmax(PSF_cube,axis=(1,2)) aper_over_peak_ratio_tiled = np.zeros(nl)#wavelengths for k,wv in enumerate(dataset.wvs): aper_over_peak_ratio_tiled[k] = aper_over_peak_ratio[spec.find_nearest(PSF_cube_wvs,wv)[1]] # Summed DN flux of the star in the entire dataset calculated from dn_per_contrast host_star_spec = aper_over_peak_ratio_tiled*dn_per_contrast star_flux = np.sum(host_star_spec) # print(star_flux,aper_over_peak_ratio_tiled[0],dn_per_contrast[0],aper_over_peak_ratio) # # exit() host_star_spec = host_star_spec/np.mean(host_star_spec) nl_psf, ny_psf, nx_psf = PSF_cube.shape inputpsfs = np.zeros((nl,ny_psf,nx_psf)) for k,wv in enumerate(dataset.wvs): inputpsfs[k,:,:] = PSF_cube[spec.find_nearest(PSF_cube_wvs,wv)[1],:,:] if np.size(np.unique(dataset.wvs)) == 1: star_sp = np.ones(dn_per_contrast.shape) else: if star_spec is None: if star_type is None: star_type = spec.get_specType(star_name,SpT_file_csv) # Interpolate a spectrum of the star based on its spectral type/temperature wv,star_sp = spec.get_star_spectrum(dataset.wvs,star_type) else: star_sp = star_spec # Define the output Foldername if isinstance(spectrum, str): # Do the best it can with the spectral information given in inputs. if spectrum == "host_star_spec": # If spectrum_filename is an empty string the function takes the sat spot spectrum by default. if not mute: print("Default host star specrum will be used.") spectrum_vec = copy(host_star_spec) spectrum_name = "host_star_spec" elif spectrum == "constant": if not mute: print("Spectrum is not or badly defined so taking flat spectrum") spectrum_vec = np.ones(nl) spectrum_name = "constant" else : pykliproot = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(spec.__file__)) spectrum_filename = os.path.abspath(glob.glob(os.path.join(pykliproot,"spectra","*",spectrum+".flx"))[0]) spectrum_name = spectrum_filename.split(os.path.sep) spectrum_name = spectrum_name[len(spectrum_name)-1].split(".")[0] # spectrum_filename is not empty it is assumed to be a valid path. if not mute: print("Spectrum model: "+spectrum_filename) # Interpolate the spectrum of the planet based on the given filename wv,planet_sp = spec.get_planet_spectrum(spectrum_filename,dataset.wvs) # Correct the ideal spectrum given in spectrum_filename for atmospheric and instrumental absorption. spectrum_vec = (host_star_spec/star_sp)*planet_sp elif isinstance(spectrum, np.ndarray): planet_sp = spectrum spectrum_name = "custom" # Correct the ideal spectrum given in spectrum_filename for atmospheric and instrumental absorption. spectrum_vec = (host_star_spec/star_sp)*planet_sp else: raise ValueError("Invalid spectrum: {0}".format(spectrum)) spectrum_vec = spectrum_vec/np.mean(spectrum_vec) if real_planets_pos is not None: sep_real_object_list = [sep for (sep,pa) in real_planets_pos] # in pixels pa_real_object_list = [pa for (sep,pa) in real_planets_pos] # in degrees # inputflux_is_def = False # Build the list of separation and position angles for the fakes if fake_position_dict["mode"] == "custom": sep_pa_iter_list = fake_position_dict["pa_sep_list"] if fake_position_dict["mode"] == "spirals": if "pa_shift" in fake_position_dict: pa_shift = fake_position_dict["pa_shift"] else: pa_shift = 0.0 # Calculate the radii of the annuli like in klip_adi_plus_sdi using the first image # We want to inject one planet per section where klip is independently applied. if "annuli" in fake_position_dict: annuli = fake_position_dict["annuli"] else: annuli = 8 if "dr" in fake_position_dict: dr = fake_position_dict["dr"] else: dr = 15. delta_th = 90 # Get parallactic angle of where to put fake planets # PSF_dist = 20 # Distance between PSFs. Actually length of an arc between 2 consecutive PSFs. # delta_pa = 180/np.pi*PSF_dist/radius pa_list = np.arange(-180.,180.