Source code for pyklip.instruments.P1640_support.P1640utils


import numpy as np
import os
import glob

# import pyklip.instruments.P1640_support.P1640cores
# import pyklip.instruments.P1640_support.P1640contrast

Various useful functions specific to the P1640 data

[docs] def set_zeros_to_nan(data): """ PyKLIP expects values outside the detector to be set to nan. P1640 sets these (and also saturated pixels) to identically 0. Find all the zeros and convert them to nans Input: data: N x Npix x Npix datacube or appended set of datacubes Returns: nandata: data with nans instead of zeros """ zeros = np.where(data==0) data[zeros] = np.nan return data
############################################################## # Spots ##############################################################
[docs] def get_spot_files(fitsfile, spot_file_dir): """ Search in spot_file_dir for the spot files associated with fitsfile Return spot files if they are found, otherwise return an empty list """ spot_file_re = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fitsfile))[0]+"-spot[0-3].csv" spot_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(spot_file_dir, spot_file_re)) return spot_files
############################################################## # Bad Pixel Filtering ##############################################################
[docs] def find_bad_pix(img, median_img, std_img, thresh=3): """ Find the bad pixels """ return np.where(np.abs(img-median_img)/std_img > thresh)
[docs] def clean_bad_pixels(img, boxrad=2, thresh=3): """ Clean the image of outlier pixels using a median filter. Input: img: 2-d array boxrad: 1/2 the fitler size (2*boxrad+1) thresh: threshold (in stdev) for deciding a hot pixel Returns: cleaned_img: 2_d array where hot pixels have been replaced by median values """ imgrid = np.indices(img.shape) side=2*boxrad+1 median_img = generic_filter(img, np.nanmedian, (side, side)) # now get the standard deviation of the boxes std_img = make_std_map(img, boxrad) #std_img = set_zeros_to_nan(std_img) #bad_pix = np.where(np.abs(img-median_img)/std_img > thresh) bad_pix = find_bad_pix(img, median_img, std_img, thresh) # set hot pixels to median value img[bad_pix] = median_img[bad_pix] return img
[docs] def clean_bad_pixels_cube(cube, boxrad=2, thresh=10): """ Clean the image of outlier pixels using a median filter. Input: cube: 3-D data cube boxrad: 1/2 the fitler size (2*boxrad+1) thresh: threshold (in stdev) for deciding a hot pixel """ cleaned_cube = np.array([clean_bad_pixels(i, boxrad, thresh) for i in cube]) return cleaned_cube
############################################################## ############################################################## # PSF centering ##############################################################
[docs] def centroid_image(orig_img): """ Centroid an image - weighted sum of pixels Input: orig_img: 2D array Return: [y,x] floating-point coordinates of the centroid """ img = orig_img.copy() ypix, xpix = np.indices(img.shape) tot = np.nansum(img) ycenter =, np.ravel(img))/tot xcenter =, np.ravel(img))/tot return ycenter, xcenter
[docs] def get_cube_xsection(orig_cube, center, width): """ Select the cross-section of a cube centered in center with 1/2-width width Input: orig_cube: Nlambda x Npix x Npix datacube center: [row, col] index width: 1/2-width of cross-section Returns: cube_cutout: Nlambda x (2*width+1) x (2*width+1) cube cross-section """ cube = orig_cube.copy() shape = cube.shape try: assert(np.all(np.where(center < 0))) assert(center[0] < shape[1]) assert(center[1] < shape[2]) except AssertionError: print("bad value for center") return None # [(xlow, xhigh),(ylow,yhigh)] center_lims = np.array([(np.max([0,center[0]-width]), np.min([shape[-1],center[0]+width])), (np.max([0,center[1]-width]), np.min([shape[-1],center[1]+width]))]) cube_cutout = cube[:, center_lims[0][0]:center_lims[0][1], center_lims[1][0]:center_lims[1][1]].copy() return cube_cutout
