Source code for pyklip.instruments.NIRC2

import os
import re
import subprocess

import as fits
from astropy import wcs
from astropy.modeling import models, fitting
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage as ndimage
import scipy.stats
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import time
from copy import copy

import multiprocessing as mp

#different imports depending on if python2.7 or python3
import sys
if sys.version_info < (3,0):
    #python 2.7 behavior
    import ConfigParser
    import configparser as ConfigParser
import pyklip
from pyklip.instruments.Instrument import Data
from pyklip.instruments.utils.nair import nMathar

from pyklip.parallelized import high_pass_filter_imgs
from pyklip.fakes import gaussfit2d
from pyklip.fakes import gaussfit2dLSQ

[docs] class NIRC2Data(Data): """ A sequence of Keck NIRC2 ADI Data. Each NIRC2Data object has the following fields and functions Args: filepaths: list of filepaths to files highpass: if True, run a Gaussian high pass filter (default size is sigma=imgsize/10) can also be a number specifying FWHM of box in pixel units find_star: (default) 'auto' will first try to get the star center coordinates from the FITS header PSFCENTX & PSFCENTY keywords, and if that fails it will do a Radon transform to locate the star via the diffraction spikes (and store the star center in the header for future use). True will force the Radon transform; False will skip the Radon transform even if no center is found in the header. guess_star: (default) None. Otherwise an [x, y] coordinate guess for where the star is for find_star. The code will automatially guess the star location based on the FPM otherwise. Attributes: input: Array of shape (N,y,x) for N images of shape (y,x) centers: Array of shape (N,2) for N centers in the format [x_cent, y_cent] filenums: Array of size N for the numerical index to map data to file that was passed in filenames: Array of size N for the actual filepath of the file that corresponds to the data PAs: Array of N for the parallactic angle rotation of the target (used for ADI) [in degrees] wvs: Array of N wavelengths of the images (used for SDI) [in microns]. For polarization data, defaults to "None" wcs: Array of N wcs astormetry headers for each image. IWA: a floating point scalar (not array). Specifies to inner working angle in pixels output: Array of shape (b, len(files), len(uniq_wvs), y, x) where b is the number of different KL basis cutoffs creator: string for creator of the data (used to identify pipelines that call pyklip) klipparams: a string that saves the most recent KLIP parameters Methods: readdata(): reread in the dadta savedata(): save a specified data in the GPI datacube format (in the 1st extension header) calibrate_output(): flux calibrate the output data """ ########################## ###Class Initilization ### ########################## #some static variables to define the GPI instrument lenslet_scales = {} # in arcsec/pixel centralwave = {} # in microns fpm_diam = {} # in pixels fpm_yx = {} # in pixels flux_zeropt = {} pupil_diam = {} # in meters #spot_ratio = {} #w.r.t. central star #ifs_rotation = 0.0 # degrees CCW from +x axis to zenith observatory_latitude = None ## read in GPI configuration file and set these static variables package_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) configfile = package_directory + "/" + "NIRC2.ini" config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() try: #get list of pixel scales for different cameras and time periods cameras = ['narrow_pre150413', 'narrow_post150413', 'medium', 'wide'] for cam in cameras: lenslet_scales[cam] = float(config.get("pixel_scales", "pixel_scale_{0}".format(cam))) # arcsec/pix #get IFS rotation #ifs_rotation = float(config.get("instrument", "ifs_rotation")) #degrees #get some information specific to each band bands = ['J', 'H', 'K', 'Ks', 'Kp', 'Lp', 'Ms'] for band in bands: centralwave[band] = float(config.get("instrument", "cen_wave_{0}".format(band))) flux_zeropt[band] = float(config.get("instrument", "zero_pt_flux_{0}".format(band))) #spot_ratio[band] = float(config.get("instrument", "APOD_{0}".format(band))) fpms = ['corona100', 'corona150', 'corona200', 'corona300', 'corona400', 'corona600', 'corona800', 'corona1000', 