Source code for pyklip.instruments.Instrument

import abc
import os
import warnings
import subprocess
import multiprocessing as mp
import numpy as np
import as fits
import pyklip
import pyklip.klip as klip
import pyklip.instruments.utils.wcsgen as wcsgen

[docs] class Data(object): """ Abstract Class with the required fields and methods that need to be implemented Attributes: input: Array of shape (N,y,x) for N images of shape (y,x) centers: Array of shape (N,2) for N input centers in the format [x_cent, y_cent] filenums: Array of size N for the numerical index to map data to file that was passed in filenames: Array of size N for the actual filepath of the file that corresponds to the data PAs: Array of N for the parallactic angle rotation of the target (used for ADI) [in degrees] wvs: Array of N wavelengths of the images (used for SDI) [in microns]. For polarization data, defaults to "None" wcs: Array of N wcs astormetry headers for each input image. IWA: a floating point scalar (not array). Specifies to inner working angle in pixels OWA: (optional) specifies outer working angle in pixels output: Array of shape (b, len(files), len(uniq_wvs), y, x) where b is the number of different KL basis cutoffs output_centers: Array of shape (N,2) for N output centers. Also coresponds to FM centers (does not need to be implemented) output_wcs: Array of N wcs astrometry headers for each output image (does not need to be implemneted) creator: (optional) string for creator of the data (used to identify pipelines that call pyklip) klipparams: (optional) a string that saves the most recent KLIP parameters flipx: (optional) False by default. Determines whether a relfection about the x axis is necessary to rotate image North-up East left Methods: readdata(): reread in the dadta savedata(): save a specified data in the GPI datacube format (in the 1st extension header) calibrate_output(): flux calibrate the output data """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta def __init__(self): # set field for the creator of the data (used for pipeline work) self.creator = None # set field for klip parameters self.klipparams = None # set the outer working angle (optional parameter) self.OWA = None # determine whether a reflection is needed for North-up East-left (optional) self.flipx = False # self output centers and wcs to None until after running KLIP self.output_centers = None self.output_wcs = None ################################### ### Required Instance Variances ### ################################### #Note that each field has a getter and setter method so by default they are all read/write @abc.abstractproperty def input(self): """ Input Data. Shape of (N, y, x) """ return @input.setter def input(self, newval): return @abc.abstractproperty def centers(self): """ Image centers. Shape of (N, 2) where the 2nd dimension is [x,y] pixel coordinate (in that order) """ return @centers.setter def centers(self, newval): return @abc.abstractproperty def filenums(self): """ Array of size N for the numerical index to map data to file that was passed in """ return @filenums.setter def filenums(self, newval): return @abc.abstractproperty def filenames(self): """ Array of size N for the actual filepath of the file that corresponds to the data """ return @filenames.setter def filenames(self, newval): return @abc.abstractproperty def PAs(self): """ Array of N for the parallactic angle rotation of the target (used for ADI) [in degrees] """ return @PAs.setter def PAs(self, newval): return @abc.abstractproperty def wvs(self): """ Array of N wavelengths (used for SDI) [in microns]. For polarization data, defaults to "None" """ return @wvs.setter def wvs(self, newval): return @abc.abstractproperty def wcs(self): """ Array of N wcs astormetry headers for each image. """ return @wcs.setter def wcs(self, newval): return @abc.abstractproperty def IWA(self): """ a floating point scalar (not array). Specifies to inner working angle in pixels """ return @IWA.setter def IWA(self, newval): return @abc.abstractproperty def output(self): """ Array of shape (b, len(files), len(uniq_wvs), y, x) where b is the number of different KL basis cutoffs """ return @output.setter def output(self, newval): return # not an abstract property @property def numwvs(self): if not hasattr(self, "_numwvs"): self._numwvs = int(np.size(np.unique(self.wvs))) return self._numwvs ######################## ### Required Methods ### ########################
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def readdata(self, filepaths): """ Reads in the data from the files in the filelist and writes them to fields """ return NotImplementedError("Subclass needs to implement this!")