-0.01,delta_th) + pa_shift radii_list = np.array([dr * annuli_it + dataset.IWA + 2.5 for annuli_it in range(annuli)]) pa_grid, radii_grid = np.meshgrid(pa_list,radii_list) # for row_id in range(pa_grid.shape[0]): # pa_grid[row_id,:] = pa_grid[row_id,:] + 30 for col_id in range(radii_grid.shape[1]): radii_grid[:,col_id] = radii_grid[:,col_id] + dr/4*np.mod(col_id,4) pa_grid[range(1,annuli,3),:] += 30 pa_grid[range(2,annuli,3),:] += 60 pa_grid = pa_grid + 5 sep_pa_iter_list = [(r, p) for r_arr, p_arr in zip(radii_grid, pa_grid) for r, p in zip(r_arr, p_arr)] if fake_position_dict["mode"] == "sector": annuli = fake_position_dict["annuli"] subsections = fake_position_dict["subsections"] sep_shift = fake_position_dict["sep_shift"] pa_shift = fake_position_dict["pa_shift"] # Calculate the radii of the annuli like in klip_adi_plus_sdi using the first image # We want to inject one planet per section where klip is independently applied. dims = dataset.input.shape x_grid, y_grid = np.meshgrid(np.arange(dims[2] * 1.0), np.arange(dims[1] * 1.0)) nanpix = np.where(np.isnan(dataset.input[0])) if np.size(nanpix) == 0: OWA = np.sqrt(np.max((x_grid) ** 2 + (y_grid) ** 2)) else: OWA = np.sqrt(np.min((x_grid[nanpix] - dataset.centers[0][0]) ** 2 + (y_grid[nanpix] - dataset.centers[0][1]) ** 2)) dr = float(OWA - dataset.IWA) / (annuli) delta_th = 360./subsections # Get parallactic angle of where to put fake planets # PSF_dist = 20 # Distance between PSFs. Actually length of an arc between 2 consecutive PSFs. # delta_pa = 180/np.pi*PSF_dist/radius pa_list = np.arange(-180.,180.-0.01,delta_th) + pa_shift radii_list = np.array([dr * annuli_it + dataset.IWA + dr/2.for annuli_it in range(annuli-1)]) + sep_shift pa_grid, radii_grid = np.meshgrid(pa_list,radii_list) pa_grid[range(1,annuli-1,2),:] += delta_th/2. sep_pa_iter_list = [(r, p) for r_arr, p_arr in zip(radii_grid, pa_grid) for r, p in zip(r_arr, p_arr)] # fake_flux_dict = dict(mode = "SNR",sep_arr = sep_samples, contrast_arr=Ttype_contrast) if (fake_flux_dict["mode"] == "contrast"): if isinstance(fake_flux_dict["contrast"], list) or isinstance(fake_flux_dict["contrast"], np.ndarray): planets_contrasts = fake_flux_dict["contrast"] else: planets_contrasts = [fake_flux_dict["contrast"],]*len(sep_pa_iter_list) elif (fake_flux_dict["mode"] == "SNR"): sep_arr = np.array(fake_flux_dict["sep_arr"]) cont_arr = np.array(fake_flux_dict["contrast_arr"]) f = interp1d(sep_arr[np.where(np.isfinite(cont_arr))], cont_arr[np.where(np.isfinite(cont_arr))], bounds_error=False,fill_value=np.nanmin(fake_flux_dict["contrast_arr"])) planets_contrasts = [fake_flux_dict["SNR"]*f(sep)/5. for (sep,pa) in sep_pa_iter_list] extra_keywords = {} # Loop for injecting fake planets. One planet per section of the image. for fake_id, ((radius,pa),contrast) in enumerate(zip(sep_pa_iter_list,planets_contrasts)): x_max_pos = radius*np.cos(np.radians(90+pa)) y_max_pos = radius*np.sin(np.radians(90+pa)) # Not injecting the planet if too close to real object if real_planets_pos is not None: too_close = False for sep_real_object,pa_real_object in