[docs] def get_PSF_center(cube, refchan=26, fine=False): """ Return the PSF center at the pixel level (default) or subpixel level (fine=True) Input: cube: Nlambda x Npix x Npix datacube refchan(=26): Reference channel for the initial center estimate fine_centering(=False): After getting a rough estimate of the center, centroid the image Returns: Nlamdba x 2 array of pixel indices for the PSF center """ core_cube = cube.copy() shape = core_cube.shape nchan = shape[0] refchan = 26 init_center = np.array(np.unravel_index(np.nanargmax(core_cube[26]), shape[-2:])) width = 25 center_cutout = get_cube_xsection(cube, init_center, width) try: centers = np.array([np.unravel_index(np.nanargmax(center_cutout[chan]), center_cutout[chan].shape) for chan in range(nchan)] + init_center - width) except ValueError: print("All-NaN slice encountered:", chan) return None # If you want centroiding, do a second pass if fine == True: init_center = np.floor(np.nanmean(centers,axis=0)).astype(int) center_cutout = get_cube_xsection(cube, init_center, width) centers = np.array([centroid_image(img) for img in center_cutout]) + init_center - width centers = np.fmax(0, centers) return centers
####################################################### # Encircled energy radius #######################################################
[docs] def get_encircled_energy_image(im, center, frac=0.5): """ Given an image, find the fraction of encircled energy around the center. Input: im: unocculted core cube Npix x Npix frac: encircled energy cutoff Returns: Pandas Series with the following indices: [starx, stary, radius, flux, bgnd_mean, bgnd_std, bgnd_npix] """ shape = im.shape ind = ['starx','stary','radius','flux','bgnd_mean','bgnd_std', 'bgnd_npix'] ee_data = pd.Series(np.zeros(len(ind)), index=ind) ee_data[['stary', 'starx']] = center # get star-centered coordinates yx_centered = np.array((np.indices(im.shape).T - center).T) # convert to radii rad_coord = np.linalg.norm(yx_centered, axis=0) #radpix = zip(np.ravel(rad_coord, core_cube)) # find the encircled energy radius radpix = pd.DataFrame(zip(np.ravel(rad_coord), np.ravel(im)), columns=['rad', 'pixval']) # sort by pixel distance from PSF center radpix.sort(columns='rad', inplace=True) radpix.reset_index(inplace=True) # sort into radial rings (may not be azimuthally contiguous) unique_rad = np.unique(radpix['rad']) # group by common radius, god bless pandas for the time saving grouped = radpix.groupby('rad') unique_flux = grouped.pixval.sum().as_matrix() pix_per_rad = grouped.size().as_matrix() unique_cumsum = np.cumsum(unique_flux) psf_edge_pix = np.nanargmax(unique_cumsum) + 1 # +1 is added for array indexing convenience psf_edge_rad = unique_rad[psf_edge_pix-1] # subtract background bgnd_mean = np.nanmean(unique_flux[psf_edge_pix:]) bgnd_std = np.nanstd(radpix[radpix['rad'] > psf_edge_rad]['pixval']) unique_flux -= bgnd_mean*pix_per_rad # redo cumsum now with bgnd subtracted unique_cumsum = np.cumsum(unique_flux) total_flux = unique_cumsum[psf_edge_pix-1] encircled_energy = unique_cumsum[:psf_edge_pix]/total_flux # fill in the dataframe ee_data['bgnd_mean'] = bgnd_mean ee_data['bgnd_std'] = bgnd_std ee_data['bgnd_npix'] = grouped.size().ix[psf_edge_rad:].sum() ee_data['flux'] = total_flux # get the radius, taking care of the case of a crappy channel try: lolim = np.where(encircled_energy <= frac)[0][-1] hilim = np.where(encircled_energy > frac)[0][0] except IndexError: ee_data['radius'] = 1 return ee_data encirc_interp = interpolate.interp1d(x=encircled_energy[[lolim, hilim]], y=unique_rad[[lolim, hilim]]) ee_data['radius'] = encirc_interp(frac) return ee_data
[docs] def get_encircled_energy_cube(cube, frac=0.5, refchan=26): """ Get the fractional encircled energy of a PSF in each channel of a datacube. Basically a wrapper for get_encircled_energy_image Input: core_cube: unocculted core cube Nlambda x Npix x Npix frac: encircled energy cutoff Returns: Pandas Dataframe with Nlambda columns: [starx, stary, radius, flux] """ core_cube = cube.copy() nchan = core_cube.shape[0] centers = get_PSF_center(core_cube, fine=True) ee_data = pd.DataFrame([get_encircled_energy_image(im, center, frac) for im, center in zip(core_cube, centers)]) return ee_data
################################################################# # Wrapper for easily converting astropy tables to FITS format #################################################################
[docs] def table_to_TableHDU(table, kwargs={}): """ Accept a table with a .colnames element and return it as an astropy fits.TableHDU object. Only works with floating-point data atm. Input: table: astropy.table.Table object kwargs: dict of keywords and arguments to pass to the HDU Returns: TableHDU: fits TableHDU with an empty header """ coldef = fits.ColDefs([fits.Column(name=name, format='E', array=table[name]) for name in table.colnames]) hdu = fits.TableHDU.from_columns(coldef, **kwargs) return hdu