Source code for pyklip.kpp.utils.oi

__author__ = 'JB'

import numpy as np
from copy import copy
from  glob import glob
import csv
import os

[docs] def mask_known_objects(cube,fakeinfohdr,object_name,pix2as,center,MJDOBS=None,OI_list_folder=None,ignore_fakes = False,fakes_only = False, include_speckles = False,IWA=None,OWA=None, mask_radius = 7): """ Mask point sources in cube with an NaN aperture. Args: cube: Image or cube to be masked. fakeinfohdr: fits file header containing the injected planets related keywords. object_name: Name of the star being observed. pix2as: platescale. center: Center of the image. MJDOBS: Julian date of the observation. (needed when OI_list_folder is not None) OI_list_folder: List of Object of Interest (OI) that should be masked from any standard deviation calculation. See the online documentation for instructions on how to define it. xy: Boolean. Returns the planets coordinate with x,y coordinates in pixels pa_sep: Boolean. Returns the planets coordinates as position angle (in arcsec), separation (in pix) ignore_fakes: Don't return fake planets. fakes_only: Returns only fake planets. include_speckles: Include speckles from the list of object of interest (OI_list_folder) IWA: Inner working angle (in pixels). OWA: Outer working angle (in pixels). mask_radius: Radius of the mask in pixels. (default = 7 pixels) Return: Masked cube. """ row_vec,col_vec = get_pos_known_objects(fakeinfohdr,object_name,pix2as,center=center,MJDOBS=MJDOBS,OI_list_folder=OI_list_folder, xy = False,pa_sep = False,ignore_fakes = ignore_fakes,fakes_only = fakes_only, include_speckles = include_speckles,IWA=IWA,OWA=OWA) cube_cpy = copy(cube) if np.size(cube_cpy.shape) == 3: nl,ny,nx = cube_cpy.shape elif np.size(cube_cpy.shape) == 2: ny,nx = cube_cpy.shape cube_cpy = cube_cpy[None,:] nl = 1 width = 2*mask_radius+1 stamp_x_grid, stamp_y_grid = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0,width,1)-width/2,np.arange(0,width,1)-width/2) stamp_mask = np.ones((width,width)) r_stamp = abs((stamp_x_grid) +(stamp_y_grid)*1j) stamp_mask[np.where(r_stamp < mask_radius)] = np.nan row_m = int(np.floor(width/2.0)) row_p = int(np.ceil(width/2.0)) col_m = int(np.floor(width/2.0)) col_p = int(np.ceil(width/2.0)) for row,col in zip(row_vec,col_vec): k = int(round(row)) l = int(round(col)) cube_cpy[:,(k-row_m):(k+row_p), (l-col_m):(l+col_p)] = np.tile(stamp_mask,(nl,1,1)) * cube_cpy[:,(k-row_m):(k+row_p), (l-col_m):(l+col_p)] return np.squeeze(cube_cpy)
[docs] def get_pos_known_objects(fakeinfohdr,object_name,pix2as,center=None,MJDOBS=None,OI_list_folder=None,xy = False,pa_sep = False,ignore_fakes = False,fakes_only = False, include_speckles = False,IWA=None,OWA=None): """ Return the position of real and/or simulated planets in an image based on its headers. Args: fakeinfohdr: fits file header containing the injected planets related keywords. object_name: Name of the star being observed. pix2as: platescale. center: Center of the image (not needed if pa_sep = True). MJDOBS: Julian date of the observation. (needed when OI_list_folder is not None) OI_list_folder: List of Object of Interest (OI) that should be masked from any standard deviation calculation. See the online documentation for instructions on how to define it. xy: Boolean. Returns the planets coordinate with x,y coordinates in pixels pa_sep: Boolean. Returns the planets coordinates as position angle (in arcsec), separation (in pix) ignore_fakes: Don't return fake planets. fakes_only: Returns only fake planets. include_speckles: Include speckles from the list of object of interest (OI_list_folder) IWA: Inner working angle (in pixels). OWA: Outer working angle (in pixels). Return: (sep_vec,pa_vec) or (x_vec,y_vec) or (row_vec,col_vec) (default) Objects coordinates (real/fakes/others). For e.g., sep_vec,pa_vec are vectors and (sep_vec[0],pa_vec[0]) is the coordinate of the first object and so on... """ x_vec = [] y_vec = [] col_vec = [] row_vec = [] pa_vec = [] sep_vec = [] if object_name is not None: _object_name = copy(object_name).replace(" ","_") if not fakes_only and MJDOBS is not None and OI_list_folder is not None: object_GOI_filename = OI_list_folder+os.path.sep+_object_name+'_GOI.csv' if