zip(sep_real_object_list,pa_real_object_list): delta_angle = np.min([np.abs(np.mod(pa,360)-np.mod(pa_real_object,360)), np.min([np.mod(pa,360),np.mod(pa_real_object,360)])+360-np.max([np.mod(pa,360),np.mod(pa_real_object,360)])]) if np.abs(sep_real_object-radius) < sep_skip_real_pl and delta_angle < pa_skip_real_pl: too_close = True if not mute: print("Skipping planet. Real object too close.") break if too_close: continue spectrum_corr = spectrum_vec/np.sum(spectrum_vec)*star_flux*contrast inputpsfs = inputpsfs/np.nansum(inputpsfs,axis=(1,2))[:,None,None] inputpsfs = inputpsfs*spectrum_corr[:,None,None] try: if not mute: print("injecting planet position ("+str(radius)+"pix,"+str(pa)+"degree)") # inject fake planet at given radius,pa into dataset.input inject_planet(dataset.input, dataset.centers, inputpsfs, dataset.wcs, radius, pa, stampsize=np.min([ny_psf, nx_psf]))#, thetas=pa+dataset.PAs) # Save fake planet position in headers extra_keywords["FKPA{0:02d}".format(fake_id)] = pa extra_keywords["FKSEP{0:02d}".format(fake_id)] = radius extra_keywords["FKCONT{0:02d}".format(fake_id)] = contrast extra_keywords["FKPOSX{0:02d}".format(fake_id)] = x_max_pos extra_keywords["FKPOSY{0:02d}".format(fake_id)] = y_max_pos extra_keywords["FKSPEC{0:02d}".format(fake_id).format(fake_id)] = spectrum_name except OverflowError: pass # except: # if not mute: # print("Failed to inject planet position ("+str(radius)+"pix,"+str(pa)+"degree)") return dataset,extra_keywords
def _construct_gaussian_disk(x0,y0, xsize,ysize, intensity, angle, fwhm=3.5): """ Constructs a rectangular slab for a disk with a vertical gaussian profile Args: x0,y0: center of disk xsize, ysize: x and y dimensions of the output image intensity: peak intensity of the disk (whatever units you want) angle: orientation of the disk plane (CCW from +x axis) [degrees] fwhm: FWHM of guassian profile (in pixels) Returns: disk_img: 2d array of size (ysize,xsize) with the image of the disk """ #construct a coordinate system x,y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(xsize*1.0), np.arange(ysize*1.0)) #center at image center x -= x0 y -= y0 #rotate so x is parallel to the disk plane, y is vertical cuts through the disk #so need to do a CW rotation rad_angle = angle * np.pi/180. xp = x * np.cos(rad_angle) + y * np.sin(rad_angle) + x0 yp = -x * np.sin(rad_angle) + y * np.cos(rad_angle) + y0 sigma = fwhm/(2 * np.sqrt(2*np.log(2))) disk_img = intensity / (np.sqrt(2*np.pi) * sigma) * np.exp(-(yp-y0)**2/(2*sigma**2)) return disk_img
[docs] def inject_disk(frames, centers, inputfluxes, astr_hdrs, pa, fwhm=3.5): """ Injects a fake disk into a dataset Args: frames: array of (N,y,x) for N is the total number of frames centers: array of size (N,2) of [x,y] coordiantes of the image center intputfluxes: array of size N of the peak flux of the fake disk in each frame OR array of 2-D models (North up East left) to inject into the data. (Disk is assumed to be centered at center of image) astr_hdrs: array of size N of the WCS headers pa: position angles angle (in degrees) of disk plane fwhm: if injecting a Gaussian disk (i.e inputfluxes is an array of floats), fwhm of Gaussian Returns: saves result in input "frames" variable """ for frame, center, inputpsf, astr_hdr in zip(frames, centers, inputfluxes, astr_hdrs): #calculate the rotation angle in the pixel plane theta = convert_pa_to_image_polar(pa, astr_hdr) if isinstance(inputpsf, np.ndarray): # inject