pyKLIP: om nom nom star


pyKLIP is a python library for direct imaging of exoplanets and disks. It uses an implmentation of KLIP and KLIP-FM to perform point spread function (PSF) subtraction. KLIP is based off of principal component analysis to model and subtract off the stellar PSF to look for faint exoplanets and disks and are around it.

pyKLIP is open source, BSD-licened, and available at this Bitbucket repo. You can use the issue tracker there to submit issues and all contributions are welcome!


  • Capable of running ADI, SDI, ADI+SDI with spectral templates to optimize the PSF subtraction

  • Library of KLIP-FM capabilties including forward-modelling a PSF, detection algorithms, and spectral extraction.

  • A Forward Model Matched Filter of KLIP is available for GPI as well as post-processing planet detection algorithms.

  • Parallelized with both a quick memory-intensive mode and a slower memory-lite mode

  • Modularized to support data from multiple instruments. Currently there are interfaces to P1640, GPI, SPHERE, CHARIS, MagAO/VisAO, and Keck/NIRC2.

  • If confused about what a function is doing, read the docstring for it. We have tried our best to document everything

  • See Release Notes for update notes

Bugs/Feature Requests

Please use the Issue Tracker on Bitbucket to submit bugs and new feature requests. Anyone is able to open issues.


The development of pyKLIP is led by Jason Wang with contributions made by Jonathan Aguilar, JB Ruffio, Rob de Rosa, Schuyler Wolff, Abhijith Rajan, Zack Briesemeister, Kate Follette, Maxwell Millar-Blanchaer, Alexandra Greenbaum, Simon Ko, Tom Esposito, Elijah Spiro, Pauline Arriaga, Bin Ren, Alan Rainot, Arthur Vigan, Johan Mazoyer, Graça Rocha, Jacob Golomb, Jea Adams, Aarynn Carter, Minghan Chen, Robert Thompson, Jens Kammerer, and Laurent Pueyo.

General pyKLIP Citation

If you use pyKLIP, please cite the Astrophysical Source Code Library record of it:

Analysis Feature Citations

If you use any of the KLIP forward modeling features, please cite:

If you use the FMMF, mathced filter, SNR map, or other related planet detection modules, please cite:

If you use the point source forward modelling framework to obtain astrometry or photometry of point sources, please cite:

If you use the point source spectral extraction forward modelling framework, please cite:

If you used the circumstellar disk forward modelling frameowrk, please cite:

If you used the planet evidence module for planet detection, please cite:

If you use the NMF algorithm, please cite:

Instrument Interface Citations

If you use the JWST interface, please cite:

If you use the CHARIS interface, please cite:

  • Chen, M., Wang, J. J., Brandt, T. D., et al. submitted.

If you use the Keck interface, please acknowledge Tom Esposito’s development of the interface in your Acknowledgements section.

If you use the MagAO/VisAO interface, please cite:


Indices and tables