[docs] @staticmethod @abc.abstractmethod def savedata(self, filepath, data, klipparams=None, filetype="", zaxis=None, more_keywords=None): """ Saves data for this instrument Args: filepath: filepath to save to data: data to save klipparams: a string of KLIP parameters. Write it to the 'PSFPARAM' keyword filtype: type of file (e.g. "KL Mode Cube", "PSF Subtracted Spectral Cube"). Wrriten to 'FILETYPE' keyword zaxis: a list of values for the zaxis of the datacub (for KL mode cubes currently) more_keywords (dictionary) : a dictionary {key: value, key:value} of header keywords and values which will written into the primary header """ return NotImplementedError("Subclass needs to implement this!")
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def calibrate_output(self, img, spectral=False): """ Calibrates the flux of an output image. Can either be a broadband image or a spectral cube depending on if the spectral flag is set. Assumes the broadband flux calibration is just multiplication by a single scalar number whereas spectral datacubes may have a separate calibration value for each wavelength Args: img: unclaibrated image. If spectral is not set, this can either be a 2-D or 3-D broadband image where the last two dimensions are [y,x] If specetral is True, this is a 3-D spectral cube with shape [wv,y,x] spectral: if True, this is a spectral datacube. Otherwise, it is a broadband image. Return: calib_img: calibrated image of the same shape """ return NotImplementedError("Subclass needs to implement this!")
[docs] def spectral_collapse(self, collapse_channels=1, align_frames=True, aligned_center=None, numthreads=None, additional_params=None): """ Collapses the dataset spectrally, bining the data into the desired number of output wavelengths. This bins each cube individually; it does not bin the data tempoarally. If number of wavelengths / output channels is not a whole number, some output channels will have more frames that went into the collapse Args: collapse_channels (int): number of output channels to evenly-ish collapse the dataset into. Default is 1 (broadband) align_frames (bool): if True, aligns each channel before collapse so that they are centered properly aligned_center: Array of shape (2) [x_cent, y_cent] for the centering the images to a given value numthreads (bool,int): number of threads to parallelize align and scale. If None, use default which is all of them additional_params (list of str): other dataset parameters to collapse. Assume each variable has first dimension of Nframes """ # reshpae input into 4D cube Ncubes = self.input.shape[0] // self.numwvs input_4d = self.input.reshape([Ncubes, self.numwvs, self.input.shape[1], self.input.shape[2]]) slices_per_group = self.numwvs // collapse_channels # how many wavelengths per each output channel leftover_slices = self.numwvs % collapse_channels collapsed_4d = np.zeros([Ncubes, collapse_channels, self.input.shape[1], self.input.shape[2]]) wvs_collapsed = np.zeros([Ncubes, collapse_channels]) pas_collapsed = np.zeros([Ncubes, collapse_channels]) centers_collapsed = np.zeros([Ncubes, collapse_channels, 2]) # appending following as lists wcs_collapsed = [] filenums_collapsed = [] filenames_collapsed = [] # additional params, if needed if additional_params is not None: additional_collapsed = [] for param_field in additional_params: param_orig = getattr(self, param_field) reshaped_shape = (Ncubes, collapse_channels) + param_orig.shape[1:] additional_collapsed.append(np.zeros(reshaped_shape)) # populate the output image next_start_channel = 0 # initialize which channel to start with for the input images for i in range(collapse_channels): # figure out which slices to pick slices_this_group = slices_per_group if leftover_slices > 0: # take one extra slice, yummy slices_this_group += 1 leftover_slices -= 1 i_start = next_start_channel i_end = next_start_channel + slices_this_group # this is the index after the last