real data # rotate and grab pixels of disk that can be injected into the image # assume disk is centered xpsf0 = inputpsf.shape[1]/2 ypsf0 = inputpsf.shape[0]/2 #grab the pixel numbers for the data ximg, yimg = np.meshgrid(np.arange(frame.shape[1]), np.arange(frame.shape[0])) #rotate them to extract the disk at the right angle ximg -= center[0] yimg -= center[1] theta_rad = np.radians(theta) ximgp = ximg * np.cos(theta_rad) + yimg * np.sin(theta_rad) + xpsf0 yimgp = -ximg * np.sin(theta_rad) + yimg * np.cos(theta_rad) + ypsf0 #interpolate and inject datqa frame += ndimage.map_coordinates(inputpsf, [yimgp, ximgp]) else: #inject guassian bar into data frame += _construct_gaussian_disk(center[0], center[1], frame.shape[1], frame.shape[0], inputpsf, theta, fwhm=fwhm)
[docs] def gauss2d(x0, y0, peak, sigma): """ 2d symmetric guassian function for guassfit2d Args: x0,y0: center of gaussian peak: peak amplitude of guassian sigma: stddev in both x and y directions """ sigma *= 1.0 return lambda y,x: peak*np.exp( -(((x-x0)/sigma)**2+((y-y0)/sigma)**2)/2)
[docs] def gaussfit2d(frame, xguess, yguess, searchrad=5, guessfwhm=3, guesspeak=1, refinefit=True): """ Fits a 2d gaussian to the data at point (xguess, yguess) Args: frame: the data - Array of size (y,x) xguess,yguess: location to fit the 2d guassian to (should be pretty accurate) searchrad: 1/2 the length of the box used for the fit guessfwhm: approximate fwhm to fit to guesspeak: approximate flux refinefit: whether to refine the fit of the position of the guess Returns: peakflux: the peakflux of the gaussian fwhm: fwhm of the PFS in pixels xfit: x position (only chagned if refinefit is True) yfit: y position (only chagned if refinefit is True) """ if not isinstance(searchrad, int): raise ValueError("searchrad needs to be an integer") x0 = np.rint(xguess).astype(int) y0 = np.rint(yguess).astype(int) #construct our searchbox fitbox = np.copy(frame[y0-searchrad:y0+searchrad+1, x0-searchrad:x0+searchrad+1]) #mask bad pixels fitbox[np.where(np.isnan(fitbox))] = 0 #fit a least squares gaussian to refine the fit on the source, otherwise just use the guess if refinefit: #construct the residual to the fit errorfunction = lambda p: np.ravel(gauss2d(*p)(*np.indices(fitbox.shape)) - fitbox) #do a least squares fit. Note that we use searchrad for x and y centers since we're narrowed it to a box of size #(2searchrad+1,2searchrad+1) guess = (searchrad, searchrad, guesspeak, guessfwhm/(2 * np.sqrt(2*np.log(2)))) p, success = optimize.leastsq(errorfunction, guess) xfit = p[0] yfit = p[1] peakflux = p[2] fwhm = p[3] * (2 * np.sqrt(2*np.log(2))) else: xfit = xguess-x0 + searchrad yfit = yguess-y0 + searchrad fwhm = guessfwhm #ok now, to really calculate fwhm and flux, because we really need that right, we're going # to use what's in the GPI DRP pipeline to measure satellite spot fluxes instead of # a least squares gaussian fit. Apparently my least squares fit relatively underestimates # the flux so it's not consistent. # grab a radial profile of the fit rs = np.linspace(0, searchrad+1, np.max([15, searchrad+1])) # should always have at least pixel resolution thetas = np.arange(0,2*np.pi, 1./searchrad) #divide maximum circumfrence into equal parts radprof = [np.mean(ndimage.map_coordinates(fitbox, [thisr*np.sin(thetas)+yfit, thisr*np.cos(thetas)+xfit])) for thisr in rs] #now interpolate this radial profile to get fwhm try: radprof_interp = interp.interp1d(radprof, rs) fwhm = 2*radprof_interp(np.max(radprof[0])/2) except ValueError: # use old FWHM pass #now calculate flux xfitbox, yfitbox = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0,fitbox.shape[1], 1.0)-xfit, np.arange(0, fitbox.shape[0], 1.0)-yfit) #correlate data with a gaussian to get flux sigma = fwhm/(2*np.sqrt(2*np.log(2))) ## attempt to calculate sigma using moments #sigmax = np.sqrt(np.nansum(xfitbox*xfitbox*fitbox)/np.nansum(fitbox) - (np.nansum(xfitbox*fitbox)/np.nansum(fitbox))**2) #sigmay = np.sqrt(np.nansum(yfitbox*yfitbox*fitbox)/np.nansum(fitbox) - (np.nansum(yfitbox*fitbox)/np.nansum(fitbox))**2) #sigma = np.nanmean([sigmax, sigmay]) #print(sigma, sigmax, sigmay) gmask = np.exp(-(xfitbox**2+yfitbox**2)/(2.*sigma**2)) outofaper = np.where(xfitbox**2 + yfitbox**2 > searchrad**2) gmask[outofaper] = 0 corrflux = np.nansum(fitbox*gmask)/np.sum(gmask*gmask) if not np.isfinite(corrflux): # if it's infinite, it is bad corrflux = np.nan # convert xfit, yfit back to image coordinates xfit = xfit - searchrad + x0 yfit = yfit - searchrad + y0 return corrflux, fwhm, xfit, yfit
[docs] def airyfit2d(frame, xguess, yguess, searchrad=5, guessfwhm=3, guesspeak=1): """ Fits a 2d airy function to the data at point (xguess, yguess) Args: frame: the data - Array of size (y,x) xguess,yguess: location to fit the 2d guassian to (should be pretty accurate) searchrad: 1/2 the length of the box used for the fit guessfwhm: approximate fwhm to fit to Returns: peakflux: the peakflux of the Airy function fwhm: diameter between the first minima along one axis xfit: x position yfit: y position """ if not isinstance(searchrad, int): raise ValueError("searchrad needs to be an integer") x0 = np.rint(xguess).astype(int) y0 = np.rint(yguess).astype(int) #construct our searchbox fitbox = np.copy(frame[y0-searchrad:y0+searchrad+1, x0-searchrad:x0+searchrad+1]) #mask bad pixels fitbox[np.where(np.isnan(fitbox))] = 0 # construct an Airy function to fit to the data airy_psf = modeling.functional_models.AiryDisk2D() fity, fitx = np.indices(fitbox.shape) def airy_cost_function(p): x,y = p[0], p[1] if x < 0 or x > (2*searchrad+1): return np.inf if y < 0 or y > (2*searchrad+1): return np.inf fwhm = p[3] if fwhm > 2*searchrad+1: return np.inf return np.nansum(np.abs(airy_psf.evaluate(fitx, fity, p[2], p[0], p[1], p[3]/2.) + p[4] - fitbox)) #do a least squares fit. Note that we use searchrad for x and y centers since we're narrowed it to a box of size #(2searchrad+1,2searchrad+1) guess = np.array((searchrad, searchrad, guesspeak, guessfwhm, 0)) #p, success = optimize.leastsq(errorfunction, guess) res = optimize.minimize(airy_cost_function, guess, method="Powell") p = res.x xfit = p[0] yfit = p[1] peakflux = p[2] fwhm = p[3] # convert xfit, yfit back to image coordinates xfit = xfit - searchrad + x0 yfit = yfit - searchrad + y0 return peakflux, fwhm, xfit, yfit
[docs] def LSQ_gauss2d(planet_image, x_grid, y_grid,a,x_cen,y_cen,sig): """ Calculate the squared norm of the residuals of the model with the data. Helper function for least square fit. The model is a 2d symmetric gaussian. Args: planet_image: stamp image (y,x) of the satellite spot. x_grid: x samples grid as given by meshgrid. y_grid: y samples grid as given by meshgrid. a: amplitude of the 2d gaussian x_cen: x center of the gaussian y_cen: y center of the gaussian sig: standard deviation of the gaussian Returns: Squared norm of the residuals """ #gauss2d(x, y, amplitude = 1.0, xo = 0.0, yo = 0.0, sigma_x = 1.0, sigma_y = 1.0, theta = 0, offset = 0) model = gauss2d(x_cen,y_cen, a, sig)(x_grid, y_grid) #model = gauss2d(x_grid, y_grid,a,x_cen,y_cen,sig,sig,0.0) return np.nansum((planet_image-model)**2,axis = (0,1))#/y_model