'corona1500', 'corona2000'] for fpm in fpms: fpm_diam[fpm] = float(config.get("instrument", "fpm_diam_{0}".format(fpm))) # arcsec for fpm in fpms: fpm_yx['narrow_' + fpm] = eval(config.get("instrument", "fpm_yx_narrow_{0}".format(fpm))) # (y,x) tuple [pixels] fpm_yx['medium_' + fpm] = eval(config.get("instrument", "fpm_yx_medium_{0}".format(fpm))) # (y,x) tuple [pixels] fpm_yx['wide_' + fpm] = eval(config.get("instrument", "fpm_yx_wide_{0}".format(fpm))) # (y,x) tuple [pixels] pupils = ['incircle', 'largehex', 'smallhex', 'open'] for pupil in pupils: pupil_diam[pupil] = float(config.get("instrument", "pupil_diam_{0}".format(pupil))) # meters observatory_latitude = float(config.get("observatory", "observatory_lat")) except ConfigParser.Error as e: print("Error reading GPI configuration file: {0}".format(e.message)) raise e #################### ### Constructors ### #################### def __init__(self, filepaths=None, highpass=False, find_star='auto', meas_star_flux=False, guess_star=None): """ Initialization code for NIRC2Data Note: see class docstring for argument details """ super(NIRC2Data, self).__init__() self._output = None self.flipx = True ### TODO: is this right????? if filepaths is None: self._input = None self._centers = None self._filenums = None self._filenames = None self._PAs = None self._wvs = None self._wcs = None self._IWA = None self.spot_flux = None self.star_flux = None self.contrast_scaling = None self.prihdrs = None self.exthdrs = None self.lenslet_scale = None self.pupil_diam = None else: self.readdata(filepaths, highpass=highpass, find_star=find_star, meas_star_flux=meas_star_flux, guess_star=guess_star) ################################ ### Instance Required Fields ### ################################ @property def input(self): return self._input @input.setter def input(self, newval): self._input = newval @property def centers(self): return self._centers @centers.setter def centers(self, newval): self._centers = newval @property def filenums(self): return self._filenums @filenums.setter def filenums(self, newval): self._filenums = newval @property def filenames(self): return self._filenames @filenames.setter def filenames(self, newval): self._filenames = newval @property def PAs(self): return self._PAs @PAs.setter def PAs(self, newval): self._PAs = newval @property def wvs(self): return self._wvs @wvs.setter def wvs(self, newval): self._wvs = newval @property def wcs(self): return self._wcs @wcs.setter def wcs(self, newval): self._wcs = newval @property def IWA(self): return self._IWA @IWA.setter def IWA(self, newval): self._IWA = newval @property def output(self): return self._output @output.setter def output(self, newval): self._output = newval ############### ### Methods ### ###############
[docs] def readdata(self, filepaths, highpass=False, find_star='auto', meas_star_flux=False, guess_star=None): """ Method to open and read a list of NIRC2 data Args: filespaths: a list of filepaths highpass: if True, run a Gaussian high pass filter (default size is sigma=imgsize/10) can also be a number specifying FWHM of box in pixel units find_star: (default) 'auto' will first try to get the star center coordinates from the FITS header PSFCENTX & PSFCENTY keywords, and if that fails it will do a Radon transform to locate the star via the diffraction spikes (and store the star center in the header for future use). True will force the Radon transform; False will skip the Radon transform even if no center is found in the header. guess_star: (default) None. Otherwise an [x, y] coordinate guess for where the star is for find_star. The code will automatially guess the star location based on the FPM otherwise. Returns: Technically none. It saves things to fields of the NIRC2Data object. See object doc string """ #check to see if user just inputted a single filename string if isinstance(filepaths, str): filepaths = [filepaths] #make some lists for quick appending data = [] filenums = [] filenames = [] rot_angles = [] wvs = [] centers = [] wcs_hdrs = [] star_fluxes = [] spot_fluxes = [] prihdrs = [] #Create a threadpool for high pass filter pool = None if highpass: pool = mp.Pool() #extract data from each file for index, filepath in enumerate(filepaths): cube, center, pa, wv, astr_hdrs, filt_band, fpm_band, pupil, star_flux, spot_flux, prihdr, exthdr, camera, obsdate =\ _nirc2_process_file(filepath, highpass=highpass, find_star=find_star, meas_star_flux=meas_star_flux, pool=pool, guess_star=guess_star) data.append(cube) centers.append(center) star_fluxes.append(star_flux) spot_fluxes.append(spot_flux) rot_angles.append(pa) wvs.append(wv) filenums.append(np.ones(pa.shape[0]) * index) wcs_hdrs.append(astr_hdrs) prihdrs.append(prihdr) #filename = np.chararray(pa.shape[0]) #filename[:] = filepath filenames.append([filepath for i in range(pa.shape[0])]) # Close threadpool if highpass: pool.close() pool.join() #convert everything into numpy arrays #reshape arrays so that we collapse all the files together (i.e. don't care about distinguishing files) data = np.array(data) dims = data.shape data = data.reshape([dims[0] * dims[1], dims[2], dims[3]]) filenums = np.array(filenums).reshape([dims[0] * dims[1]]) filenames = np.array(filenames).reshape([dims[0] * dims[1]]) rot_angles = np.array(rot_angles).reshape([dims[0] * dims[1]]) # want North Up wvs = np.array(wvs).reshape([dims[0] * dims[1]]) wcs_hdrs = np.array(wcs_hdrs).reshape([dims[0] * dims[1]]) centers = np.array(centers).reshape([dims[0] * dims[1], 2]) star_fluxes = np.array(star_fluxes).reshape([dims[0] * dims[1]]) spot_fluxes = np.array(spot_fluxes).reshape([dims[0] * dims[1]]) #select correct pixel scale #narrow camera pixel scale changed after servicing on 2015-04-13 date_2015_4_13 = time.strptime("2015-4-13", "%Y-%m-%d") if camera=='narrow': if obsdate < date_2015_4_13: lenslet_scale = NIRC2Data.lenslet_scales['narrow_pre150413'] elif obsdate >= date_2015_4_13: lenslet_scale = NIRC2Data.lenslet_scales['narrow_post150413'] else: lenslet_scale = NIRC2Data.lenslet_scales[camera] self.lenslet_scale = lenslet_scale #set these as the fields for the GPIData object self._input = data self._centers = centers self._filenums = filenums self._filenames = filenames self._PAs = rot_angles self._wvs = wvs self._wcs = [None] #wcs_hdrs self.spot_flux = spot_fluxes if fpm_band in NIRC2Data.fpm_diam: self._IWA = NIRC2Data.fpm_diam[fpm_band]/lenslet_scale/2.0 else: # for unocculted data self._IWA = 0 self.star_flux = star_fluxes self.contrast_scaling = 1./star_fluxes #GPIData.spot_ratio[ppm_band]/np.tile(np.mean(spot_fluxes.reshape(dims[0], dims[1]), axis=0), dims[0]) self.prihdrs = prihdrs self.pupil_diam = NIRC2Data.pupil_diam[pupil] self.flipx = False
#self.exthdrs = exthdrs
[docs] def savedata(self, filepath, data, klipparams = None, filetype = None, zaxis = None, center=None, astr_hdr=None, fakePlparams = None, more_keywords=None): """ Save data in a GPI-like fashion. Aka, data and header are in the first extension header Note: In principle, the function only works inside klip_dataset(). In order to use it outside of klip_dataset, you need to define the following attribute: dataset.output_centers = dataset.centers Inputs: filepath: path to file to output data: 2D or 3D data to save klipparams: a string of klip parameters filetype: filetype of the object (e.g. "KL Mode Cube", "PSF Subtracted Spectral Cube") zaxis: a list of values for the zaxis of the datacub (for KL mode cubes currently) astr_hdr: wcs astrometry header (None for NIRC2) center: center of the image to be saved in the header as the keywords PSFCENTX and PSFCENTY in pixels. The first pixel has coordinates (0,0) fakePlparams: fake planet params more_keywords (dictionary) : a dictionary {key: value, key:value} of header keywords and values which will written into the primary header """ hdulist = fits.HDUList() hdulist.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(header=self.prihdrs[0])) hdulist.append(fits.ImageHDU(data=data, name="Sci")) # save all the files we used in the reduction # we'll assume you used all the input files # remove duplicates from list filenames = np.unique(self.filenames) nfiles = np.size(filenames) hdulist[0].header["DRPNFILE"] = nfiles for i, thispath in enumerate(filenames): thispath = thispath.replace("\\", '/') splited = thispath.split("/") fname = splited[-1] # matches ='S20[0-9]{6}[SE][0-9]{4}', fname) filename = hdulist[0].header["FILE_{0}".format(i)] = filename # write out psf subtraction parameters # get pyKLIP revision number pykliproot = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) # the universal_newline argument is just so python3 returns a string instead of bytes # this will probably come to bite me later try: pyklipver = pyklip.