one in this group if align_frames: tpool = mp.Pool(processes=numthreads) # for this range of wvs, one (x,y) center per cube centers_4d = self.centers.reshape([Ncubes, self.numwvs, 2]) mean_centers = np.mean(centers_4d[:,i_start:i_end,:], axis=1) if aligned_center is not None: mean_centers = mean_centers*0. + aligned_center tasks = [tpool.apply_async(klip.align_and_scale, args=(img, new_center, old_center)) for cube_j, new_center in enumerate(mean_centers) for img, old_center in zip(input_4d[cube_j, i_start:i_end], centers_4d[cube_j, i_start:i_end]) ] # reform back into a giant array derotated = np.array([task.get() for task in tasks]) derotated.shape = (Ncubes, slices_this_group, self.input.shape[1], self.input.shape[2]) input_4d[:, i_start:i_end, :, :] = derotated # Remove annoying RuntimeWarnings when input_4d is all nans with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) collapsed_4d[:,i,:,:] = np.nanmean(input_4d[:,i_start:i_end,:,:], axis=1) wvs_collapsed[:, i] = np.mean(self.wvs.reshape([Ncubes, self.numwvs])[:,i_start:i_end], axis=1) pas_collapsed[:, i] = np.mean(self.PAs.reshape([Ncubes, self.numwvs])[:,i_start:i_end], axis=1) centers_collapsed[:,i,:] = np.mean(self.centers.reshape([Ncubes, self.numwvs, 2])[:,i_start:i_end,:], axis=1) if aligned_center is not None: centers_collapsed[:,i,:] = centers_collapsed[:,i,:]*0 + aligned_center # append arrays, we'll reshape them later # these variables are all the same for a single cube, so we can just select one wcs_collapsed.append(self.wcs.reshape([Ncubes, self.numwvs])[:,i_start]) filenums_collapsed.append(self.filenums.reshape([Ncubes, self.numwvs])[:,i_start]) if hasattr(self, 'irdis_rdp'): filenames_collapsed = self.filenames else: filenames_collapsed.append(self.filenames.reshape([Ncubes, self.numwvs])[:,i_start]) if additional_params is not None: for param_collapsed, param_field in zip(additional_collapsed, additional_params): param_orig = getattr(self, param_field) reshaped_shape = (Ncubes, self.numwvs) + param_orig.shape[1:] param_collapsed[:, i] = np.nanmean(param_orig.reshape(reshaped_shape)[:, i_start:i_end], axis=1) next_start_channel = i_end # unravel the wavelength information collapsed_4d.shape = [Ncubes * collapse_channels, self.input.shape[1], self.input.shape[2]] wvs_collapsed.shape = [Ncubes * collapse_channels] pas_collapsed.shape = [Ncubes * collapse_channels] centers_collapsed.shape = [Ncubes * collapse_channels, 2] # unfold the lists, need to flip the dimensions, so they are ordered properly wcs_collapsed = np.array(wcs_collapsed).T.ravel() filenums_collapsed = np.array(filenums_collapsed).T.ravel() filenames_collapsed = np.array(filenames_collapsed).T.ravel() # ok time to set all the variables correctly self._numwvs = collapse_channels self.input = collapsed_4d self.wvs = wvs_collapsed self.PAs = pas_collapsed self.centers = centers_collapsed self.wcs = wcs_collapsed self.filenums = filenums_collapsed self.filenames = filenames_collapsed if additional_params is not None: for param_field, param_collapsed in zip(additional_params, additional_collapsed): param_collapsed.shape = (Ncubes * collapse_channels, ) + param_collapsed.shape[2:] setattr(self, param_field, param_collapsed)
[docs] class GenericData(Data): """ Basic class to interface with a basic direct imaging dataset Args: input_data: either a 1-D list of filenames to read in, or a 3-D cube of all data (N, y, x) centers: array of shape (N,2) for N centers in the format [x_cent, y_cent] parangs: Array of N for the parallactic angle rotation of the target (used for ADI) [in degrees] wvs: Array of N wavelengths of the images (used for SDI) [in microns]. For polarization data, defaults to "None" IWA: a floating point scalar (not array). Specifies to inner working angle in pixels filenames: Array of size N for the actual filepath of the file that corresponds to the data flipx (boo): if True, the input images are right-handed (East