[docs] def PSFcubefit(frame, xguess, yguess, searchrad=10,psfs_func_list=None,wave_index=None,residuals=False,rmbackground=True,add_background2residual=False): """ Estimate satellite spot amplitude (peak value) by fitting a symmetric 2d gaussian. Fit parameters: x,y position, amplitude, standard deviation (same in x and y direction) Args: frame: the data - Array of size (y,x) xguess: x location to fit the 2d guassian to. yguess: y location to fit the 2d guassian to. searchrad: 1/2 the length of the box used for the fit psfs_func_list: List of spline fit function for the PSF_cube. wave_index: Index of the current wavelength. In [0,36] for GPI. Only used when psfs_func_list is not None. residuals: If True (Default = False) then calculate the residuals of the sat spot fit (gaussian or PSF cube). rmbackground: If true (default), remove any background slope to the data stamp. add_background2residual: If True (default is false) and if rmbackground was true, it adds the background that was removed to the returned residuals. Returns: returned_flux: scalar, Estimation of the peak flux of the satellite spot. ie Amplitude of the fitted gaussian. """ x0 = int(np.round(xguess)) y0 = int(np.round(yguess)) #construct our searchbox if (y0-searchrad)<0 or (y0+searchrad+1)>=frame.shape[0] or (x0-searchrad)<0 or (x0+searchrad+1)>=frame.shape[1]: # To close to the edge if residuals: return None,None else: return None fitbox = np.copy(frame[y0-searchrad:y0+searchrad+1, x0-searchrad:x0+searchrad+1]) xguess_box = xguess-x0 + searchrad yguess_box = yguess-y0 + searchrad xfitbox, yfitbox = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0,2* searchrad+1, 1.0)-xguess_box, np.arange(0, 2*searchrad+1, 1.0)-yguess_box) stamp_r = np.sqrt((xfitbox)**2+(yfitbox)**2) small_aper_indices = np.where(stamp_r<3) big_aper_indices = np.where(stamp_r<7) # try to remove background if rmbackground: stamp_masked = copy(fitbox) stamp_x_masked = copy(xfitbox) stamp_y_masked = copy(yfitbox) stamp_masked[big_aper_indices] = np.nan stamp_x_masked[big_aper_indices] = np.nan stamp_y_masked[big_aper_indices] = np.nan background_med = np.nanmedian(stamp_masked) stamp_masked = stamp_masked - background_med #Solve 2d linear fit to remove background xx = np.nansum(stamp_x_masked**2) yy = np.nansum(stamp_y_masked**2) xy = np.nansum(stamp_y_masked*stamp_x_masked) xz = np.nansum(stamp_masked*stamp_x_masked) yz = np.nansum(stamp_y_masked*stamp_masked) #Cramer's rule a = (xz*yy-yz*xy)/(xx*yy-xy*xy) b = (xx*yz-xy*xz)/(xx*yy-xy*xy) background =(a*(xfitbox)+b*(yfitbox) + background_med) fitbox = fitbox - background if isinstance(wave_index,(np.ndarray)): # Get a deprecation warning when wave_index = [5] instead of an integer. So this picks the integer... new_wave_index = wave_index[0] else: new_wave_index = wave_index model = psfs_func_list[new_wave_index](np.arange(0,2* searchrad+1, 1.0)-xguess_box,np.arange(0, 2*searchrad+1, 1.0)-yguess_box).transpose() # model = psfs_func_list[wave_index](np.arange(0,2* searchrad+1, 1.0)+(xguess-x0) - searchrad,np.arange(0, 2*searchrad+1, 1.0)+(yguess-y0) - searchrad)#.transpose() returned_flux = np.nansum(model[small_aper_indices]*fitbox[small_aper_indices])/np.nansum(model[small_aper_indices]**2)*model[searchrad,searchrad] if residuals: residuals_map = fitbox - returned_flux*model/model[searchrad,searchrad] if add_background2residual and rmbackground: residuals_map = residuals_map + background return returned_flux,residuals_map else: return returned_flux