__version__ except: pyklipver = "unknown" hdulist[0].header['PSFSUB'] = "pyKLIP" hdulist[0].header.add_history("Reduced with pyKLIP using commit {0}".format(pyklipver)) #if self.creator is None: # hdulist[0].header['CREATOR'] = "pyKLIP-{0}".format(pyklipver) #else: # hdulist[0].header['CREATOR'] = self.creator # hdulist[0].header.add_history("Reduced by {0}".self.creator) # store commit number for pyklip hdulist[0].header['pyklipv'] = pyklipver if klipparams is not None: hdulist[0].header['PSFPARAM'] = klipparams hdulist[0].header.add_history("pyKLIP reduction with parameters {0}".format(klipparams)) if fakePlparams is not None: hdulist[0].header['FAKPLPAR'] = fakePlparams hdulist[0].header.add_history("pyKLIP reduction with fake planet injection parameters {0}".format(fakePlparams)) if filetype is not None: hdulist[0].header['FILETYPE'] = filetype if zaxis is not None: #Writing a KL mode Cube if "KL Mode" in filetype: hdulist[0].header['CTYPE3'] = 'KLMODES' #write them individually for i, klmode in enumerate(zaxis): hdulist[0].header['KLMODE{0}'.format(i)] = klmode #use the dataset astr hdr if none was passed in #if astr_hdr is None: # print(self.wcs[0]) # astr_hdr = self.wcs[0] if astr_hdr is not None: #update astro header #I don't have a better way doing this so we'll just inject all the values by hand astroheader = astr_hdr.to_header() exthdr = hdulist[0].header exthdr['PC1_1'] = astroheader['PC1_1'] exthdr['PC2_2'] = astroheader['PC2_2'] try: exthdr['PC1_2'] = astroheader['PC1_2'] exthdr['PC2_1'] = astroheader['PC2_1'] except KeyError: exthdr['PC1_2'] = 0.0 exthdr['PC2_1'] = 0.0 #remove CD values as those are confusing exthdr.remove('CD1_1') exthdr.remove('CD1_2') exthdr.remove('CD2_1') exthdr.remove('CD2_2') exthdr['CDELT1'] = 1 exthdr['CDELT2'] = 1 #use the dataset center if none was passed in if center is None: center = self.output_centers[0] if center is not None: hdulist[0].header.update({'PSFCENTX':center[0],'PSFCENTY':center[1]}) hdulist[0].header.update({'CRPIX1':center[0],'CRPIX2':center[1]}) hdulist[0].header.add_history("Image recentered to {0}".format(str(center))) # store extra keywords in header if more_keywords is not None: for hdr_key in more_keywords: hdulist[0].header[hdr_key] = more_keywords[hdr_key] try: hdulist.writeto(filepath, overwrite=True) except TypeError: hdulist.writeto(filepath, clobber=True) hdulist.close()
[docs] def calibrate_data(self, units="contrast"): """ Calibrates the flux of the output of PSF subtracted data. Args: img: unclaibrated image. If spectral is not set, this can either be a 2-D or 3-D broadband image where the last two dimensions are [y,x] If specetral is True, this is a 3-D spectral cube with shape [wv,y,x] spectral: if True, this is a spectral datacube. Otherwise, it is a broadband image. units: currently only support "contrast" w.r.t central star Return: img: calibrated image of the same shape (this is the same object as the input!!!) """ if units == "contrast": for i in range(self.output.shape[0]): self.output[i] *= self.contrast_scaling[:, None, None]
[docs] def calibrate_output(self, img, spectral=False, units="contrast"): """ Calibrates the flux of the output of PSF subtracted data. Assumes the broadband flux calibration is just multiplication by a single scalar number whereas spectral datacubes may have a separate calibration value for each wavelength Args: img: unclaibrated image. If spectral is not set, this can either be a 2-D or 3-D broadband image where the last two dimensions are [y,x] If specetral is True, this is a 3-D spectral cube with shape [wv,y,x] spectral: if True, this is a spectral datacube. Otherwise, it is a broadband image. units: currently only support "contrast" w.r.t central star Return: img: calibrated image of the same shape (this is the same object as the input!!!) """ if units == "contrast": if spectral: # spectral cube, each slice needs it's own calibration numwvs = img.shape[0] img *= self.contrast_scaling[:numwvs, None, None] else: # broadband image img *= np.nanmean(self.contrast_scaling) return img