len(glob(object_GOI_filename)) != 0: with open(object_GOI_filename, 'r') as csvfile_GOI_list: GOI_list_reader = csv.reader(csvfile_GOI_list, delimiter=';') GOI_csv_as_list = list(GOI_list_reader) attrib_name = GOI_csv_as_list[0] GOI_list = np.array(GOI_csv_as_list[1:len(GOI_csv_as_list)]) pa_id = attrib_name.index("PA") sep_id = attrib_name.index("SEP") MJDOBS_id = attrib_name.index("MJDOBS") STATUS_id = attrib_name.index("STATUS") MJDOBS_arr = np.array([ float(it) for it in GOI_list[:,MJDOBS_id]]) MJDOBS_unique = np.unique(MJDOBS_arr) MJDOBS_closest_id = np.argmin(np.abs(MJDOBS_unique-MJDOBS)) MJDOBS_closest = MJDOBS_unique[MJDOBS_closest_id] #Check that the closest MJDOBS is closer than 2 hours if abs(MJDOBS_closest-MJDOBS) > 2./24.: # Skip if we couldn't find a matching date. return [],[] for obj_id in np.where(MJDOBS_arr == MJDOBS_closest)[0]: try: pa = float(GOI_list[obj_id,pa_id]) radius = float(GOI_list[obj_id,sep_id]) if IWA is not None: if 1./pix2as*radius < IWA: continue if OWA is not None: if 1./pix2as*radius > OWA: continue status = str(GOI_list[obj_id,STATUS_id]) # print(status, include_speckles or (status in ["Planet","Background","Candidate","Unknown","Brown Dwarf"])) if include_speckles or (status in ["Planet","Background","Candidate","Unknown","Brown Dwarf"]): pa_vec.append(pa) sep_vec.append(radius) x_max_pos = float(1./pix2as*radius)*np.cos(np.radians(90+pa)) y_max_pos = float(1./pix2as*radius)*np.sin(np.radians(90+pa)) x_vec.append(x_max_pos) y_vec.append(y_max_pos) row_vec.append(y_max_pos+center[1]) col_vec.append(x_max_pos+center[0]) except: print("Missing data in GOI database for {0}".format(_object_name)) if not ignore_fakes: for fake_id in range(100): try: pa = fakeinfohdr["FKPA{0:02d}".format(fake_id)] radius = pix2as*fakeinfohdr["FKSEP{0:02d}".format(fake_id)] if IWA is not None: if 1./pix2as*radius < IWA: continue if OWA is not None: if 1./pix2as*radius > OWA: continue pa_vec.append(pa) sep_vec.append(radius) x_max_pos = float(1./pix2as*radius)*np.cos(np.radians(90+pa)) y_max_pos = float(1./pix2as*radius)*np.sin(np.radians(90+pa)) x_vec.append(x_max_pos) y_vec.append(y_max_pos) row_vec.append(y_max_pos+center[1]) col_vec.append(x_max_pos+center[0]) except: continue if pa_sep: return sep_vec,pa_vec elif xy: return x_vec,y_vec else: return row_vec,col_vec
[docs] def make_GOI_list(outputDir,GOI_list_csv,GPI_TID_csv): """ Generate the GOI files from the GOI table and the TID table (queried from the database). outputDir: Output directory in which to save the GOI files. GOI_list_csv: Table with the list of GOIs (including separation, PA...). delimiter=',' GPI_TID_csv: Table giving the TID code for a given object name. delimiter=',' :return: One .csv file per target for which at list one GOI exists. delimiter=';' The filename follows: [object]_GOI.csv. For e.g. c_Eri_GOI.csv. """ with open(GOI_list_csv, 'r') as csvfile_GOI_list: GOI_list_reader = csv.reader(csvfile_GOI_list, delimiter=',') GOI_csv_as_list = list(GOI_list_reader) attrib_name = GOI_csv_as_list[0] GOI_list = np.array(GOI_csv_as_list[1:len(GOI_csv_as_list)]) TID_id = attrib_name.index("TID") TID_GOI = GOI_list[:,TID_id] TID_unique = np.unique(TID_GOI) with open(GPI_TID_csv, 'r') as csvfile_TID: TID_reader = csv.reader(csvfile_TID, delimiter=',') TID_csv_as_list = list(TID_reader) TID_csv_as_nparr = np.array(TID_csv_as_list)[1:len(TID_csv_as_list),:] TID_campaign = np.ndarray.tolist(TID_csv_as_nparr[:,0]) star_campaign = np.ndarray.tolist(TID_csv_as_nparr[:,1]) #print(TID_campaign) #print(star_campaign) dict_matching_TID_to_name = {} for TID_it in TID_unique: star_raw_name = star_campaign[TID_campaign.index(TID_it)] star_name = star_raw_name.replace(" ","_") dict_matching_TID_to_name[TID_it] = star_name #print(dict_matching_TID_to_name) for TID_it in TID_unique: where_same_star = np.where(TID_GOI == TID_it) with open(outputDir+os.path.sep+dict_matching_TID_to_name[TID_it]+'_GOI.csv', 'w+') as csvfile: csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=';') table_to_csv = [attrib_name]+np.ndarray.tolist(GOI_list[where_same_star[0],:])#.insert(0,attrib_name) #print(table_to_csv) csvwriter.writerows(table_to_csv)