Source code for pyklip.kpp.detection.detection

__author__ = 'JB'

from scipy.signal import convolve2d
from pyklip.kpp.stat.stat_utils import *
from pyklip.kpp.utils.oi import *

[docs] def point_source_detection(image, center,threshold,pix2as=None,mask_radius = 4,maskout_edge=None,maskout_inner_edge=None,IWA=None, OWA=None): """ Find the brightest blobs in the image/cube. Args: image: Image from which to get the SNR map center: center of the image (y_cen, x_cen) threshold: Threshold under which blob should be ignore. pix2as: Platescale (arcsec per pixel). mask_radius: Radius of the mask used for masking point sources or the surroundings of the current pixel out of the data. Default value is 4 pixels. maskout_edge: mask a maskout_edge (int) pixels around the outer edge of the FOV containing NaNs. maskout_inner_edge: mask a maskout_inner_edge (int) pixels border around the center nan disk. IWA: inner working angle in pixels. OWA: outer working angle in pixels. :return: Detection table.. Table containing the list of the local maxima with their info Description by column: ["index","value","PA","Sep (pix)","Sep (as)","x","y","row","col"] 1/ index of the candidate 2/ Value of the maximum 3/ Position angle in degree from North in [0,360] 4/ Separation in pixel 5/ Separation in arcsec 6/ x position in pixel 7/ y position in pixel 8/ row index 9/ column index """ if image is not None: image = image if np.size(image.shape) == 2: ny,nx = image.shape if center is not None: center = [center] # Make a copy of the criterion map because it will be modified in the following. # Local maxima are indeed masked out when checked image_cpy = copy(image) stamp_size = mask_radius * 2 + 2 image_cpy = np.pad(image_cpy,((stamp_size//2,stamp_size//2),(stamp_size//2,stamp_size//2)),mode="constant",constant_values=np.nan) # Build as grids of x,y coordinates. # The center is in the middle of the array and the unit is the pixel. # If the size of the array is even 2n x 2n the center coordinate in the array is [n,n]. x_grid, y_grid = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0,nx,1)-center[0][0],np.arange(0,ny,1)-center[0][1]) # Definition of the different masks used in the following. # Mask to remove the spots already checked in criterion_map. stamp_x_grid, stamp_y_grid = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0,stamp_size,1)-stamp_size//2,np.arange(0,stamp_size,1)-stamp_size//2) stamp_mask = np.ones((stamp_size,stamp_size)) r_stamp = abs((stamp_x_grid) +(stamp_y_grid)*1j) stamp_mask[np.where(r_stamp < mask_radius)] = np.nan # Mask out a band of maskout_edge pixels around the edges of the finite pixels of the image. if maskout_edge is not None: IWA,OWA,inner_mask,outer_mask = get_occ(image_cpy, centroid = (center[0][0]+stamp_size//2,center[0][1]+stamp_size//2)) conv_kernel = np.ones((maskout_edge,maskout_edge)) flat_cube_wider_mask = convolve2d(outer_mask,conv_kernel,mode="same") image_cpy[np.where(np.isnan(flat_cube_wider_mask))] = np.nan if maskout_inner_edge is not None: IWA,OWA,inner_mask,outer_mask = get_occ(image_cpy, centroid = (center[0][0]+stamp_size//2,center[0][1]+stamp_size//2)) conv_kernel = np.ones((maskout_inner_edge,maskout_inner_edge)) flat_cube_wider_mask = convolve2d(inner_mask,conv_kernel,mode="same") image_cpy[np.where(np.isnan(flat_cube_wider_mask))] = np.nan # Number of rows and columns to add around a given pixel in order to extract a stamp. row_m = int(np.floor(stamp_size/2.0)) # row_minus row_p = int(np.ceil(stamp_size/2.0)) # row_plus col_m = int(np.floor(stamp_size/2.0)) # col_minus col_p = int(np.ceil(stamp_size/2.0)) # col_plus # Table containing the list of the local maxima with their info # Description by column: # 1/ index of the candidate # 2/ Value of the maximum # 3/ Position angle in degree from North in [0,360] # 4/ Separation in pixel # 5/ Separation in arcsec # 6/ x position in pixel # 7/ y position in pixel # 8/ row index # 9/ column index candidates_table = [] table_labels = ["index","value","PA","Sep (pix)","Sep (as)","x","y","row","col"] ## START WHILE LOOP. # Each iteration looks at one local maximum in the criterion map. k = 0 max_val_criter = np.nanmax(image_cpy) while max_val_criter > threshold:# and k <= max_attempts: k += 1 # Find the maximum value in the current criterion map. At each iteration the previous maximum is masked out. max_val_criter = np.nanmax(image_cpy) # Locate the maximum by retrieving its coordinates max_ind = np.where( image_cpy == max_val_criter ) row_id,col_id = max_ind[0][0],max_ind[1][0] x_max_pos = x_grid[row_id-stamp_size//2,col_id-stamp_size//2] y_max_pos = y_grid[row_id-stamp_size//2,col_id-stamp_size//2] sep_pix = np.sqrt(x_max_pos**2+y_max_pos**2) if pix2as is not None: sep_arcsec = pix2as *sep_pix else: sep_arcsec = 0 pa = np.mod(np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(-x_max_pos,y_max_pos)),360) # Mask the spot around the maximum we just found. image_cpy[(row_id-row_m):(row_id+row_p), (col_id-col_m):(col_id+col_p)] *= stamp_mask if IWA is not None: if sep_pix < IWA: continue if OWA is not None: if sep_pix > OWA: continue # Store the current local maximum information in the table candidates_table.append([k,max_val_criter,pa,sep_pix,sep_arcsec,x_max_pos,y_max_pos,row_id-stamp_size//2,col_id-stamp_size//2]) ## END WHILE LOOP. return candidates_table