clockwise of North) and need to be flipped for North-up-East-left Attributes: input: Array of shape (N,y,x) for N images of shape (y,x) centers: Array of shape (N,2) for N centers in the format [x_cent, y_cent] filenums: Array of size N for the numerical index to map data to file that was passed in filenames: Array of size N for the actual filepath of the file that corresponds to the data PAs: Array of N for the parallactic angle rotation of the target (used for ADI) [in degrees] wvs: Array of N wavelengths of the images (used for SDI) [in microns]. For polarization data, defaults to "None" wcs: Array of N wcs astormetry headers for each image. IWA: a floating point scalar (not array). Specifies to inner working angle in pixels output: Array of shape (b, len(files), len(uniq_wvs), y, x) where b is the number of different KL basis cutoffs """ # Constructor def __init__(self, input_data, centers, parangs=None, wvs=None, IWA=0, filenames=None, flipx=False): super(GenericData, self).__init__() # read in the data if np.array(input_data).ndim == 1: self._input = self.readdata(input_data) else: # assume this is a 3-D cube self._input = np.array(input_data) nfiles = self.input.shape[0] self.centers = np.array(centers) if self.centers.shape [0] != nfiles: raise ValueError("Input data has shape {0} but centers has shape {1}".format(self.input.shape, self.centers.shape)) if parangs is not None: self._PAs = parangs else: self._PAs = np.zeros(nfiles) if wvs is not None: self._wvs = wvs else: self._wvs = np.ones(nfiles) self.IWA = IWA if filenames is not None: self._filenames = filenames unique_filenames = np.unique(filenames) self._filenums = np.array([np.argwhere(filename == unique_filenames).ravel()[0] for filename in filenames]) else: self._filenums = np.arange(nfiles) self._filenames = np.array(["{0}".format(i) for i in self.filenums]) self.flipx = flipx self._wcs = np.array([wcsgen.generate_wcs(parang, center, flipx=flipx) for parang, center in zip(self._PAs, self.centers)]) self._output = None ################################ ### Instance Required Fields ### ################################ @property def input(self): return self._input @input.setter def input(self, newval): self._input = newval @property def centers(self): return self._centers @centers.setter def centers(self, newval): self._centers = newval @property def filenums(self): return self._filenums @filenums.setter def filenums(self, newval): self._filenums = newval @property def filenames(self): return self._filenames @filenames.setter def filenames(self, newval): self._filenames = newval @property def PAs(self): return self._PAs @PAs.setter def PAs(self, newval): self._PAs = newval @property def wvs(self): return self._wvs @wvs.setter def wvs(self, newval): self._wvs = newval @property def wcs(self): return self._wcs @wcs.setter def wcs(self, newval): self._wcs = newval @property def IWA(self): return self._IWA @IWA.setter def IWA(self, newval): self._IWA = newval @property def output(self): return self._output @output.setter def output(self, newval): self._output = newval
[docs] def readdata(self, filepaths): """ Reads in the data from the files in the filelist and writes them to fields. """ input_data = [] for filename in filepaths: with as hdulist: # assume the data is in the primary header data = hdulist[0].data # if this data has more than 2-D, collapse the Data dims = data.shape if np.size(dims) > 2: nframes =[:-2]) # collapse in all dimensions except y and x data.shape = (nframes, dims[-2], dims[-1]) input_data.append(data) # collapse data again input_data = np.array(input_data) dims = input_data.shape if np.size(dims) > 3: nframes =[:-2]) # collapse in all dimensions except y and x input_data.shape = (nframes, dims[-2], dims[-1])
