__author__ = 'JB'
import numpy as np
from copy import copy
def get_occ(image, centroid = None):
Get the IWA (inner working angle) of the central disk of nans and return the mask corresponding to the inner disk.
:param image: A GPI image with a disk full of nans at the center.
:param centroid: center of the nan disk
ny,nx = image.shape
if centroid is None :
x_cen = (nx-1)//2 ; y_cen = (ny-1)//2
x_cen, y_cen = centroid
IWA,OWA = get_IOWA(image, centroid = centroid)
# Build the x and y coordinates grids
x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(nx)-x_cen, np.arange(ny)-y_cen)
# Calculate the radial distance of each pixel
r = abs(x +y*1j)
mask = np.ones((ny,nx))
if np.sum(np.isnan(image)) == 0:
mask[np.where(image==0)] = np.nan
mask[np.where(np.isnan(image))] = np.nan
inner_mask = copy(mask)
inner_mask[np.where(r > IWA+1.)] = 1
outer_mask = copy(mask)
outer_mask[np.where(r < IWA+1.)] = 1
return IWA,OWA,inner_mask,outer_mask
def get_IOWA(image, centroid = None):
Get the IWA (inner working angle) of the central disk of nans and return the mask corresponding to the inner disk.
:param image: A GPI image with a disk full of nans at the center.
:param centroid: center of the nan disk
ny,nx = image.shape
if centroid is None :
x_cen = (nx-1)//2 ; y_cen = (ny-1)//2
x_cen, y_cen = centroid
if np.sum(np.isnan(image)) == 0:
image_tmp = copy(image)
image_tmp[np.where(image==0)] = np.nan
image_tmp = image
# Build the x and y coordinates grids
x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(nx)-x_cen, np.arange(ny)-y_cen)
# Calculate the radial distance of each pixel
r = abs(x +y*1j)
dr = 0.5
Dr = 0.5
r_samp = np.arange(0,np.max(r)+dr,dr)
radial_val = np.zeros(np.size(r_samp))
for r_id, r_it in enumerate(r_samp):
annulus = np.where( ((r_it-Dr/2.0) < r) & (r < (r_it+Dr/2.0)) )
if len(annulus[0]) != 0:
radial_val[r_id] = np.nansum(image_tmp[annulus])
radial_val[r_id] = np.nan
radial_val[np.where(radial_val == 0)] = np.nan
IWA = r_samp[np.where(np.isfinite(radial_val))[0][0]]
OWA = r_samp[np.where(np.isfinite(radial_val))[0][-1]]
return IWA,OWA