###################### ## Static Functions ## ###################### def _nirc2_process_file(filepath, highpass=False, find_star='auto', meas_star_flux=False, pool=None, guess_star=None): """ Method to open and parse a NIRC2 file Args: filepath: the file to open highpass: if True, run a Gaussian high pass filter (default size is sigma=imgsize/10) can also be a number specifying FWHM of box in pixel units find_star: (default) 'auto' will first try to get the star center coordinates from the FITS header PSFCENTX & PSFCENTY keywords, and if that fails it will do a Radon transform to locate the star via the diffraction spikes (and store the star center in the header for future use). True will force the Radon transform; False will skip the Radon transform even if no center is found in the header. meas_star_flux: if True, measures the stellar flux pool: optional to pass along a threadpool (mainly for highpass filtering multiple images) guess_star: (default) None. Otherwise an [x, y] coordinate guess for where the star is for find_star. The code will automatially guess the star location based on the FPM otherwise. Returns: (using z as size of 3rd dimension, z=1 for NIRC2) cube: 3D data cube from the file. Shape is (z,256,256) center: array of shape (z,2) giving each datacube slice a [xcenter,ycenter] in that order parang: array of z of the parallactic angle of the target (same value just repeated z times) wvs: array of z of the wavelength of each datacube slice. (For NIRC2, wvs = [None]) astr_hdrs: array of z of the WCS header for each datacube slice. (For NIRC2, wcs = [None]) filt_band: the band (Ks, Lp, Ms) used in the data (string) fpm_band: For NIRC2, fpm_band = [None] ppm_band: For NIRC2, ppm_band = [None] spot_fluxes: For NIRC2, array of z containing 1.0 for each image prihdr: primary header of the FITS file exthdr: For NIRC2, None """ print("Reading File: {0}".format(filepath)) hdulist =, mode='update', ignore_missing_end=True) # some NIRC2 FITS files are missing END card try: #grab the data and headers cube = hdulist[0].data exthdr = None #hdulist[1].header prihdr = hdulist[0].header obsdate = time.strptime(prihdr['DATE-OBS'], "%Y-%m-%d") # observation date #get some instrument configuration from the primary header filt_band = prihdr['FILTER'].split('+')[0].strip() fpm_band = prihdr['SLITNAME'] camera = prihdr['CAMNAME'] pupil = prihdr['PMSNAME'] rotmode = prihdr['ROTMODE'].lower() #for NIRC2, we only have broadband but want to keep the GPI array shape to make processing easier if prihdr['CURRINST'].strip() == 'NIRC2': wvs = [1.0] # Pull PA from header if already there, or try to calculate it from header. if 'ROTNORTH' in prihdr.keys(): parang = prihdr['ROTNORTH']*np.ones(1) else: try: parang = get_pa(hdulist, obsdate=obsdate, rotmode=rotmode, write_hdr=True)*np.ones(1) except: parang = np.nan*np.ones(1) # manual guess for star centering? if guess_star is None: # automatic guess based on fpm guess_star = NIRC2Data.fpm_yx[('_').join([camera, fpm_band])] if find_star is True: # Ignore header and use Radon transform to find star center. try: center = [get_star(hdulist, ctr=guess_star, obsdate=obsdate, hp_size=0, im_smooth=0, sp_width=0, rad=100, radon_wdw=400, smooth=1, write_hdr=True, pool=pool, silent=True)] except: center = [[np.nan, np.nan]] elif find_star is False: # Only try to get star center from headers (no Radon transform). try: center = [[prihdr['PSFCENTX'], prihdr['PSFCENTY']]] except: center = [[np.nan, np.nan]] elif find_star=='auto': # Pull star center from header if already there, or try to find it via Radon transform. # Radon assumes star is near center of FPM and may fail if otherwise. if 'PSFCENTX' and 'PSFCENTY' in prihdr.keys(): center = [[prihdr['PSFCENTX'], prihdr['PSFCENTY']]] else: try: center = [get_star(hdulist, ctr=guess_star, obsdate=obsdate, hp_size=0, im_smooth=0, sp_width=0, rad=100, radon_wdw=400, smooth=1, write_hdr=True, pool=pool, silent=True)] except: center = [[np.nan, np.nan]] else: raise ValueError("Unsupported value for find_star; only 'auto', True, or False are accepted.") # No cube flipping anymore! flipped_cube = cube star_flux = np.nan if meas_star_flux: star_flux = calc_starflux(flipped_cube, center) cube = flipped_cube.reshape([1, flipped_cube.shape[0], flipped_cube.shape[1]]) #maintain 3d-ness astr_hdrs = np.repeat(None, 1) spot_fluxes = [[1]] #not suported currently finally: pass #high pass filter highpassed = False if isinstance(highpass, bool): if highpass: cube = high_pass_filter_imgs(cube, pool=pool) highpassed = True else: # should be a number if isinstance(highpass, (float, int)): highpass = float(highpass) fourier_sigma_size = (cube.shape[1]/(highpass)) / (2*np.sqrt(2*np.log(2))) cube = high_pass_filter_imgs(cube, filtersize=fourier_sigma_size, pool=pool) highpassed = True return cube, center, parang, wvs, astr_hdrs, filt_band, fpm_band, pupil, star_flux, spot_fluxes, prihdr, exthdr, camera, obsdate