[docs] def savedata(self, filepath, data, klipparams=None, filetype="", zaxis=None, more_keywords=None): """ Saves data for this instrument Args: filepath: filepath to save to data: data to save klipparams: a string of KLIP parameters. Write it to the 'PSFPARAM' keyword filtype: type of file (e.g. "KL Mode Cube", "PSF Subtracted Spectral Cube"). Wrriten to 'FILETYPE' keyword zaxis: a list of values for the zaxis of the datacub (for KL mode cubes currently) more_keywords (dictionary) : a dictionary {key: value, key:value} of header keywords and values which will written into the primary header """ hdulist = fits.HDUList() hdulist.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(data=data)) # save all the files we used in the reduction # we'll assume you used all the input files # remove duplicates from list filenames = np.unique(self.filenames) nfiles = np.size(filenames) hdulist[0].header["DRPNFILE"] = (nfiles, "Num raw files used in pyKLIP") for i, filename in enumerate(filenames): hdulist[0].header["FILE_{0}".format(i)] = filename + '.fits' # write out psf subtraction parameters # get pyKLIP revision number pykliproot = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) # the universal_newline argument is just so python3 returns a string instead of bytes # this will probably come to bite me later try: pyklipver = pyklip.__version__ except: pyklipver = "unknown" hdulist[0].header['PSFSUB'] = ("pyKLIP", "PSF Subtraction Algo") hdulist[0].header.add_history("Reduced with pyKLIP using commit {0}".format(pyklipver)) hdulist[0].header['CREATOR'] = "pyKLIP-{0}".format(pyklipver) # store commit number for pyklip hdulist[0].header['pyklipv'] = (pyklipver, "pyKLIP version that was used") if klipparams is not None: hdulist[0].header['PSFPARAM'] = (klipparams, "KLIP parameters") hdulist[0].header.add_history("pyKLIP reduction with parameters {0}".format(klipparams)) # write z axis units if necessary if zaxis is not None: # Writing a KL mode Cube if "KL Mode" in filetype: hdulist[0].header['CTYPE3'] = 'KLMODES' # write them individually for i, klmode in enumerate(zaxis): hdulist[0].header['KLMODE{0}'.format(i)] = (klmode, "KL Mode of slice {0}".format(i)) hdulist[0].header['CUNIT3'] = "N/A" hdulist[0].header['CRVAL3'] = 1 hdulist[0].header['CRPIX3'] = 1. hdulist[0].header['CD3_3'] = 1. if "Spectral" in filetype: uniquewvs = np.unique(self.wvs) # do spectral stuff instead # because wavelength solutoin is nonlinear, we're not going to store it here hdulist[0].header['CTYPE3'] = 'WAVE' hdulist[0].header['CUNIT3'] = "N/A" hdulist[0].header['CRPIX3'] = 1. hdulist[0].header['CRVAL3'] = 0 hdulist[0].header['CD3_3'] = 1 # write it out instead for i, wv in enumerate(uniquewvs): hdulist[0].header['WV{0}'.format(i)] = (wv, "Wavelength of slice {0}".format(i)) # store WCS information wcshdr = self.output_wcs[0].to_header() for key in wcshdr.keys(): hdulist[0].header[key] = wcshdr[key] # but update the image center center = self.output_centers[0] hdulist[0].header.update({'PSFCENTX': center[0], 'PSFCENTY': center[1]}) hdulist[0].header.update({'CRPIX1': center[0], 'CRPIX2': center[1]}) hdulist[0].header.add_history("Image recentered to {0}".format(str(center))) if more_keywords is not None: hdulist[0].header.update(more_keywords) try: hdulist.writeto(filepath, overwrite=True) except TypeError: hdulist.writeto(filepath, clobber=True) hdulist.close()
[docs] def calibrate_output(self, img, spectral=False): """ Calibrates the flux of an output image. Can either be a broadband image or a spectral cube depending on if the spectral flag is set. Assumes the broadband flux calibration is just multiplication by a single scalar number whereas spectral datacubes may have a separate calibration value for each wavelength Args: img: unclaibrated image. If spectral is not set, this can either be a 2-D or 3-D broadband image where the last two dimensions are [y,x] If specetral is True, this is a 3-D spectral cube with shape [wv,y,x] spectral: if True, this is a spectral datacube. Otherwise, it is a broadband image. Return: calib_img: calibrated image of the same shape """ return img