[docs] def gaussfit2dLSQ(frame, xguess, yguess, searchrad=5,fit_centroid = False,residuals=False): """ Estimate satellite spot amplitude (peak value) by fitting a symmetric 2d gaussian. Fit parameters: x,y position, amplitude, standard deviation (same in x and y direction) Args: frame: the data - Array of size (y,x) xguess: x location to fit the 2d guassian to. yguess: y location to fit the 2d guassian to. searchrad: 1/2 the length of the box used for the fit fit_centroid: If False (default), disable the centroid fit and only fit the amplitude and the standard deviation residuals: If True (Default = False) then calculate the residuals of the sat spot fit (gaussian or PSF cube). Returns: returned_flux: scalar, estimation of the peak flux of the satellite spot. ie Amplitude of the fitted gaussian. """ x0 = int(np.round(xguess)) y0 = int(np.round(yguess)) #construct our searchbox fitbox = np.copy(frame[y0-searchrad:y0+searchrad+1, x0-searchrad:x0+searchrad+1]) xguess_box = xguess-x0 + searchrad yguess_box = yguess-y0 + searchrad xfitbox, yfitbox = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0,2* searchrad+1, 1.0)-xguess_box, np.arange(0, 2*searchrad+1, 1.0)-yguess_box) if fit_centroid: param0 = [fitbox[searchrad,searchrad],0.,0.,1.5] LSQ_func = lambda para: LSQ_gauss2d(fitbox,xfitbox, yfitbox,para[0],para[1],para[2],para[3]) param_fit = minimize(LSQ_func,param0, method="Nelder-Mead").x if (param_fit[1]**2+param_fit[2]**2)>2.**2 or (param_fit[0]/param0[0] >10.) or param_fit[3] > 3. or param_fit[3] < 0.5: returned_flux = np.nan else: returned_flux = param_fit[0] if residuals: model = gauss2d(param_fit[1],param_fit[2], param_fit[0], param_fit[3])(xfitbox, yfitbox) residuals_map = fitbox - model return returned_flux,residuals_map else: return returned_flux else: param0 = [fitbox[searchrad,searchrad],1.5] LSQ_func = lambda para: LSQ_gauss2d(fitbox,xfitbox, yfitbox,para[0],0,0,para[1]) param_fit = minimize(LSQ_func,param0, method="Nelder-Mead").x # print(param_fit[1]) if abs(param_fit[0] - fitbox[searchrad,searchrad]) > 0.5*fitbox[searchrad,searchrad]: returned_flux = np.nan else: returned_flux = param_fit[0] if residuals: model = gauss2d(0,0, param_fit[0], param_fit[1])(xfitbox, yfitbox) residuals_map = fitbox - model return returned_flux,residuals_map else: return returned_flux
[docs] def retrieve_planet_flux(frames, centers, astr_hdrs, sep, pa, searchrad=7, guessfwhm=3.0, guesspeak=1, refinefit=False, thetas=None): """ Retrives the planet flux from a series of frames given a separation and PA Args: frames: frames of data to retrieve planet. Can be a single 2-D image ([y,x]) for a series/cube ([N,y,x]) centers: coordiantes of the image center. Can be [2]-element lst or an array that matches array of frames [N,2] astr_hdrs: astr_hdrs, can be a single one or an array of N of them sep: radial distance in pixels PA: parallactic angle in degrees searchrad: 1/2 the length of the box used for the fit guessfwhm: approximate fwhm to fit to guesspeak: approximate flux refinefit: whether or not to refine the positioning of the planet thetas: ignore PA, supply own thetas (CCW angle from +x axis toward +y) single number or array of size N Returns: peakflux: either a single peak flux or an array depending on whether a single frame or multiple frames where passed in """ measured = retrieve_planet(frames, centers, astr_hdrs, sep, pa, searchrad, guessfwhm, guesspeak, refinefit, thetas) if np.ndim(measured) == 1: # just one frame, return one number return measured[0] else: # return an array of fluxes return measured[:, 0]