[docs] def calc_starflux(cube, center): """ Fits a 2D Gaussian to an image to calculate the peak pixel value of the central star. The code assumes an unobscurated PSF. Args: cube: 2D image array. Shape is (256,256) center: star center in image in (x,y) Returns: Amplitude: Best fit amplitude of the 2D Gaussian. """ dims = cube.shape y, x = np.meshgrid( np.arange(dims[0]), np.arange(dims[1]) ) # Initializing Model. Fixing the rotation and the X, Y location of the star. g_init = models.Gaussian2D(cube.max(), x_mean=center[0][0], y_mean=center[0][1], x_stddev=5, y_stddev=5, \ fixed={'x_mean':True,'y_mean':True,'theta':True}) # Initializing Levenburg-Marquart Least-Squares fitting routine. fit_g = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter() # Fitting the amplitude, x_stddev and y_stddev g = fit_g(g_init, y, x, cube) return [[g.amplitude]]
[docs] def measure_star_flux(img, star_x, star_y): """ Measure star peak fluxes using a Gaussian matched filter Args: img: 2D frame with unobscured, unsaturated PSF star_x, star_y: coordinates of the star Return: star_f: star flux """ flux, fwhm, xfit, yfit = gaussfit2d(img, star_x, star_y, refinefit=False) if flux == np.inf: flux == np.nan print(flux, fwhm, xfit, yfit) return flux
[docs] def get_pa(hdulist, obsdate=None, rotmode=None, mean_PA=True, write_hdr=True): """ Given a FITS data-header unit list (HDUList), returns the NIRC2 PA in [radians]. PA is angle of detector relative to sky; ROTMODE is rotator tracking mode; PARANG is parallactic angle astrometric; INSTANGL is instrument angle; ROTPOSN is rotator physical position. Additional PA offset of -0.252 or -0.262 deg is applied for NIRC2 narrow cam depending on observation date. NOTE that the PA sign is flipped at the very end before output to conform to pyKLIP's rotation convention. Inputs: hdulist: a FITS HDUList (NOT a single HDU). obsdate: date of observation; will try to get from prihdr if not provided. rotmode: 'vertical angle' for ADI mode with PA rotating on detector, or 'position angle' for mode with PA orientation fixed on detector. mean_pa: if True (default), return the mean PA during the exposure. If False, return the PA at the start of the exposure only. Only applies to vertical angle mode. write_hdr: if True (default), writes keys to file header and saves them. """ prihdr = hdulist[0].header # Date of NIRC2 servicing that changed PA offset. date_2015_4_13 = time.strptime("2015-4-13", "%Y-%m-%d") # If don't have it, get observation date (UT) from header and make a time object. if obsdate is None: obsdate = time.strptime(prihdr['DATE-OBS'], "%Y-%m-%d") # Additional offset to narrow cam PA not included in INSTANGL keyword. # This offset changed after instrument servicing on April 13, 2015. if prihdr['CAMNAME'].lower() == 'narrow': if obsdate < date_2015_4_13: zp_offset = -0.252 # [deg]; from Yelda et al. 2010 elif obsdate >= date_2015_4_13: zp_offset = -0.262 # [deg]; from Service et al. 2016 else: zp_offset = 0. print("WARNING: No PA offset applied.") if rotmode is None: global _last_rotmode try: rotmode = prihdr['ROTMODE'].strip().lower() _last_rotmode = rotmode except: rotmode = _last_rotmode.lower() rotposn = prihdr['ROTPOSN'] # [deg] instangl = prihdr['INSTANGL'] # [deg] if rotmode.lower() == 'vertical angle': parang = prihdr['PARANG'] # [deg] pa_deg = parang + rotposn - instangl + zp_offset # [deg] elif rotmode.lower() == 'position angle': pa_deg = rotposn - instangl + zp_offset # [deg] else: raise NotImplementedError if mean_PA and (rotmode.lower() == 'vertical angle'): # Get info for PA smearing calculation. epochobj = prihdr['DATE-OBS'] name = prihdr['targname'] expref = prihdr['itime'] coaddref = prihdr['coadds'] sampref = prihdr['sampmode'] msrref = prihdr['MULTISAM'] xdimref = prihdr['naxis1'] ydimref = prihdr['naxis2'] tel = prihdr['TELESCOP'] dec = prihdr['DEC'] + prihdr['DECOFF'] if tel.lower() == 'keck ii': tel = 'keck2' # just cleaning up str # Calculate total time of exposure (integration + readout). if sampref == 2: totexp = ( expref + 0.18*(xdimref/1024.)**2) * coaddref if sampref == 3: totexp = ( expref + (msrref-1)*0.18*(xdimref/1024.)**2)*coaddref tinteg = totexp # [seconds] totexp = totexp/3600. # [hours] # Get hour angle at start of exposure. tmpahinit = prihdr['HA'] # [deg] ahobs = 24.*tmpahinit/360. # [hours] # Estimate vertical position angle at each second of the exposure. vp = [] #fltarr(round(3600.*totexp)) for j in range(0, int(round(3600.*totexp))-1): ahtmp = ahobs + (j*1.+0.001)/3600. # [hours] vp.append(par_angle(ahtmp, dec, NIRC2Data.observatory_latitude)) if j == 0: vpref = vp[0] vp = np.array(vp) # Handle case where PA crosses 0 <--> 360. vp[vp < 0.] += 360. vp[vp > 360.] -= 360. if vpref < 0.: vpref += 360. if vpref > 360.: vpref -= 360. # Check that images near PA=0 are handled correctly. if any(vp > 350) & any(vp < 10): vp[vp > 350] -= 360 vpmean = np.nanmean(vp) if (vpmean < 0) & (vpref > 350): vpmean += 360. pa_deg_mean = pa_deg + (vpmean - vpref) else: pa_deg_mean = pa_deg vpmean = np.nan vpref = np.nan totexp = np.nan if write_hdr: prihdr['TOTEXP'] = (totexp, 'Total exposure time [hours]') prihdr['PASTART'] = (pa_deg, "Position angle at exposure start [deg]") prihdr['PASMEAR'] = ((vpmean - vpref), "Exposure's weighted-mean PA minus PASTART [deg]") prihdr['ROTNORTH'] = (pa_deg_mean, "Mean PA of North during exposure [deg]") hdulist.flush(output_verify='ignore') # Flip sign to conform to pyKLIP rotation convention. return pa_deg_mean
[docs] def par_angle(HA, dec, lat): """ Compute the parallactic angle, given hour angle (HA [hours]), declination (dec [deg]), and latitude (lat [deg]). Returns parallactic angle in [deg]. """ HA_rad = np.radians(HA*15.) # [hours] -> [rad] dec_rad = np.radians(dec) # [deg] -> [rad] lat_rad = np.radians(lat) # [deg] -> [rad] parallang = -np.arctan2(-np.sin(HA_rad), # [rad] np.cos(dec_rad)*np.tan(lat_rad) - np.sin(dec_rad)*np.cos(HA_rad)) return np.degrees(parallang) # [deg]
[docs] def get_star(hdulist, ctr, obsdate, hp_size=0, im_smooth=0, sp_width=0, spike_angles=None, r_mask='all', rad=100, rad_out=np.inf, radon_wdw=400, smooth=1, PAadj=0., write_hdr=True, pool=None, silent=True): """ Runs Radon transform star-finding algorithm on image and (by default) saves the results in the original FITS header. Inputs: hdulist: a FITS HDUList (NOT a single HDU). ctr: (y,x) coordinate pair estimate for star position for image [pix]. obsdate: date of observation; will try to get from prihdr if not provided. hp_size: size of high-pass filter box (via Fourier transform) in [pix]. im_smooth: sigma of smoothing Gaussian function in [pix]. sp_width: width of diffraction spike mask in [pix]; default is 0 (no masking). spike_angles: list of discrete angles from the assumed star positions along which the radon transform will sum intensity to search for the true star position (it picks the maximum sum). These should match the angles of the strongest diffraction spikes [deg]. r_mask: 'all' to mask out circle around ctr coords; anything else to do no radial masking. rad: r_mask=='all' will mask out all r <= rad [pix]. rad_out: r_mask=='all' will mask out all r > rad_out [pix]. radon_window: half width of the radon sampling region; size_window = image.shape[0]/2 is suggested. m & M: The sampling region will be (-M*size_window, -m*size_window)U(m*size_window, M*size_window). smooth: smooth the radon cost function; for one pixel, replace it by the average of its +/- smooth neighbours; default = 2. PAadj: optional angle by which to rotate diffraction spike angles in [radians]. write_hdr: (default) True will write the Radon transform star center to the original FITS header in PSFCENTX & PSFCENTY keywords. pool: multiprocessing pool for highpass filtering and other parallel uses. silent: (default) True to suppress additional output to stdout. Outputs: Returns [X,Y] list of Radon transform star center. Default is to also write the star coordinates to PSFCENTX & PSFCENTY in original FITS header. """ from