[docs] def retrieve_planet(frames, centers, astr_hdrs, sep, pa, searchrad=7, guessfwhm=3.0, guesspeak=1, refinefit=True, thetas=None): """ Retrives the planet properties from a series of frames given a separation and PA Args: frames: frames of data to retrieve planet. Can be a single 2-D image ([y,x]) for a series/cube ([N,y,x]) centers: coordiantes of the image center. Can be [2]-element lst or an array that matches array of frames [N,2] astr_hdrs: astr_hdrs, can be a single one or an array of N of them sep: radial distance in pixels PA: parallactic angle in degrees searchrad: 1/2 the length of the box used for the fit guessfwhm: approximate fwhm to fit to guesspeak: approximate flux refinefit: whether or not to refine the positioning of the planet thetas: ignore PA, supply own thetas (CCW angle from +x axis toward +y) single number or array of size N Returns: measured: (peakflux, x, y, fwhm). A single tuple if one frame passed in. Otherwise an array of tuples """ # check to make sure all arguments are the right/consistent dimensions # get the number of dimensions of frames as reference for all the other variables frames_ndim = np.ndim(frames) if frames_ndim == 2: # make sure all other arguments are consistent in dimensions if np.ndim(centers) != 1: raise IndexError("centers needs to be a 2-element list") if np.ndim(astr_hdrs) != 0: raise IndexError("astr_hdrs cannot be a list because you only passed in one frame") if thetas is not None: if np.ndim(thetas) != 0: raise IndexError("thetas cannot be a list because you only passed in one frame") thetas = [thetas] # turn them into lists so we can reuse the same code frames = [frames] centers = [centers] astr_hdrs = [astr_hdrs] elif frames_ndim == 3: # make sure all other arguments are consistent in dimensions if np.ndim(centers) != 2: raise IndexError("centers needs to an array of [x,y] coordinates") if np.ndim(astr_hdrs) != 1: raise IndexError("astr_hdrs must be a list because you only passed in multiple frames") if thetas is not None: if np.ndim(thetas) != 1: raise IndexError("thetas must be a list because you only passed in multiple frames") else: raise IndexError("frames is either 2-D or 3-D, not {0)-D".format(frames_ndim)) measured = [] if thetas is None: thetas = np.array([convert_pa_to_image_polar(pa, astr_hdr) for astr_hdr in astr_hdrs]) # loop over all of them for frame, center, theta in zip(frames, centers, thetas): # find the pixel location on this image # theta = covert_pa_to_image_polar(pa, astr_hdr) x = sep*np.cos(np.radians(theta)) + center[0] y = sep*np.sin(np.radians(theta)) + center[1] # calculate the flux flux, fwhm, xfit, yfit = gaussfit2d(frame, x, y, searchrad=searchrad, guessfwhm=guessfwhm, guesspeak=guesspeak, refinefit=refinefit) measured.append((flux, xfit, yfit, fwhm)) # return a single number if onyl one frame passed in if frames_ndim == 2: measured = measured[0] else: measured = np.array(measured) return measured