pyklip.instruments.utils.radonCenter import searchCenter from scipy.ndimage.filters import median_filter, gaussian_filter if not silent: print("Finding star...") data = hdulist[0].data.copy() hdr = hdulist[0].header # median filter data to replace NaN's with median values of neighbors. wh = np.where(np.isnan(data)) data_medfilt = median_filter(np.nan_to_num(data), size=9) # replace all NaN in f with median values of neighbors. data[wh] = data_medfilt[wh] data = # Highpass filtering. if hp_size != 0: # should be a number fourier_sigma_size = (data.shape[1]/float(hp_size)) / (2*np.sqrt(2*np.log(2))) data_filt = high_pass_filter_imgs(np.array([data]), filtersize=fourier_sigma_size, pool=pool)[0] else: data_filt = data # Image smoothing. if im_smooth != 0: data_filt = gaussian_filter(data_filt, im_smooth) # Build cartesian coordinate grid and radius map. yy, xx = np.mgrid[0:data_filt.shape[0]:1, 0:data_filt.shape[1]:1] radii = np.sqrt((yy - ctr[0])**2 + (xx - ctr[1])**2) # Additional offset to narrow cam PA not included in INSTANGL keyword. # This offset changed after instrument servicing on April 13, 2015. date_2015_4_13 = time.strptime("2015-4-13", "%Y-%m-%d") if hdr['CAMNAME'].lower()=='narrow': if obsdate < date_2015_4_13: zp_offset = -0.252 # [deg]; from Yelda et al. 2010 elif obsdate >= date_2015_4_13: zp_offset = -0.262 # [deg]; from Service et al. 2016 elif hdr['CAMNAME'].lower()=='wide': zp_offset = 0. # Select angles along which to perform radon based on rotator mode. # Position angle (pa) of telescope optics only, from header info. if hdr['ROTMODE'].lower() == 'vertical angle': pa_tele = hdr['INSTANGL'] - zp_offset - hdr['ROTPOSN'] # [deg] # Other case is either 'position angle' mode or unidentified. else: pa_tele = hdr['PARANG'] # [deg] if spike_angles is None: # Angles at which diffraction spikes occur in NIRC2 data [deg]. spike_angles = pa_tele + 30.0 + np.arange(3)*60.0 + PAadj # [deg] # Boolean mask excluding everything except diffraction spikes. spikemask = ~ make_spikemask(data_filt, hdr, ctr, spike_angles, yy, xx, sp_width) # ~ is inverse boolean mask_total = spikemask.copy() # Optionally mask stellar halo with additional circular mask centered on ctr. # Masked regions are r <= rad and r > rad_out. if r_mask=='all': mask_total[(spikemask==False) & (radii <= rad)] = True mask_total[(spikemask==False) & (radii > rad_out)] = True else: pass data_masked =, mask=mask_total) # Perform radon transform search for star. if not silent: print("Performing radon transform search...") (x_radon, y_radon) = searchCenter(data_masked.filled(0.), ctr[1], ctr[0], size_window=radon_wdw, size_cost=7, m=0.2, M=0.8, smooth=smooth, theta=spike_angles) if not silent: print("radon y,x = {0}, {1}".format(y_radon, x_radon)) if write_hdr: # Update the original FITS header with new star coordinates. hdr['PSFCENTX'] = (x_radon, 'Star X numpy coord') hdr['PSFCENTY'] = (y_radon, 'Star Y numpy coord') hdulist.flush(output_verify='ignore') if not silent: print("Wrote new star coordinates to FITS header in PSFCENTX & PSFCENTY.") return [x_radon, y_radon]
[docs] def make_spikemask(data, hdr, ctr, spike_angles, yy, xx, width=31): """ Construct diffraction spike mask from FITS header information. data: 2-D ndarray image to be masked (just to get size of array). hdr: FITS header for image constructing mask for. ctr: (y,x) coordinates for center of diffraction spike pattern (usually the estimated star location). spike_angles: position angles for diffraction spikes in image [radians]. yy: mgrid or indices 2-D array of pixel y-coordinates. xx: mgrid or indices 2-D array of pixel x-coordinates. width: int or float width of spike mask in [pixels]; 0 for no mask. """ mask = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype=np.bool) if (width > 0) & (not np.isnan(width)): yy_ctr = yy - ctr[0] xx_ctr = xx - ctr[1] for ang in np.radians(spike_angles): # Slope times x for each spike. mx = np.tan(ang)*xx_ctr # Mask with span 0.5*width above and below spike. band = np.abs(0.5*width/np.cos(ang)) # Change spikemask to True anywhere inside mask. spikemask = (yy_ctr <= (mx + band)) & (yy_ctr >= (mx - band)) # Replace False with True in mask wherever either spikemask or mask is True. mask = mask | spikemask else: mask = np.ones(data.shape, dtype=np.bool) return mask